wishes are wishes until when they do happen and it can't help but light up our faces making our lives a lot better be it for a brief moment or an eternity.

Christmas is the season of giving and through Binance, i have an opportunity to brighten the faces of people and leave a life changing memory etched on their minds forever.

My #BinanceWish is to give back to people in the spirit of Christmas, create memories whiles helping 40 less privileged people with the $25k.

1. The medical bills and treatment of 10 patients at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KTH) undergoing dialysis would have their treatment covered for 3 months.

2. The bills of 5 patients to undergo reconstructive surgery at the 'KTH' with consideration being on the severity and timeline for which treatment needs to proceed to have success would be paid for.

3. The bills of 25 patients at the maternity ward of the 'KTH' as well as the provision of baby food and supplies would be covered and provided based on a random selection with provision of spots made for mothers with multiple births (twin, triplets...etc)

4.Provide food, drinks and blankets for 100 street children

5. Finally get myself a playstation and have some gaming fun with friends and family, phone and a laptop so my phone finally gets to rest from checking my portfolio and charts all day everyday

@MarcoBarbosa @Arnold_Oribariho