Games today have developed from the traditional consoles to virtual tools and more. And through #web3gaming we have seen more games with incentives and interesting metaverse to keep players addicted to their passion for thrills, or adventure.

I have played quite a few games, and won't say I'm a core gamer but through #SocialMining I've had the opportunity of researching several #Web3games and ecosystem patterns accessible on @DAO Labs .One of which caught my interest is Alien Worlds. Let's dive into this briefly.

Alien Worlds

This is an NFT metaverse game on Ethereum network, #Wax chain, and #BNB Smart Chain. It has a simulated economy, where players compete for scarce resources, including NFTs and in-game tokens. Whats more impressive is the real time statistics with over 9.5m active wallets, high performance in transactions more than 10 billion, and more than 23 millions of NFTs minted, the mining game has set a new standard for engagement and innovation amongst web3 games.

There are more interesting developments within the gaming multiverse as Alien Worlds is generally based on four pillars that drive the in-game ecosystem. Explorers or players, can engage through mining by acquiring and renting land and voting for Planetary governance to impact Trillium payouts. 

These four pillars are

1. Trilium ($TLM) token

2. NFT tools

3. Lands

4. Planet Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (Planet DAOs).

Image from Alien Worlds

Who are they creators of Alien Worlds?

It is important to know more about the origin of the creators of Alien Worlds and how this beautiful gaming platform started.

Basically two geniuses Sarojini McKenna and Michael Yeates are they brilliant minds. Both have previously worked together on the EOS blockchain before teaming up.

TLM - Trillium

This brings us into the in-game currency of Alien Worlds $TLM, there will be no beauty without decentralized incentive measures. Players or Explorers can earn this token as a incentives while playing core games in the Alien Worlds Metaverse.

TLM can also be staked to participate in the governance of the Planet DAOs.

Trillium Movement

1. Sustainability - for longevity

2. Competition Rewards - For in-game competition

Trillium (TLM) is available on top exchanges including Binance, Bitget and also Non-custodial wallets that supports Ethereum, WAX, and BNB Smart Chain blockchains.

The Play-to-Earn (#P2E ) model is well adopted today and can allow players to turn their in-game experiences into real-world rewards, offering earning opportunities to a wider variety of players around the world.

The Future of Gaming

I believe that Web3 games are changing the gaming landscape by combining fun experiences with real-world value. They permit players to earn and trade digital assets, adding a new dimension to gaming.

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