Personal success is undoubtedly tied to the broader trends, whether in entrepreneurship, work, or trading. When there's no clear trend, it's essential to enrich oneself and learn more.

This circle indeed offers numerous opportunities, and it can be said to be the easiest place for ordinary people to leapfrog social classes. There are plenty of opportunities, and seizing just one can lead to a promising future.

However, the prerequisite for seizing these opportunities is to be well-prepared. For newcomers, the key is to be grounded and methodical, to learn and understand step by step. Since you've entered this circle, make sure you comprehend it thoroughly. In the future, you'll be able to boast about your involvement in blockchain, the great internet revolution—though that's a story for another time. Bear markets present ordinary people with the chance to turn their lives around and cross social classes! As long as you persist on the right path, time will reward you generously. If you don't persist, you won't become wealthy!

The market cycles, much like the natural order of the universe, alternate between chaos and order, depression and prosperity. After great turmoil comes great governance, followed by chaos, then depression. After great prosperity comes another period of depression.

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