Binance Square


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🚀 Pi Network & Binance saraksts: vai tas ir spēles pārveidotājs?** **Pi Network kopiena ir spēks, ar kuru jārēķinās!** Ar miljoniem veltītu lietotāju visā pasaulē, viņu kolektīvā spēks varētu būt atslēga, lai nodrošinātu **Binance sarakstu.** Bet kas padara šo sarakstu iespējamu? Apskatīsim to tuvāk: ✅ **Spēcīga kopienas atbalsts** – Liela, aktīva lietotāju bāze rada reālu pieprasījumu, padarot Pi Coin par pievilcīgu opciju biržām. ✅ **Neatlaidīga aizstāvēšana** – Pi kopiena ir bijusi **skaidri un skanīgi** par to, ka vēlas Pi Coin Binance. Kad lietotāji apvienojas, biržas to pamanīs! ✅ **Nākotnes pieņemšanas potenciāls** – Spēcīga kopiena nozīmē spēcīgu ekosistēmu, palielinot Pi Coin panākumu izredzes kriptovalūtu telpā. 🔥 **Bet vai Binance saraksts ir garantēts?** Vēl ne! Šeit ir tas, kas vēl jādara: 🔹 **Galvenā tīkla palaišana** – Pi Coin ir jāpāriet uz atvērtu galveno tīklu, lai nodrošinātu pilnu funkcionalitāti un tirgojamību. 🔹 **Regulējošā atbilstība** – Binance seko stingriem saraksta kritērijiem, un Pi Network ir jāatbilst juridiskajiem standartiem. 🔹 **Projekta dzīvotspēja** – Lietderība, tehnoloģija un ilgtermiņa ilgtspēja noteiks Binance lēmumu. 💡 **Kas ir nākamais?** Pi Network progress un kopienas spēks ir izšķiroši, lai saraksts kļūtu par realitāti. Turpiniet virzīties uz priekšu, palieciet informēti un sekojiet **oficiālajiem Pi Network paziņojumiem** jaunumiem! #VoteToListOnBinance #PoWMiningNotSecu #WhaleMovements #Binance #ListingDay #shiba⚡ #Soon
🚀 Pi Network & Binance saraksts: vai tas ir spēles pārveidotājs?**

**Pi Network kopiena ir spēks, ar kuru jārēķinās!** Ar miljoniem veltītu lietotāju visā pasaulē, viņu kolektīvā spēks varētu būt atslēga, lai nodrošinātu **Binance sarakstu.** Bet kas padara šo sarakstu iespējamu? Apskatīsim to tuvāk:

✅ **Spēcīga kopienas atbalsts** – Liela, aktīva lietotāju bāze rada reālu pieprasījumu, padarot Pi Coin par pievilcīgu opciju biržām.
✅ **Neatlaidīga aizstāvēšana** – Pi kopiena ir bijusi **skaidri un skanīgi** par to, ka vēlas Pi Coin Binance. Kad lietotāji apvienojas, biržas to pamanīs!
✅ **Nākotnes pieņemšanas potenciāls** – Spēcīga kopiena nozīmē spēcīgu ekosistēmu, palielinot Pi Coin panākumu izredzes kriptovalūtu telpā.

🔥 **Bet vai Binance saraksts ir garantēts?** Vēl ne! Šeit ir tas, kas vēl jādara:

🔹 **Galvenā tīkla palaišana** – Pi Coin ir jāpāriet uz atvērtu galveno tīklu, lai nodrošinātu pilnu funkcionalitāti un tirgojamību.
🔹 **Regulējošā atbilstība** – Binance seko stingriem saraksta kritērijiem, un Pi Network ir jāatbilst juridiskajiem standartiem.
🔹 **Projekta dzīvotspēja** – Lietderība, tehnoloģija un ilgtermiņa ilgtspēja noteiks Binance lēmumu.

💡 **Kas ir nākamais?** Pi Network progress un kopienas spēks ir izšķiroši, lai saraksts kļūtu par realitāti. Turpiniet virzīties uz priekšu, palieciet informēti un sekojiet **oficiālajiem Pi Network paziņojumiem** jaunumiem!

#VoteToListOnBinance #PoWMiningNotSecu #WhaleMovements #Binance #ListingDay #shiba⚡ #Soon
everyone with free tokens looking for liquidity and someone else to buy their tokens. a powerful community but without liquidity it seems
#VoteToListOnBinance #WhaleMovements #BinanceSquareTalks #binance #ListingDay #soon #soon Yes, the **Pi Network community is powerful**, and its strong support could play a role in making a **Binance listing possible** in the future. Here's why: 1. **Community Strength**: The Pi Network has millions of active, dedicated users worldwide. This large and engaged community demonstrates significant interest and demand for Pi Coin, which could attract exchanges like Binance.



#binance #ListingDay #soon #soon
Yes, the **Pi Network community is powerful**, and its strong support could play a role in making a **Binance listing possible** in the future. Here's why:

1. **Community Strength**: The Pi Network has millions of active, dedicated users worldwide. This large and engaged community demonstrates significant interest and demand for Pi Coin, which could attract exchanges like Binance.
#VoteToListOnBinance 🚀 Pi Network & Binance Listing: A Game-Changer?** The **Pi Network community is a force to be reckoned with!** With millions of dedicated users worldwide, their collective strength could be the key to securing a **Binance listing.** But what makes this listing possible? Let’s break it down: ✅ **Powerful Community Support** – A massive, engaged user base creates real demand, making Pi Coin an attractive option for exchanges. ✅ **Relentless Advocacy** – The Pi community has been **loud and clear** about wanting Pi Coin on Binance. When users unite, exchanges take notice! ✅ **Future Adoption Potential** – A strong community means a strong ecosystem, increasing the chances of Pi Coin’s success in the crypto space. 🔥 **But is a Binance listing guaranteed?** Not yet! Here’s what still needs to happen: 🔹 **Mainnet Launch** – Pi Coin must transition to an open mainnet for full functionality and tradeability. 🔹 **Regulatory Compliance** – Binance follows strict listing criteria, and Pi Network must meet legal standards. 🔹 **Project Viability** – Utility, technology, and long-term sustainability will determine Binance’s decision. 💡 **What’s next?** Pi Network’s progress and community strength are crucial in making a listing a reality. Keep pushing, stay informed, and follow **official Pi Network announcements** for updates! #VoteToListOnBinance #PoWMiningNotSecu #WhaleMovements #Binance #ListingDay #shiba⚡ #Soon
#VoteToListOnBinance 🚀 Pi Network & Binance Listing: A Game-Changer?**
The **Pi Network community is a force to be reckoned with!** With millions of dedicated users worldwide, their collective strength could be the key to securing a **Binance listing.** But what makes this listing possible? Let’s break it down:
✅ **Powerful Community Support** – A massive, engaged user base creates real demand, making Pi Coin an attractive option for exchanges.
✅ **Relentless Advocacy** – The Pi community has been **loud and clear** about wanting Pi Coin on Binance. When users unite, exchanges take notice!
✅ **Future Adoption Potential** – A strong community means a strong ecosystem, increasing the chances of Pi Coin’s success in the crypto space.
🔥 **But is a Binance listing guaranteed?** Not yet! Here’s what still needs to happen:
🔹 **Mainnet Launch** – Pi Coin must transition to an open mainnet for full functionality and tradeability.
🔹 **Regulatory Compliance** – Binance follows strict listing criteria, and Pi Network must meet legal standards.
🔹 **Project Viability** – Utility, technology, and long-term sustainability will determine Binance’s decision.
💡 **What’s next?** Pi Network’s progress and community strength are crucial in making a listing a reality. Keep pushing, stay informed, and follow **official Pi Network announcements** for updates!
#VoteToListOnBinance #PoWMiningNotSecu #WhaleMovements #Binance #ListingDay #shiba⚡ #Soon
Pi Network & Binance Listing: A Game-Changer?** The **Pi Network community is a force to be reckoned with!** With millions of dedicated users worldwide, their collective strength could be the key to securing a **Binance listing.** But what makes this listing possible? Let’s break it down: ✅ **Powerful Community Support** – A massive, engaged user base creates real demand, making Pi Coin an attractive option for exchanges. ✅ **Relentless Advocacy** – The Pi community has been **loud and clear** about wanting Pi Coin on Binance. When users unite, exchanges take notice! ✅ **Future Adoption Potential** – A strong community means a strong ecosystem, increasing the chances of Pi Coin’s success in the crypto space. 🔥 **But is a Binance listing guaranteed?** Not yet! Here’s what still needs to happen: 🔹 **Mainnet Launch** – Pi Coin must transition to an open mainnet for full functionality and tradeability. 🔹 **Regulatory Compliance** – Binance follows strict listing criteria, and Pi Network must meet legal standards. 🔹 **Project Viability** – Utility, technology, and long-term sustainability will determine Binance’s decision. 💡 **What’s next?** Pi Network’s progress and community strength are crucial in making a listing a reality. Keep pushing, stay informed, and follow **official Pi Network announcements** for updates! #VoteToListOnBinance #PoWMiningNotSecu #WhaleMovements #Binance #ListingDay #shiba⚡ #Soon
Pi Network & Binance Listing: A Game-Changer?**
The **Pi Network community is a force to be reckoned with!** With millions of dedicated users worldwide, their collective strength could be the key to securing a **Binance listing.** But what makes this listing possible? Let’s break it down:
✅ **Powerful Community Support** – A massive, engaged user base creates real demand, making Pi Coin an attractive option for exchanges.
✅ **Relentless Advocacy** – The Pi community has been **loud and clear** about wanting Pi Coin on Binance. When users unite, exchanges take notice!
✅ **Future Adoption Potential** – A strong community means a strong ecosystem, increasing the chances of Pi Coin’s success in the crypto space.
🔥 **But is a Binance listing guaranteed?** Not yet! Here’s what still needs to happen:
🔹 **Mainnet Launch** – Pi Coin must transition to an open mainnet for full functionality and tradeability.
🔹 **Regulatory Compliance** – Binance follows strict listing criteria, and Pi Network must meet legal standards.
🔹 **Project Viability** – Utility, technology, and long-term sustainability will determine Binance’s decision.
💡 **What’s next?** Pi Network’s progress and community strength are crucial in making a listing a reality. Keep pushing, stay informed, and follow **official Pi Network announcements** for updates!
#VoteToListOnBinance #PoWMiningNotSecu #WhaleMovements #Binance #ListingDay #shiba⚡ #Soon
🚀 Pi Network & Binance saraksts: vai tas ir spēles pārveidotājs?**

**Pi Network kopiena ir spēks, ar kuru jārēķinās!** Ar miljoniem veltītu lietotāju visā pasaulē, viņu kolektīvā spēks varētu būt atslēga, lai nodrošinātu **Binance sarakstu.** Bet kas padara šo sarakstu iespējamu? Apskatīsim to tuvāk:

✅ **Spēcīga kopienas atbalsts** – Liela, aktīva lietotāju bāze rada reālu pieprasījumu, padarot Pi Coin par pievilcīgu opciju biržām.
✅ **Neatlaidīga aizstāvēšana** – Pi kopiena ir bijusi **skaidri un skanīgi** par to, ka vēlas Pi Coin Binance. Kad lietotāji apvienojas, biržas to pamanīs!
✅ **Nākotnes pieņemšanas potenciāls** – Spēcīga kopiena nozīmē spēcīgu ekosistēmu, palielinot Pi Coin panākumu izredzes kriptovalūtu telpā.

🔥 **Bet vai Binance saraksts ir garantēts?** Vēl ne! Šeit ir tas, kas vēl jādara:

🔹 **Galvenā tīkla palaišana** – Pi Coin ir jāpāriet uz atvērtu galveno tīklu, lai nodrošinātu pilnu funkcionalitāti un tirgojamību.
🔹 **Regulējošā atbilstība** – Binance seko stingriem saraksta kritērijiem, un Pi Network ir jāatbilst juridiskajiem standartiem.
🔹 **Projekta dzīvotspēja** – Lietderība, tehnoloģija un ilgtermiņa ilgtspēja noteiks Binance lēmumu.

💡 **Kas ir nākamais?** Pi Network progress un kopienas spēks ir izšķiroši, lai saraksts kļūtu par realitāti. Turpiniet virzīties uz priekšu, palieciet informēti un sekojiet **oficiālajiem Pi Network paziņojumiem** jaunumiem!

#VoteToListOnBinance #PoWMiningNotSecu #WhaleMovements #Binance #ListingDay #shiba⚡ #Soon
#VoteToListOnBinance The **Pi Network community is a force to be reckoned with!** With millions of dedicated users worldwide, their collective strength could be the key to securing a **Binance listing.** But what makes this listing possible? Let’s break it down: ✅ **Powerful Community Support** – A massive, engaged user base creates real demand, making Pi Coin an attractive option for exchanges. ✅ **Relentless Advocacy** – The Pi community has been **loud and clear** about wanting Pi Coin on Binance. When users unite, exchanges take notice! ✅ **Future Adoption Potential** – A strong community means a strong ecosystem, increasing the chances of Pi Coin’s success in the crypto space. 🔥 **But is a Binance listing guaranteed?** Not yet! Here’s what still needs to happen: 🔹 **Mainnet Launch** – Pi Coin must transition to an open mainnet for full functionality and tradeability. 🔹 **Regulatory Compliance** – Binance follows strict listing criteria, and Pi Network must meet legal standards. 🔹 **Project Viability** – Utility, technology, and long-term sustainability will determine Binance’s decision. 💡 **What’s next?** Pi Network’s progress and community strength are crucial in making a listing a reality. Keep pushing, stay informed, and follow **official Pi Network announcements** for updates! #VoteToListOnBinance #PoWMiningNotSecu #WhaleMovements #Binance #ListingDay #shiba⚡ #Soon
#VoteToListOnBinance The **Pi Network community is a force to be reckoned with!** With millions of dedicated users worldwide, their collective strength could be the key to securing a **Binance listing.** But what makes this listing possible? Let’s break it down:
✅ **Powerful Community Support** – A massive, engaged user base creates real demand, making Pi Coin an attractive option for exchanges.
✅ **Relentless Advocacy** – The Pi community has been **loud and clear** about wanting Pi Coin on Binance. When users unite, exchanges take notice!
✅ **Future Adoption Potential** – A strong community means a strong ecosystem, increasing the chances of Pi Coin’s success in the crypto space.
🔥 **But is a Binance listing guaranteed?** Not yet! Here’s what still needs to happen:
🔹 **Mainnet Launch** – Pi Coin must transition to an open mainnet for full functionality and tradeability.
🔹 **Regulatory Compliance** – Binance follows strict listing criteria, and Pi Network must meet legal standards.
🔹 **Project Viability** – Utility, technology, and long-term sustainability will determine Binance’s decision.
💡 **What’s next?** Pi Network’s progress and community strength are crucial in making a listing a reality. Keep pushing, stay informed, and follow **official Pi Network announcements** for updates!
#VoteToListOnBinance #PoWMiningNotSecu #WhaleMovements #Binance #ListingDay #shiba⚡ #Soon
Skatīt oriģinālu
flipping this score over into more telegram farms and projects btw. no taking profits or anything yet. #moonbixsurprise you can join my channel at the link below and i’ll give you all info about hot projects and their airdrops and how to get the best possible drops out of them and all i ask in return is to be my invitees in decent projects which will score you 50-200 usd each. #soon so its basically free and the channel is just empty atm because i havent gotten around to it yet so take your place as the #AirdropSeason is coming and you will not want to miss these #rewards search tonbunn on telegram and join the channel named airdrops again the username is tonbunn lets f go!!
flipping this score over into more telegram farms and projects btw. no taking profits or anything yet. #moonbixsurprise

you can join my channel at the link below and i’ll give you all info about hot projects and their airdrops and how to get the best possible drops out of them and all i ask in return is to be my invitees in decent projects which will score you 50-200 usd each. #soon

so its basically free and the channel is just empty atm because i havent gotten around to it yet so take your place as the #AirdropSeason is coming and you will not want to miss these #rewards

search tonbunn on telegram and join the channel named airdrops

again the username is tonbunn

lets f go!!
#cats just got listed on many major exchanges and made a very handsome profit off it. congrats to all catters who farmed and got their rewards in the end.

bought the og pass for 1 ton and used the 98+ usd to buy 18.9 ton. easisest and fastest way to do 18x. good score.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC uzstāda jaunu rekordu, sasniedzot 108 000 USD šodien! Kamēr $TON Blockchain izceļas kā TON Stacija #SOON , kļūstot par augstākās klases premium spēļu Web2/Web3 platformu Telegramā, ko izstrādājuši milži spēļu industrijā. Bitget stimulē lietotājus iemaksāt $SOON ar ekskluzīvām balvām viņu iemaksu pasākuma kampaņā. $SOL
$BTC uzstāda jaunu rekordu, sasniedzot 108 000 USD šodien! Kamēr $TON Blockchain izceļas kā TON Stacija #SOON , kļūstot par augstākās klases premium spēļu Web2/Web3 platformu Telegramā, ko izstrādājuši milži spēļu industrijā. Bitget stimulē lietotājus iemaksāt $SOON ar ekskluzīvām balvām viņu iemaksu pasākuma kampaņā.
Dont miss #soon $BTC now 67k and $BNB 569 Don't miss this chances to buy & Hold Guys
Dont miss #soon $BTC now 67k and $BNB 569 Don't miss this chances to buy & Hold Guys
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
$SOON uz $TON  Blockchain ir ļoti solīgs un iespaidīgs projekts. Bet saraksta cena ir pārāk zema, kas 0.00024 $ ir negaidīti. Ja kāds saņem #SOON , turpiniet un #Turiet ilgi. Es esmu optimistisks par $SOON drīz. Ko tu domā? Lūdzu, komentējiet savas gaidas par Ton Station projektu. #Telegram #Project  #Crypto #Bitcoin $BTC $BNB
$SOON uz $TON  Blockchain ir ļoti solīgs un iespaidīgs projekts. Bet saraksta cena ir pārāk zema, kas 0.00024 $ ir negaidīti.

Ja kāds saņem #SOON , turpiniet un #Turiet ilgi.

Es esmu optimistisks par $SOON drīz. Ko tu domā?

Lūdzu, komentējiet savas gaidas par Ton Station projektu.

#Telegram #Project  #Crypto #Bitcoin

Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mina drīzumā 😉 Pievērsiet uzmanību, parasti pēc tam cena paaugstinās par 15%-30% Tiem, kam pietrūkst monētas, iesaku samazināt rezervi līdz minimumam ✔️ #UFO #mina #Mina #soon $
Mina drīzumā 😉
Pievērsiet uzmanību, parasti pēc tam cena paaugstinās par 15%-30%
Tiem, kam pietrūkst monētas, iesaku samazināt rezervi līdz minimumam ✔️
#UFO #mina #Mina #soon $
Skatīt oriģinālu
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