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#MarketSentimentToday Bitcoin cena pieaug par 5% 24 stundu laikā līdz 64 000 USD Bitcoin ir pieaudzis vairāk nekā $ 64 000 un ir palielinājies par 5% 24 stundu laikā vietnē CoinMarketCap, vienu dienu pirms samazinājuma uz pusi. Pēc tirgotāju drūmā skatījuma Bitcoin cena pieauga līdz vairāk nekā $ 64k mazāk nekā stundas laikā. Bitcoin ir pieaudzis par vairāk nekā 5% 24 stundu laikā, vienu dienu pirms pusi notikuma. Bitcoin cena pieauga pēc zaudējumu dienas. BTC šobrīd CoinMarketCap ir nedaudz vairāk par 64 000 USD, kas ir vairāk nekā 5% 24 stundu laikā. Kad Bitcoin tuvojas ceturtajai pusei dienas un dažu stundu laikā, tirgos atgriežas pārliecība. Cenas izmaiņas Bitcoin būtiski nepastāvība pirms pusi Pēc nedēļas nogales ģeopolitiskajām grūtībām Bitcoin cena kritās un šonedēļ negaidīti atlēca. Nedēļa sākās ar optimismu un Bitcoin cenas pieaugumu pēc tam, kad Honkonga apstiprināja pirmo Bitcoin un Ethereum ETF partiju. Paziņojums mudināja plaši izmantot Bitcoin, kriptovalūtu un saistītos vienumus. Marathon teica, ka Bitcoin uz pusi rallijs ir ņemts vērā, savukārt Galaxy ir pozitīvi vērtējis cenu uzkrāšanos pirms pasākuma. Tomēr Goldman Sachs eksperti brīdināja par Bitcoin cenu. Ņemot vērā pašreizējos makro apstākļus, viņi brīdināja ekstrapolēt iepriekšējos ciklus un pusi notikuma nozīmi. Tomēr BlackRock joprojām ir vērīgs par Bitcoin un tā lietderību. Džejs Džeikobss, aktīvu pārvaldīšanas firmas ASV tematikas un alternatīvo ETF vadītājs, šonedēļ video runāja par Bitcoin potenciālu. Lerijs Finks, kurš iepriekš apsprieda BlackRock Bitcoin ETF, IBIT, teica, ka tas ir visstraujāk augošais jebkad. Ēriks Balchunas, Bloomberg vecākais ETF analītiķis, šodien runāja par Bitcoin ETF perspektīvām. Viņa vēstule radīja optimismu tirgotājiem, kuri bija pesimistiski noskaņoti par BTC ETF aizplūšanu. Pēc Balchunas domām, šai pieticīgajai maiņai nevajadzētu izraisīt ETF domāšanas veidu “viss ir tik beidzies”. Viņš atzīmēja, ka ETF kategorija parasti atdziest pēc straujā ātruma, bet neto plūsmas ir -223 miljoni USD, kas ir gandrīz 1% no 10 neto ieplūdēm kopš BTC ETF darbības uzsākšanas. Viņš teica, ka GBTC joprojām vada numuru. #Megadrop #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear


Bitcoin cena pieaug par 5% 24 stundu laikā līdz 64 000 USD

Bitcoin ir pieaudzis vairāk nekā $ 64 000 un ir palielinājies par 5% 24 stundu laikā vietnē CoinMarketCap, vienu dienu pirms samazinājuma uz pusi.

Pēc tirgotāju drūmā skatījuma Bitcoin cena pieauga līdz vairāk nekā $ 64k mazāk nekā stundas laikā.

Bitcoin ir pieaudzis par vairāk nekā 5% 24 stundu laikā, vienu dienu pirms pusi notikuma.

Bitcoin cena pieauga pēc zaudējumu dienas. BTC šobrīd CoinMarketCap ir nedaudz vairāk par 64 000 USD, kas ir vairāk nekā 5% 24 stundu laikā.

Kad Bitcoin tuvojas ceturtajai pusei dienas un dažu stundu laikā, tirgos atgriežas pārliecība.

Cenas izmaiņas Bitcoin būtiski nepastāvība pirms pusi

Pēc nedēļas nogales ģeopolitiskajām grūtībām Bitcoin cena kritās un šonedēļ negaidīti atlēca.

Nedēļa sākās ar optimismu un Bitcoin cenas pieaugumu pēc tam, kad Honkonga apstiprināja pirmo Bitcoin un Ethereum ETF partiju. Paziņojums mudināja plaši izmantot Bitcoin, kriptovalūtu un saistītos vienumus.

Marathon teica, ka Bitcoin uz pusi rallijs ir ņemts vērā, savukārt Galaxy ir pozitīvi vērtējis cenu uzkrāšanos pirms pasākuma.

Tomēr Goldman Sachs eksperti brīdināja par Bitcoin cenu. Ņemot vērā pašreizējos makro apstākļus, viņi brīdināja ekstrapolēt iepriekšējos ciklus un pusi notikuma nozīmi.

Tomēr BlackRock joprojām ir vērīgs par Bitcoin un tā lietderību. Džejs Džeikobss, aktīvu pārvaldīšanas firmas ASV tematikas un alternatīvo ETF vadītājs, šonedēļ video runāja par Bitcoin potenciālu.

Lerijs Finks, kurš iepriekš apsprieda BlackRock Bitcoin ETF, IBIT, teica, ka tas ir visstraujāk augošais jebkad.

Ēriks Balchunas, Bloomberg vecākais ETF analītiķis, šodien runāja par Bitcoin ETF perspektīvām. Viņa vēstule radīja optimismu tirgotājiem, kuri bija pesimistiski noskaņoti par BTC ETF aizplūšanu.

Pēc Balchunas domām, šai pieticīgajai maiņai nevajadzētu izraisīt ETF domāšanas veidu “viss ir tik beidzies”.

Viņš atzīmēja, ka ETF kategorija parasti atdziest pēc straujā ātruma, bet neto plūsmas ir -223 miljoni USD, kas ir gandrīz 1% no 10 neto ieplūdēm kopš BTC ETF darbības uzsākšanas. Viņš teica, ka GBTC joprojām vada numuru.

#Megadrop #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear

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Terra Luna Classic Price Prediction as Binance Burns 59 Billion Tokens: $10 LUNC LUNC has down 1% in 24 hours, with Terra Luna Classic falling $0.000108 while the crypto market gained 0.5% today. The altcoin has gained 1% in a week, 6.5% in a month, and 16% in a year. The latter proportion is low compared to larger coins, yet Binance burns little over 1 billion LUNC today, increasing its burn total to 59 billion. This raises the overall burn to 113.3 billion LUNC, and the Terra Luna Classic community is still trying to increase the burn count and improve the coin's usability, so price rises are likely. Terra Luna Classic Price Prediction as Binance Burns 59 Billion Tokens - $10 LUNC Incoming? LUNC's price has steadied in the previous hour, indicating upcoming rises. Its relative strength indicator (purple) rose to 60 after falling below 50 this morning, suggesting increases over the weekend as it approaches 70. After a two-day slowdown, the 30-day average (orange) has resumed advancing above the 200-day (blue). LUNC is performing well compared to its recent history, although its volume is little compared to big coins. At $21 million, it's 75% down from the first week of May and 97.5% down from early March. The crypto market is uninterested in LUNC, which it doubts will survive. Terra Luna Classic is making small gains as an asset, with Binance burning over 1 billion LUNC yesterday. LUNC burns altogether 113 billion, with the exchange burning 59 billion. This is just 1.66% of the LUNC supply, which may explain why previous fires haven't affected the coin's price. They nevertheless suggest that LUNC will make steady development in the next months as the Terra Luna Classic community debates and (sometimes) accepts recommendations to make the currency more viable. #altcoins #LUNC #USTC #Binance $LUNC
Almost Half of Notcoin's Value Has Been Lost Since its Airdrop Began Hours after its airdrop introduction, NOT, a TON network gaming coin, has persisted in its slump and is now down almost 50%. Similar to how cryptocurrency airdrops undergo huge sell-offs after their introduction, NOT's slide is following a similar trend. When compared to other types of cryptocurrency, gaming tokens have done quite poorly. Almost half of its value was lost in the first few hours after Thursday's expected introduction of NOT. This is only the latest example of the vicious cycle that airdrops of cryptocurrencies, such as gaming tokens, experience shortly after their launch: intense selling pressure. The NOT gaming coin, which aims to get players onto Web3, has been steadily descending since its airdrop introduction and has now fallen by about 50%, according to statistics from CoinMarketCap. NOT has been in the spotlight recently due to statements made by many cryptocurrency exchanges, including as Binance, OKEx, and Bybit, to include the coin in their launchpads. Just a few hours after Thursday's airdrop debut, Notcoin started trading on several exchanges with a fully diluted value (FDV) of $1 billion. After just one hour of trading, the token's volume reached $294 million. Despite claims that 35 million users had joined the gaming token's ecosystem, its value started to fall sharply. The price of NOT fell by half when airdrop farmers dumped their tokens. The fall of NOT is reminiscent of the steep sell-offs that several cryptocurrency airdrops saw shortly after their release. Have a look at this: Ton Foundation teams up with Hashkey to help Telegram wallet users enable crypto on-ramping. After its introduction, many predicted it would NOT spark a new wave of interest in gaming tokens, but it has so far failed to live up to those predictions. In 2024, tokens related to gaming have not done as well as other popular categories, like as memes and artificial intelligence. #notcoin #BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #MemeWatch2024 $NOT
⭐⭐The Dogecoin Market Is Booming Thanks To Short Selling⭐⭐ A surge of optimism has been recently riding Dogecoin's (DOGE) popularity, the meme-inspired cryptocurrency that has a dedicated fanbase. Investors were ecstatic when its price increased by about 8% in the last week. The future of this frisky pup's price trajectory is questionable, however, due to a recent action by a significant DOGE holder. Doge has been gleefully following the optimistic trend in the larger cryptocurrency market as of late. An enormous price rise occurred last week, and the good times continued with a 3% increase on the previous day. The price of DOGE jumped to a cheery $0.152 as a result, which is sure to put a smile on the face of all those investors who have been waiting for a steady increase. The celebration extended beyond the spot market as well. There was a corresponding uptick in activity in the derivatives market, with open interest in Dogecoin Futures increasing by a robust 9%. This points to a resurgence of interest among traders, especially those who are interested in using futures contracts to profit from possible price changes. This has the ability to set off a short squeeze, in which short sellers are compelled to repurchase DOGE in order to cover their holdings, thereby driving the price of the cryptocurrency upward. Whether or how this encouraging trend can overcome the possible selling pressure caused by a recent whale movement is an open question. Beware of Whales: Rumors Abound Over Huge Transfer A whale transaction sent waves of worry across the Dogecoin community at a time when DOGE was looking well. A staggering 200,000,000 DOGE, or around $30.86,000,000, was sent to the trading site Robinhood, according to data from Whale Alert. Many are wondering whether the whale is planning to sell off a large chunk of their assets, given this massive shift. The present rising momentum of DOGE might be halted if there is a big sell-off, which would put a lot of selling pressure on the market. #MemeWatch2024 #altcoins #DOGE $DOGE #elonMusk
🚀🚀🚀#BNB Held Over $570 on Friday Taiwanese authorities received money laundering assistance from Binance Financial Crime Compliance Department. The Taiwan Investigation Bureau received vital information from the exchange. Binance's Financial Crimes Compliance (FCC) department and Taiwan's Ministry of Justice resolved a NT$200 million ($6.2 million) money laundering case. Binance, which has been accused in various countries of not providing adequate control to prevent money laundering, said it has cooperated with law enforcement and criminal investigations. Friday's exchange news statement detailed the probe. The accused used digital assets to launder money and faked customer conversation logs, remittance evidence, and identification data. Binance helps authorities with money laundering Binance claimed its FCC team provided crypto flow information, met with investigators and prosecutors online, and identified money laundering suspects. Binance trained INTERPOL investigators on blockchain investigation in February. The exchange and the Netherlands' Fiscal Information and Investigation Service froze millions of Euros from the ZKasino fraud this month. The exchange announced law enforcement training programs and planned to work with 12 Taiwanese agencies with over 1,000 people. Binance's native token BNB held above crucial support. BNB held over $570 on Friday. The exchange's native token is up 1.18% to $576 on Binance. BNB is seeking resistance around $577, the 23.6% Fibonacci retracement of the March 5 low of $356.1 to the March 16 high of $645.20. BNB might sweep liquidity at $534.8, the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement, if it declines. BNB's RSI is 48.44, near to neutral, and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence indicator has red histogram bars below neutral, confirming the bearish thesis. BNB may recover to $645.20, its March 16 high. Resistance awaits the token at $593.10, its May 14 high. #altcoins #BTC #BinanceLaunchpool $BNB
Buy These 3 Altcoins Now to Ride the Next Crypto Spike 💰NULS: One of the most neglected cryptocurrencies, growing rapidly. 💰NEAR Protocol: Daily transactions are rising, indicating investor confidence and ecosystem expansion. 💰Sui: Its zkLogin invention improved social login capabilities. ⭐⭐⭐NULS NULS has fluctuated over the previous week, falling 3.71% in the last 24 hours and 5.38% in the last hour. It is presently trading at $0.60 to $0.62. What's life without some ups and downs? NULS has a $67 million market value and $2.84 million 24-hour trading volume, according to recent statistics. Market capitalization ranks it #498 in cryptocurrencies. The maximum NULS supply is 210 million, while the circulating supply is 108.50 million. NULS provides customisable services and a worldwide open-source community to help companies embrace blockchain technology. Its modular design speeds chain construction and lowers development expenses. ⭐⭐NEAR Protocol In Q1 2024, NEAR Protocol became a major blockchain participant. Recent gains have pushed NEAR over its 2022 high. Total locked value rose to $335 million, outperforming BTC and ETH.Daily transactions and stablecoin market value rose, demonstrating investor confidence and ecosystem expansion. NEAR price movements indicate a balance between buying and selling forces at a critical level. We expect NEAR to reach $20 by 2024 due to development milestones, ecosystem expansion, and blockchain acceptance. Industry adoption and established dApps on its platform may push NEAR to $100 or more by 2030. ⭐Sui Recent activity on the Sui blockchain exceeded Solana with 41 million daily transactions. Adoption is rising, suggesting an SUI token price recovery. Sui, known for its scalability and cheap costs, had 40.96 million daily transactions, greatly beyond its regular 1–2 million. This rise may be due to blockchain adoption, new dApp releases, and BytePlus and First Digital agreements. #altcoins #NULS #NEAR #sui #buythedip $NULS
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