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XRP cenas prognoze: sagatavojieties 5000% Dieva svecei virs 30 USD ✅ "Dieva svece top" Piektdien kriptogrāfijas analītiķis Egrags Crypto nāca klajā ar savu jaunāko XRP cenas analīzi. Egraga secinājums par šo analīzi bija saistīts ar to, ko parasti sauc par “Dieva sveci”. Tas vienkārši nozīmē nepārtraukti pieaugošu cenu tendenci, kas atstāj taisnu zaļu līniju. XRP cena pieaugs par 5000% virs 30 USD Turpmākajā prognozē Egrag Crypto atklāj viņu cerības attiecībā uz XRP cenas iespējām. Ārpus jau noteiktajām bullish tendencēm analītiķis ļoti cer uz kriptovalūtu. Viņi diagrammā parāda, ka viņi sagaida vairāk nekā 5000% altcoin pieaugumu. X ziņojumā pievienotā diagramma iezīmē pieaugumu līdz vairāk nekā 30 USD. Šis cenu punkts ir novietots kaut kur 2025. gada laika posmā, jo analītiķis brīdina investorus, lai tie nenovirzītos tirgū. Egrags brīdina, ka "tas pārbaudīs jūsu emocijas, izaicinās jūsu pacietību un novērtēs jūsu izturību." Tomēr šķiet, ka peļņa ir lielāka, ja cena pārsniedz 30 USD līmeni. $XRP #BinanceSquare #CryptoTalks #CryptoNews #ripple #trendingnews

XRP cenas prognoze: sagatavojieties 5000% Dieva svecei virs 30 USD ✅

"Dieva svece top"

Piektdien kriptogrāfijas analītiķis Egrags Crypto nāca klajā ar savu jaunāko XRP cenas analīzi. Egraga secinājums par šo analīzi bija saistīts ar to, ko parasti sauc par “Dieva sveci”. Tas vienkārši nozīmē nepārtraukti pieaugošu cenu tendenci, kas atstāj taisnu zaļu līniju.

XRP cena pieaugs par 5000% virs 30 USD

Turpmākajā prognozē Egrag Crypto atklāj viņu cerības attiecībā uz XRP cenas iespējām. Ārpus jau noteiktajām bullish tendencēm analītiķis ļoti cer uz kriptovalūtu. Viņi diagrammā parāda, ka viņi sagaida vairāk nekā 5000% altcoin pieaugumu.

X ziņojumā pievienotā diagramma iezīmē pieaugumu līdz vairāk nekā 30 USD. Šis cenu punkts ir novietots kaut kur 2025. gada laika posmā, jo analītiķis brīdina investorus, lai tie nenovirzītos tirgū. Egrags brīdina, ka "tas pārbaudīs jūsu emocijas, izaicinās jūsu pacietību un novērtēs jūsu izturību." Tomēr šķiet, ka peļņa ir lielāka, ja cena pārsniedz 30 USD līmeni.

$XRP #BinanceSquare #CryptoTalks #CryptoNews #ripple #trendingnews

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Starknet populated by airdrop hunters ahead of token launch: Like many other airdrops, the much anticipated Ethereum L2 STRK airdrop has allegedly captured the attention of token farmers. A much-anticipated airdrop from Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution Starknet may be dominated by airdrop farmers. According to a February 15 report by Yearn Finance developer Banteg, 1,854 individuals allegedly renamed or deleted their accounts after a blockchain snapshot was taken for the basis of the Starknet airdrop next Monday. The Starknet Foundation will allocate 700 million STRK tokens out of a total of 1.8 billion to 1.3 million eligible wallet addresses on Feb. 20, with 50% of the tokens going to protocol users. However, citing GitHub data, Banteg claims that 1,175 out of the alleged 1,854 renamed accounts have identical historical GitHub IDs and that excluding such accounts from the airdrop snapshot would reduce the number of eligible wallets by 701,544. Airdrop hunters aim to make money by farming tokens from airdrops, hoping they will become valuable. Professional airdrop hunters utilize scripts to consolidate many different addresses into only a handful. Last March, it was revealed that airdrop hunters consolidated $3.3 million worth of tokens from the then Arbitrum (ARB) airdrop from 1,496 wallets into just two wallets they had controlled. Launched in December 2022, Starknet currently has $55 million in total value locked (TVL), with decentralized finance protocol Nostra accounting for approximately 30% of TVL volume. Ethereum solo and liquid stakes, Starknet developers and users, as well as projects and developers from outside the Web3 ecosystem, will be eligible for the airdrop. However, the airdrop is not available to be claimed by any persons or entities in the United States or the United Kingdom or by citizens of countries sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control. #Write2Earn #cryptoairdrops #Starknet
Even after a 550% increase in 2023, this altcoin still has 57x potential 🤑🤑🚀🚀 Finding long-term blockchain projects capable of growing in value and expanding their user base is one of the biggest challenges facing cryptocurrency investors due to the volatile nature of the asset class and the rapidly advancing technology that underpins it. One project that has managed to claw its way out of the depths of the crypto winter to see a resurgence in interest from both investors and blockchain users alike is Solana (SOL), a layer-one (L1) blockchain platform that looks to challenge Ethereum’s dominance in the realm of smart contract-supporting networks. Data provided by TradingView shows that Solana’s road to recovery began at the start of 2023, shortly after SOL bottomed out below $8 on some exchanges after reaching a high near $300 in November 2021. One of the main reasons that Solana crashed to the degree that it did was due to a close working relationship with FTX and its former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, who invested heavily in the project after recognizing its potential. As the FTX saga unfolded in late 2022 and throughout 2023, Solana distanced itself from the exchange and its disgraced former CEO and got back to improving the network, expanding its capabilities, and working to establish itself as a viable competitor in the L1 space. Since January 1, the price of SOL has surged 552% from $9.81 to a high of $63.96 on Nov. 11 amid rising institutional interest and the start of the next cryptocurrency bull market cycle. Profit-taking resulted in a pullback to $51.30 on Tuesday, but dip buyers soon arrived and pushed it back to $56.75, where it trades at the time of writing. “By 2030, our Solana valuation scenarios project a SOL price ranging from a bearish $9.81 to a bullish $3,211.28, anchored by varied market shares and revenue estimations across key sectors,” said Patrick Bush, senior investment analyst at VanEck, and Matthew Sigel, VanEck’s head of digital assets research. $SOL #Solana📈🚀🌐 #SolanaRise #CryptoNews

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