In a significant move, address 0x64C…cA655 received 70 million $GMT tokens, valued at $10.23 million, just 20 minutes ago. This address is believed to belong to an early investor or participant in the $GMT project.

Seven months prior, this same address received 100 million $GMT, worth $28.01 million, from the same sender. Notably, all of those tokens were transferred to Binance within 40 minutes of receipt.

地址 0x64C…cA655 于 20 分钟前收到 7000 万枚 $GMT ,价值 1023 万美金,或为 GMT 早期投资人 / 参与者

七个月前该地址也曾从相同地址处收到 1 亿枚 GMT,价值 2801 万美金,收到后 40 分钟就全部转移至 #Binance…

— Ai 姨 (@ai_9684xtpa) July 4, 2024

Following the recent inflow, all 70 million $GMT have been transferred to a new address, 0x25c…886a6, just hours later. According to PaokaDAO co-founder @_wangjiaran, this new receiving address is part of the Binance pGMT liquidity pool.

更新:13 分钟前 7000 万枚 $GMT 已被全部转移至新地址 0x25c…886a6,该地址可能是币安充值地址(缺乏地址标签暂时无法确认),依据如下👇

1️⃣过去三次币安充值地址均不相同,这次同样是转移至新地址2️⃣ 过去几次充值币安也是先进行小额测试,只是每次测试代币数量不同


— Ai 姨 (@ai_9684xtpa) July 4, 2024

Over 28 Million $GMT LOcked On The Chain As Part Of This Move

The increased circulation of $GMT is linked to the Alpha Draw staking lottery initiated by STEPNGO. Currently, 28,481,615 $GMT has been locked on the chain as part of this initiative. These tokens are set to remain locked until April 19, 2028, ensuring a controlled release over the next four years.

更新:感谢 @_wangjiaran 提供的信息,该接收地址归属于币安 pGMT 流动性池

出现大额流转是因为 STEPNGO 发起的 Alpha Draw 质押抽奖活动,目前链上已锁仓 28,481,615 $GMT,抽奖部分的 GMT 都将在 4 年后(2028 年 4 月 19 日)解锁

— Ai 姨 (@ai_9684xtpa) July 4, 2024

This substantial movement of $GMT highlights ongoing strategic activities by significant stakeholders within the GMT ecosystem. The quick transfer to a new liquidity pool indicates a strategic approach to managing and potentially leveraging these assets.

The association with the Alpha Draw staking lottery further emphasizes the ongoing efforts to engage the community and enhance token utility through innovative programs.

As the market observes these developments, the actions of early investors and key participants will be crucial in shaping the future dynamics of $GMT.

The involvement in liquidity pools and staking lotteries reflects a broader trend of integrating tokens into diverse financial mechanisms, which could influence market behavior and investor sentiment in the long term.

Disclosure: This is not trading or investment advice. Always do your research before buying any cryptocurrency or investing in any services.

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The post Early Investor Moves 70 Million $GMT In Major Transaction appeared first on The Merkle News.