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Atlikušas mazāk nekā 3 stundas, līdz XAI marķieris tiks publicēts pakalpojumā Binance.

XAI ir Xai, spēļu blokķēdes, kas izmanto AI un NFT, vietējais marķieris.

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The BRICS Bank, also known as the New Development Bank (NDB), has made a significant move in 2024 by granting a substantial $500 million loan to India for a major road-building project in Gujarat. This debut showcases not only the bank's financial prowess but also its global ambitions. The project, aimed at transforming 13,500 kilometers of rural roads, emphasizes innovation and resilience, incorporating advanced engineering approaches for climate-resilient infrastructure. Vladimir Kazbekov, NDB's Chief Operating Officer, highlights the bank's commitment to enhancing rural connectivity and fostering sustainable development. This move goes beyond a mere financial transaction, embodying a broader strategy to contribute to the well-being of its member states. The recent activities of the BRICS Bank signal its growing influence in international finance. The inclusion of new member states, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia, indicates a significant expansion and a geopolitical shift in global economics. However, Argentina's decision to decline membership underscores the challenges and complexities faced by the BRICS Bank in its pursuit of a more interconnected financial world. With Russia assuming the BRICS chairmanship in 2024, there is a focus on strengthening multilateralism and promoting equitable global development. President Vladimir Putin's vision extends beyond financial transactions, encompassing diverse areas like science, healthcare, ecology, culture, and sports. This broad approach challenges the status quo and aims to reshape global financial dynamics. As the BRICS Bank takes this inaugural step with the $500 million loan, it becomes evident that the institution is driven by a vision beyond monetary transactions. It envisions a world where development is sustainable, finance is inclusive, and international cooperation transcends economic interests. While the road ahead may pose challenges, this initial move suggests that the journey of the BRICS Bank is one worth monitoring closely.

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