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šŸ’°Solana's BONK Airdrop pārvērÅ”as vēja kritienā šŸ’² PagājuÅ”ajos Ziemassvētkos Solana izstrādātāji, LamportDAO kopienas dalÄ«bnieki, saņēma negaidÄ«tu, bet priecÄ«gu dāvanu: 25 miljardus BONK žetonu. Sākotnēji Ŕī gaisa kuÄ£a vērtÄ«ba bija 300Ā $, taču tagad tā vērtÄ«ba ir palielinājusies, pēdējā mēneÅ”a laikā demonstrējot astronomisku pieaugumu par 821%. MÅ«sdienu vērtÄ«ba? SatriecoÅ”i 500 000 USD, kas zÄ«mē milzÄ«gu bagātÄ«bu no Ŕķietami pieticÄ«ga sākuma. BONK viļņoÅ”anās efekts Solanas ekosistēmā BONK ievieÅ”ana Solanas ekosistēmā notika izŔķiroŔā laikā. Tirgus lejupslÄ«des laikā, kas Solana ir Ä«paÅ”i smaga saistÄ«bā ar FTX sabrukumu, BONK kļuva par pozitÄ«visma un kopienas gara signālu. Tā plaÅ”ajai izplatÄ«Å”anai DeFi tirgotājiem, NFT kolekcionāriem un māksliniekiem, kā arÄ« izstrādātājiem, bija galvenā loma Solanas kopienas morāles atjaunoÅ”anā. Uzmundrinājuma un finansiālas palÄ«dzÄ«bas sezona LamportDAO izstrādātāju reakcija uz sākotnējo gaisa pilienu bija sirdi sildoÅ”a. Dažiem tas nozÄ«mēja iespēju samaksāt bÅ«tiskus rēķinus skarbajā kriptoziemā. Viena izstrādātāja pateicÄ«bas izpausme par airdrop divu mēneÅ”u Ä«res maksu atspoguļo savlaicÄ«go BONK sniegto atbalstu. HODLing BONK mÅ«sdienu bagātÄ«ba Ātri uz priekÅ”u uz Å”odienu, un stāstÄ«jums ir ievērojami mainÄ«jies. Tie, kas turēja savus 25 miljardus BONK žetonu, tagad ir pārveidojuÅ”i to, kas kādreiz bija palÄ«dzÄ«ga roka grÅ«tos laikos, par pusmiljonu dolāru bagātÄ«bu. Tas ir spilgts kriptovalÅ«tu pasaules nestabilās, bet potenciāli ienesÄ«gās dabas piemērs. Pārdomas un gÅ«tās atziņas Solanas kopienai BONK stāsts ir vairāk nekā tikai par finansiālu labumu. Tas liecina par izturÄ«bu pret likstām un neparedzamo, bet dažkārt atalgojoÅ”o kriptovalÅ«tu ieguldÄ«jumu ceļojumu. Tā kā BONK turpina veidot Solanas stāstÄ«jumu, tas atstāj ilgstoÅ”u cerÄ«bas un labklājÄ«bas nospiedumu, atgādinot mums par negaidÄ«tu panākumu potenciālu nepārtraukti mainÄ«gajā kriptovalÅ«tu vidē.#BONK #ACE #SATS #INJ #BTC $ XRP $ SOL $ BONK

šŸ’°Solana's BONK Airdrop pārvērÅ”as vēja kritienā šŸ’²

PagājuÅ”ajos Ziemassvētkos Solana izstrādātāji, LamportDAO kopienas dalÄ«bnieki, saņēma negaidÄ«tu, bet priecÄ«gu dāvanu: 25 miljardus BONK žetonu. Sākotnēji Ŕī gaisa kuÄ£a vērtÄ«ba bija 300Ā $, taču tagad tā vērtÄ«ba ir palielinājusies, pēdējā mēneÅ”a laikā demonstrējot astronomisku pieaugumu par 821%. MÅ«sdienu vērtÄ«ba? SatriecoÅ”i 500 000 USD, kas zÄ«mē milzÄ«gu bagātÄ«bu no Ŕķietami pieticÄ«ga sākuma.

BONK viļņoÅ”anās efekts Solanas ekosistēmā

BONK ievieÅ”ana Solanas ekosistēmā notika izŔķiroŔā laikā. Tirgus lejupslÄ«des laikā, kas Solana ir Ä«paÅ”i smaga saistÄ«bā ar FTX sabrukumu, BONK kļuva par pozitÄ«visma un kopienas gara signālu. Tā plaÅ”ajai izplatÄ«Å”anai DeFi tirgotājiem, NFT kolekcionāriem un māksliniekiem, kā arÄ« izstrādātājiem, bija galvenā loma Solanas kopienas morāles atjaunoÅ”anā.

Uzmundrinājuma un finansiālas palīdzības sezona

LamportDAO izstrādātāju reakcija uz sākotnējo gaisa pilienu bija sirdi sildoÅ”a. Dažiem tas nozÄ«mēja iespēju samaksāt bÅ«tiskus rēķinus skarbajā kriptoziemā. Viena izstrādātāja pateicÄ«bas izpausme par airdrop divu mēneÅ”u Ä«res maksu atspoguļo savlaicÄ«go BONK sniegto atbalstu.

HODLing BONK mūsdienu bagātība

Ātri uz priekÅ”u uz Å”odienu, un stāstÄ«jums ir ievērojami mainÄ«jies. Tie, kas turēja savus 25 miljardus BONK žetonu, tagad ir pārveidojuÅ”i to, kas kādreiz bija palÄ«dzÄ«ga roka grÅ«tos laikos, par pusmiljonu dolāru bagātÄ«bu. Tas ir spilgts kriptovalÅ«tu pasaules nestabilās, bet potenciāli ienesÄ«gās dabas piemērs.

Pārdomas un gūtās atziņas

Solanas kopienai BONK stāsts ir vairāk nekā tikai par finansiālu labumu. Tas liecina par izturÄ«bu pret likstām un neparedzamo, bet dažkārt atalgojoÅ”o kriptovalÅ«tu ieguldÄ«jumu ceļojumu. Tā kā BONK turpina veidot Solanas stāstÄ«jumu, tas atstāj ilgstoÅ”u cerÄ«bas un labklājÄ«bas nospiedumu, atgādinot mums par negaidÄ«tu panākumu potenciālu nepārtraukti mainÄ«gajā kriptovalÅ«tu vidē.#BONK #ACE #SATS #INJ #BTC $ XRP $ SOL $ BONK

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šŸ¤”Market Manipulation Allegations Surface Against Scammer-Controlled Coindesk Coindesk, a leading cryptocurrency news outlet, came under new ownership, leading to significant concerns within the crypto community. The change in ownership has been swift to exhibit its influence, particularly in how the platform presents news and opinions. Questionable News Presentation A recent Coindesk article with a headline suggesting a rejection of Bitcoin Spot ETFs by the SEC, based on Matrixportā€™s opinion, has sparked controversy. Critics argue that the article presents an opinion as a factual statement, potentially misleading readers. Matrixportā€™s Opinion vs. Facts Matrixport, an entity not widely recognized, has stated that political reasons would lead to the rejection of Bitcoin Spot ETFs. However, this opinion overlooks the court ruling that supersedes political considerations in SECā€™s decision-making process. Coindeskā€™s Editorial Independence Questioned The credibility of Coindeskā€™s ā€˜independentā€™ editorial board is being scrutinized, especially considering the questionable nature of the article in question and the new ownershipā€™s background. New Ownersā€™ Controversial History Coindeskā€™s new owner, Bullish, a crypto exchange founded by, has a controversial history involving the EOS project. EOSā€™s troubled past, including allegations of colluding validators and scalability issues, has tainted Block.oneā€™s reputation. EOS Drama and Block.oneā€™s Role Block.oneā€™s involvement in EOS, including a massive $4 billion ETH raise and alleged market manipulation, has drawn criticism from EOS holders and the broader crypto community. The companyā€™s takeover of Coindesk is seen as an extension of its questionable practices. Skepticism Over Coindeskā€™s Integrity The crypto community is increasingly skeptical about Coindeskā€™s integrity as an independent news source, fearing it may now serve as a platform for market manipulation and biased reporting.#LUNC #OSMO #APT #ETH #Launchpool $BTC $ETH $BNB
šŸ’°šŸ”„Grayscaleā€™s Latest Strategic Shift on Spot Bitcoin ETFs Unveiled! Key Points ā€“ Grayscale gears up for spot Bitcoin ETF with SEC Form 8-A filing. ā€“ The move indicates readiness for rapid launch post-SEC approval. ā€“ Market and analysts anticipate positive news from the SEC soon. ā€“ Grayscaleā€™s action could catalyze significant shifts in the crypto investment landscape. Grayscale, a prominent player in the cryptocurrency investment space, has made a significant move in anticipation of approval from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for spot Bitcoin ETFs. The company has proactivelyĀ filedĀ Form 8-A with the SEC, registering securities to launch its much-awaited spot Bitcoin ETF. The Importance of Form 8-A Filing Form 8-A is a crucial legal document required by the SEC from organizations aiming to issue securities. Grayscaleā€™s completion of this mandatory step indicates its readiness for aĀ swift transitionĀ once the regulatory green light is received. Grayscaleā€™s Legal Officer Comments on the Filing Craig Salm, Grayscaleā€™s Chief Legal Officer, downplayed the significance of the filing in a social media post, stating, ā€œWe are just filling out some Forms.ā€ However, the move is seen as a clear indication of the firmā€™s preparation for a potential positive outcome from the SEC. Market Awaits SECā€™s Decision The cryptocurrency market and investors are eagerly awaiting the SECā€™s decision on the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs. This decision is anticipated to have a substantial impact on theĀ cryptocurrencyĀ market, potentially opening doors for mainstream investors to engage more directly with Bitcoin. Analysts Predict High Probability of Approval Bloomberg analysts Eric Balchunas and James Seffart have expressed optimism regarding the SECā€™s approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs. They predict a high likelihood of approval, with expectations set around January 10th for the possible announcement. #LUNC #OSMO #APT #ETH #Launchpool $BTC $ETH $SOL
šŸ‘‰Celsius Moves to Unstake Ethereum for Creditor Repayment Key Points ā€“Celsius begins unstaking 206,300 ETH, worth around $468.5 million, amidst bankruptcy proceedings. ā€“The crypto market is divided on the potential impact of this large-scale Ethereum movement. ā€“Celsiusā€™s strategic pivot from Bitcoin mining to asset rebalancing under scrutiny. ā€“The Ethereum market braces for potential fluctuations as Celsius navigates creditor repayments. Yello Paradisers! Celsius, the crypto lending platform mired in bankruptcy since July 2022, has embarked on a major financial maneuver. The company is set to unstake a substantial 206,300 Ethereum (ETH), valued at approximately $468.5 million. This strategic move is aimed at generating funds necessary for fulfilling creditor repayments as part of its ongoing bankruptcy proceedings. Market Speculation on Ethereum Impact Celsiusā€™s decision to unstake such a large amount of ETH has sparked diverse speculations in the crypto market. While some investors fear a potential sell-off or ā€œdumpā€ of Ethereum that could negatively affect its market value, others view this move as a relief for the Ethereum ecosystem, potentially easing pressure on the cryptocurrency. Celsiusā€™s Strategic Shift Raises Eyebrows Celsiusā€™s recent actions represent a significant shift from its previously announced post-bankruptcy focus on Bitcoin mining. This sudden change in strategy has not only surprised market participants but also attracted scrutiny from the bankruptcy court judge overseeing Celsiusā€™s case. Implications for the Crypto Market As Celsius proceeds with its asset rebalancing and Ethereum unstaking, the crypto community is closely observing the potential impacts. The unlocking of such a significant amount of Ethereum could influence market dynamics, either by introducing additional liquidity or by affecting investor sentiment.#Launchpool #BTC #LUNC #OSMO #APT $BTC $ETH $SOL
šŸŖ™šŸ’°Ex-White House Official Declares Bitcoin Spot ETF Approval ā€˜Done Deal,ā€™ Bloomberg Analysts Offer Clarifications Anthony Scaramucci, the former White House Communications Director turned millionaire, has the crypto world buzzing with a vague yet intriguing message: ā€œThis is over.ā€ While he didnā€™t specify the context, the timing of his statement has led many to speculate that he might be hinting at the long-awaited approval of Bitcoin Spot ETFs. Bloomberg Analyst Weighs In Eric Balchunas, a renowned Bloomberg analyst specializing in cryptocurrencies and ETFs, offered clarity amidst the growing speculation. He stated that although weā€™re closer than ever to a potential approval, thereā€™s still no official confirmation from the SEC. According to Balchunas, the SEC is currently finalizing its comments, after which the applicants will submit their final forms for consideration. Key Dates Ahead The crypto community is now keenly eyeing this Friday, a date highlighted by FOX Business reporter Eleanor Terrett, as a potential milestone for developments. If no progress is made by then, the next critical deadline is set for the following Wednesday, where the SEC is expected to make a decision. Market Impact This development has sent waves of anticipation through the cryptocurrency market, with investors and enthusiasts closely monitoring any official announcements from the SEC. The approval of Bitcoin Spot ETFs could be a game-changer, potentially unlocking new avenues for mainstream adoption and investment in Bitcoin.#BTC #ai #etf #Launchpool #ETH $XRP $SOL $MATIC

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