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Mr Money
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🔞ATJAUNINĀJUMS PAR 9. NOVEMBRA IEKŠĒJO PADOMU🔞 ⚠️ŠO NEGRIBĒTI LAIDOT garām!⚠️ Jūs visi skaidri atceraties, kā 9. novembrī es publicēju ierakstu, brīdinot par VAĻU izgāztuvi, kas spēcīgi iepļāva tirgum pa seju un nosūta to Lāču teritorijā 🐻💔 Daudzi mani labie kolēģi, kas atradās kaujas laukā [mūsu grupas slengs par spēlēšanu tirgū] tika sašauti gabalos, jo viņi ILGI spēlēja ar saviem SL, neskatoties uz maniem brīdinājumiem ❗☢️ Patiesību sakot, es mīlu savus biedrus, kuri ir ar mani jau ilgu laiku. Viņi ir vieni no labākajiem puišiem. Bet spēlēt ILGI, neskatoties uz manu brīdinājumu? C'mon, tas ir riskants solis. 🚨💣 Bet hei, mēs mācāmies no mūsu @$$h0le mirkļiem, vai ne? 🤷‍♂️📚 Tiem, kas šaubās, ka Tomass saka, ka es kļūdījos – lūk! 🎥 Ievietoju video, ko uzņēmu 9. datumā, lai brīdinātu kolēģus, zvanot trauksmi. Tagad sakiet man, vai mani brīdinājumi bija NEPAMATOTI? 🤨🚫 Un maniem uzticīgajiem sekotājiem, lūk, patiesības bumba — ja nevarat man uzticēties, nekavējoties nospiediet šo pogu Unfollow! ⛔️✌️ Es nenokļuvu ar to, ka kļūdījos. 💰💪 Šajā sc@mmers piepildītajā kriptoversā mums ir vajadzīga banda, kas uzticas viens otram. Mr Money Out. 🎤💼 #CryptoInsights #WhaleDumpSurvivor #BTC #etf #tothemoon P.S. lai redzētu video, pārbaudiet profilu. Video tiek publicēts atsevišķi vietnē Binance. Es nevaru to šeit iegult.



Jūs visi skaidri atceraties, kā 9. novembrī es publicēju ierakstu, brīdinot par VAĻU izgāztuvi, kas spēcīgi iepļāva tirgum pa seju un nosūta to Lāču teritorijā 🐻💔

Daudzi mani labie kolēģi, kas atradās kaujas laukā [mūsu grupas slengs par spēlēšanu tirgū] tika sašauti gabalos, jo viņi ILGI spēlēja ar saviem SL, neskatoties uz maniem brīdinājumiem ❗☢️

Patiesību sakot, es mīlu savus biedrus, kuri ir ar mani jau ilgu laiku. Viņi ir vieni no labākajiem puišiem. Bet spēlēt ILGI, neskatoties uz manu brīdinājumu? C'mon, tas ir riskants solis. 🚨💣

Bet hei, mēs mācāmies no mūsu @$$h0le mirkļiem, vai ne? 🤷‍♂️📚

Tiem, kas šaubās, ka Tomass saka, ka es kļūdījos – lūk! 🎥 Ievietoju video, ko uzņēmu 9. datumā, lai brīdinātu kolēģus, zvanot trauksmi. Tagad sakiet man, vai mani brīdinājumi bija NEPAMATOTI? 🤨🚫

Un maniem uzticīgajiem sekotājiem, lūk, patiesības bumba — ja nevarat man uzticēties, nekavējoties nospiediet šo pogu Unfollow! ⛔️✌️ Es nenokļuvu ar to, ka kļūdījos. 💰💪 Šajā sc@mmers piepildītajā kriptoversā mums ir vajadzīga banda, kas uzticas viens otram.

Mr Money Out. 🎤💼

#CryptoInsights #WhaleDumpSurvivor #BTC #etf #tothemoon

P.S. lai redzētu video, pārbaudiet profilu. Video tiek publicēts atsevišķi vietnē Binance. Es nevaru to šeit iegult.

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🚀FUNDAMENTALS: TAKING ACTION🚀 ⚠️READ BEFORE YOU DEEP DIVE⚠️ In the cryptoverse, it's not just about knowing; it's about putting that knowledge into play. Let's dive deep into why taking action is your golden ticket to success! 💡 Seize Opportunities! 💰 Crypto waits for no one. It's about recognizing a potential trade and seizing the moment. Waiting can mean missed chances. Timing is crucial in this fast-paced world. ⏰💸 Learn by Doing! 📚👨‍💼 Theory is essential, but application is where the magic happens. Take small steps, make trades, learn from wins AND losses. Experience is the best teacher. Get your hands dirty in the market! 📈💡 Overcome Analysis Paralysis! 🤔💡 Overthinking can be crippling. Sometimes, you've got to act based on your analysis. Trust your judgment, take calculated risks, and execute. Don't get stuck in endless analysis! 🚀📊 Adapt and Evolve! 🔄🌟 Markets change, strategies evolve. Taking action means adapting to market shifts. What worked yesterday might not today. Be flexible, adjust, and keep growing in response to market dynamics! 📈🌐 Manage Your Moves! 💼💡 Taking action doesn't mean being reckless. Manage your risks, set stop-loss orders, and have an exit strategy. Smart moves help protect your gains and minimize losses. 🛡️💰 Remember, in the crypto arena, taking action is the engine that drives success. It's not just about knowing what to do; it's about doing it! Start implementing, start learning, and watch your crypto journey skyrocket! 🚀🌟 #CryptoAction #TakeAction #CryptoSuccessStory $BTC $ETH $XRP #tothemoon 🚀🌕
🚀FUNDAMENTALS🚀 ⚠️SKIP AT YOUR OWN RISK⚠️ In the wild world of crypto trading, there's one fundamental habit that's a game-changer: Discipline. 🚀 It's not just about buying low and selling high; it's about mastering control, patience, and consistency. Let's dive deeper 💪 1. Stick to Your Plan 📝: Have a strategy and stick to it! Discipline means following your trading plan rigorously, no matter the market hype or fear. It's about resisting FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). ⚔️ It's about strategy, planning, and sticking to your game plan when the market throws curveballs. 🎯 2. Emotions in Check 🧘‍♂️: Trading can be an emotional rollercoaster. Discipline means keeping emotions at bay. Don't let excitement or panic dictate your decisions. Trade based on analysis, not emotions. 🚫😡 Think of it this way: discipline is your trading GPS, keeping you on track when emotions flare up. It's the foundation that turns impulsiveness into calculated moves. ⚡ 3. Risk Management 🎯: Never overlook this! Discipline involves managing risks wisely. Only risk what you can afford to lose and set stop-loss orders to safeguard your investments. Protecting capital is crucial. 💰 4. Learn and Evolve 📚: Stay hungry for knowledge. Discipline in trading means a commitment to continuous learning. Adapt, evolve, and refine your strategies based on experience and new information. 🌟 Remember, discipline isn't just a trait; it's a habit to cultivate DAILY. It separates successful traders from impulsive gamblers. Start practicing discipline, and watch your trading journey soar! 🌐💸 #CryptoTrading #DisciplineInTrading #StayDisciplined #CryptoAdvice $BTC $ETH $XRP #tothemoon 🚀🌕

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