šŸ‘‰Web 3.0 refers to the next generation of the Internet that aims to decentralize online platforms, increase user privacy and control, and enable peer-to-peer interactions. There are numerous protocols and technologies being developed to support the vision of Web 3.0. Here are 20 notable protocols in the Web 3.0 space:

1. Ethereum (ETH): The second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, Ethereum serves as a decentralized platform for smart contracts, dapps, and decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.

2. Polkadot (DOT): Polkadot is a multi-chain network that allows different blockchains to interoperate, enabling the transfer of assets and data across chains.

3. Filecoin (FIL): Filecoin is a decentralized storage network that allows users to rent out their unused hard drive space and receive rewards in the form of Filecoin cryptocurrency.

4. IPFS (InterPlanetary File System): IPFS is a peer-to-peer distributed file system that aims to replace, or at least augment, the traditional centralized HTTP protocol for content distribution.

5. Arweave (AR): Arweave is a decentralized storage network that uses a novel approach called the "blockweave" to permanently store data on-chain.

6. Cosmos (ATOM): Cosmos is a network of interoperable blockchains that allows for seamless communication and transfer of assets between different chains.

7. Golem (GLM): Golem is a decentralized marketplace for content computation, enabling users to rent out their idle computing power for tasks such as rendering CGI, AI training, and more.

8. Tezos (XTZ): Tezos is a self-amending blockchain platform that allows for on-chain governance and smart contracts.

9. Algorand (ALGO): Algorand is a scalable and secure blockchain platform that uses a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm to achieve decentralization.

10. IOTA (MIOTA): IOTA is a distributed ledger technology designed for the Internet of Things (IoT) that facilitates secure and feeless machine-to-machine transactions.

11. Solana (SOL): Solana is a high-performance blockchain platform that aims to scale and process thousands of transactions per second.

12. Avalanche (AVAX): Avalanche is a highly scalable and decentralized platform that enables the creation and execution of custom blockchain networks.

13. Chainlink (LINK): Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that connects smart contracts with real-world data and external APIs.

14. Avalanche (AVAX): Avalanche is a highly scalable and decentralized platform that enables the creation and execution of custom blockchain networks.

15. Sia (SC): Sia is a decentralized cloud storage platform that allows users to rent out or lease unused storage space directly.

16. NKN (New Kind of Network): NKN is a decentralized peer-to-peer networking protocol that aims to create a resilient and scalable internet infrastructure.

17. Helium (HNT): Helium is a decentralized wireless network that incentivizes individuals and organizations to build and maintain low-power, long-range wireless networks.

18. Handshake (HNS): Handshake is a decentralized domain name system (DNS) that aims to replace the traditional centralized system with a censorship-resistant and permissionless alternative.

19. NEAR Protocol (NEAR): NEAR is a developer-friendly blockchain platform that aims to provide scalable and user-friendly infrastructure for decentralized applications.

20. Cardano (ADA): Cardano is a blockchain platform that aims to provide a secure and scalable infrastructure for the development of decentralized applications and smart contracts.

These are just some of the notable Web 3.0 protocols and technologies that are playing a significant role in shaping the future of the decentralized Internet.


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