🏦 The Basel Committee has been busy! They've been cooking up some new rules for banks' crypto exposure as part of the Basel III reforms. The goal? More transparency and market discipline. 🕵️‍♂️

The committee proposed a framework in December 2022, and after some tweaks and revisions, it's set to be published later this month. The framework includes a 1,250% risk weight for crypto, meaning banks need to have capital equal to their crypto exposure. 🏦💰

Stablecoins get a new designation, but those with "ineffective stabilisation mechanisms" get lumped in with the high-risk assets. The committee also discussed the implications of banks issuing stablecoins. 🪙

In addition to Basel's new standards, stablecoin issuers must also meet new MiCA regulations. Changes to the Basel III standards will take effect on Jan. 1, 2026. So, buckle up, crypto world! It's gonna be a bumpy ride! 🎢