Binance Square


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🔵 This week will be very important in terms of economic data. Here are the most important things to come: • Monday, there will be a speech by Jerome Powell, Chairman of the US Federal Reserve. • On Tuesday, the US Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index and the US Job Openings Statement will be issued in the afternoon, and these statements will have a significant impact on market movement. • On Wednesday, the US Non-Agricultural Private Sector Employment Change Statement will be issued in the afternoon, which will have a significant impact on market movement. • On Thursday, the US Services Purchasing Managers Index statement will be issued in the afternoon. • Friday will be very important and will have a very significant impact on market movement, as data on jobs, unemployment and wages will be issued in the afternoon from the United States of America. #Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
🔵 This week will be very important in terms of economic data. Here are the most important things to come:

• Monday, there will be a speech by Jerome Powell, Chairman of the US Federal Reserve.

• On Tuesday, the US Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index and the US Job Openings Statement will be issued in the afternoon, and these statements will have a significant impact on market movement.

• On Wednesday, the US Non-Agricultural Private Sector Employment Change Statement will be issued in the afternoon, which will have a significant impact on market movement.

• On Thursday, the US Services Purchasing Managers Index statement will be issued in the afternoon.

• Friday will be very important and will have a very significant impact on market movement, as data on jobs, unemployment and wages will be issued in the afternoon from the United States of America.

#Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris made her first comments on the crypto industry at a recent fundraiser, incorporating AI and crypto into her vision for an opportunity economy that would encourage the development of innovative technologies such as AI and digital assets while protecting consumer and investor rights. #Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris made her first comments on the crypto industry at a recent fundraiser, incorporating AI and crypto into her vision for an opportunity economy that would encourage the development of innovative technologies such as AI and digital assets while protecting consumer and investor rights.

#Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
Skatīt oriģinālu
🌎 [Ātri fakti]: 1. Francijas finanšu ministrs sagaida, ka 2025. gada deficīts būs nedaudz virs 5%. 2. Japānas rūpnīcu aktivitāte decembrī saruka lēnāk. 3. Vai ASV un Apvienotā Karaliste pievienosies Izraēlai militārajās operācijās pret hutiem? 4. Zelta cenas pieaug, jo globālā nenoteiktība palielina pieprasījumu pēc drošām patvērumiem. 5. Japānas Bankas sanāksmes protokols norāda uz iespējamu likmju paaugstināšanu nākamajā mēnesī. #facility #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
🌎 [Ātri fakti]:

1. Francijas finanšu ministrs sagaida, ka 2025. gada deficīts būs nedaudz virs 5%.

2. Japānas rūpnīcu aktivitāte decembrī saruka lēnāk.

3. Vai ASV un Apvienotā Karaliste pievienosies Izraēlai militārajās operācijās pret hutiem?

4. Zelta cenas pieaug, jo globālā nenoteiktība palielina pieprasījumu pēc drošām patvērumiem.

5. Japānas Bankas sanāksmes protokols norāda uz iespējamu likmju paaugstināšanu nākamajā mēnesī.

#facility #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
According to Artemis, Celo has surpassed Tron in the number of daily active addresses used by stablecoins recently, which may be related to the major applications MiniPay and Valora have developed a large number of users in Africa. Vitalik also congratulated this and said that improving global access to basic payment/finance is a key way for Ethereum to benefit the world. #Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
According to Artemis, Celo has surpassed Tron in the number of daily active addresses used by stablecoins recently, which may be related to the major applications MiniPay and Valora have developed a large number of users in Africa. Vitalik also congratulated this and said that improving global access to basic payment/finance is a key way for Ethereum to benefit the world.

#Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
Man has evolved from the time of the Stone Age to the agricultural era, then the industrial revolution, then the information and technology revolution, to the present digital revolution and artificial intelligence Collecting money has become much easier than before and more difficult at the same time Jobs changed and survival became the smartest Thank God, as investors in Forex and other fields, we have a way to make income from home The widening options available to us in terms of electronic commerce of all kinds You often only need a mobile phone and an Internet connection And in some of them, to capital In the future, it will be essential to have an artificial intelligence program available to at least every home, if not every phone Anyone who does not have it is considered backward in people’s eyes Keeping up with developments has become an urgent necessity for progress. #informationuseful #InformedChoices #infographic #Information #informative
Man has evolved from the time of the Stone Age to the agricultural era, then the industrial revolution, then the information and technology revolution, to the present digital revolution and artificial intelligence

Collecting money has become much easier than before and more difficult at the same time
Jobs changed and survival became the smartest

Thank God, as investors in Forex and other fields, we have a way to make income from home

The widening options available to us in terms of electronic commerce of all kinds

You often only need a mobile phone and an Internet connection
And in some of them, to capital

In the future, it will be essential to have an artificial intelligence program available to at least every home, if not every phone

Anyone who does not have it is considered backward in people’s eyes

Keeping up with developments has become an urgent necessity for progress.
#informationuseful #InformedChoices #infographic #Information #informative
Why do I need diversification? Asset diversification is an investment strategy in which you allocate your assets in various areas to minimize the risk of loss. If one of your coins in your portfolio starts to fall, your portfolio can remain stable (or even show profits) at the expense of other coins. In crypto, diversification is crucial. Since digital assets are extremely volatile, investing in just one coin can cause huge losses. Moreover, it is recommended to diversify even stablecoins—just in case one of them suddenly collapses—you don’t lose all your money. #Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
Why do I need diversification?

Asset diversification is an investment strategy in which you allocate your assets in various areas to minimize the risk of loss.

If one of your coins in your portfolio starts to fall, your portfolio can remain stable (or even show profits) at the expense of other coins.

In crypto, diversification is crucial.

Since digital assets are extremely volatile, investing in just one coin can cause huge losses.

Moreover, it is recommended to diversify even stablecoins—just in case one of them suddenly collapses—you don’t lose all your money.

#Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
🔰 Dennis Gartman is an accomplished trader and editor who has published daily newsletters for 3 decades, most recently in 2019. Among the most important rules he presented to new investors: 1️⃣  Be patient when dealing with profitable trades, and do not rush to make profits. One of the common mistakes made by new investors is to rush to sell their shares at the first sign of profit. Gartman also called for abandoning any losing investment or deal and not holding on to it. 2️⃣ Accept that businesses go through several cycles of ups and downs. Your business will go through good times that will increase your profits, and it will also go through bad times that may cause you some losses. All you have to do is accept that idea and move forward. 3️⃣ Do not work to increase your losses. If you are suffering from some losses at the present time, do not work to increase them through new losing investments, for any reason. 4️⃣ Always look for the simplest ways to trade. Keep the systems you use simple during trading, as complex systems and many indicators will cause you confusion. #informationuseful #InformedChoices #infographic #Information #Informational
🔰 Dennis Gartman is an accomplished trader and editor who has published daily newsletters for 3 decades, most recently in 2019. Among the most important rules he presented to new investors:

1️⃣  Be patient when dealing with profitable trades, and do not rush to make profits. One of the common mistakes made by new investors is to rush to sell their shares at the first sign of profit. Gartman also called for abandoning any losing investment or deal and not holding on to it.

2️⃣ Accept that businesses go through several cycles of ups and downs. Your business will go through good times that will increase your profits, and it will also go through bad times that may cause you some losses. All you have to do is accept that idea and move forward.

3️⃣ Do not work to increase your losses. If you are suffering from some losses at the present time, do not work to increase them through new losing investments, for any reason.

4️⃣ Always look for the simplest ways to trade. Keep the systems you use simple during trading, as complex systems and many indicators will cause you confusion.
#informationuseful #InformedChoices #infographic #Information #Informational
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
"Četri visbīstamākie vārdi investīcijās ir: Šis laiks ir atšķirīgs." 🛑 ✍️ Sers Džons Templtons 🔹Šis citāts lieliski atgādina, ka biržā vēsture bieži atkārtojas. 🔹Vēršu skrējiena laikā var rasties kārdinājums nedaudz atpūsties un pieņemt, ka noteikumi ir mainījušies. Tomēr pašapmierinātība var likt jums būt pārsteigtam, kad tirgus apstākļi mainās. Veiksmīgs investors vienmēr būs modrs un izvairīsies no neapdomīgas tirdzniecības, kuras pamatā ir pārliecība, ka pašreizējā situācija ir unikāla. #informationuseful #InformedChoices #infographic #Information #informative
"Četri visbīstamākie vārdi investīcijās ir: Šis laiks ir atšķirīgs." 🛑
✍️ Sers Džons Templtons

🔹Šis citāts lieliski atgādina, ka biržā vēsture bieži atkārtojas.

🔹Vēršu skrējiena laikā var rasties kārdinājums nedaudz atpūsties un pieņemt, ka noteikumi ir mainījušies.

Tomēr pašapmierinātība var likt jums būt pārsteigtam, kad tirgus apstākļi mainās.

Veiksmīgs investors vienmēr būs modrs un izvairīsies no neapdomīgas tirdzniecības, kuras pamatā ir pārliecība, ka pašreizējā situācija ir unikāla.
#informationuseful #InformedChoices #infographic #Information #informative
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Forex tirdzniecības nozarē svarīgas ir zināšanas un izglītība. Ja jums trūkst šo divu, ticiet man, jūs nekļūsiet par veiksmīgiem tirgotājiem, jo ​​pret forex tirdzniecību izturēsities kā pret azartspēlēm! ✅️ Jums vienmēr jāatceras, ka forex tirdzniecība ir "Bizness". Tāpat kā jebkurā biznesā, ir peļņa un zaudējumi, taču jums vienmēr ir jāpārliecinās, ka jūsu peļņa ir lielāka par zaudējumiem. Domāšanas veids ir jūsu panākumu atslēga! #informationuseful #InformedChoices #infographic #Information #Informational
Forex tirdzniecības nozarē svarīgas ir zināšanas un izglītība. Ja jums trūkst šo divu, ticiet man, jūs nekļūsiet par veiksmīgiem tirgotājiem, jo ​​pret forex tirdzniecību izturēsities kā pret azartspēlēm! ✅️

Jums vienmēr jāatceras, ka forex tirdzniecība ir "Bizness". Tāpat kā jebkurā biznesā, ir peļņa un zaudējumi, taču jums vienmēr ir jāpārliecinās, ka jūsu peļņa ir lielāka par zaudējumiem.

Domāšanas veids ir jūsu panākumu atslēga!
#informationuseful #InformedChoices #infographic #Information #Informational
🔥 Excessive trading and trading addiction: 🌟 The first and most important fact here is the lack of sufficient capital and reliance on financial leverage, which leads to disasters. Therefore, determine the financial level that you can risk first. In this regard, economists say that your risk rates in a single transaction should not exceed 2 percent. Of your capital, for all open trades at one time, it does not exceed only 7 percent, which allows you to implement a take-profit and stop-loss strategy and reduce your loss rates. 🌟 On another level, among the mistakes that a large number of traders make is trading addiction, where the trader finds that he is very excited and begins to chase for profit, and the result is that he begins to enter into many transactions together, and begins to enter into a number of... Ill-conceived deals that undoubtedly result in loss. #informationuseful #InformedChoices #infographic #Information #Informational
🔥 Excessive trading and trading addiction:

🌟 The first and most important fact here is the lack of sufficient capital and reliance on financial leverage, which leads to disasters. Therefore, determine the financial level that you can risk first. In this regard, economists say that your risk rates in a single transaction should not exceed 2 percent. Of your capital, for all open trades at one time, it does not exceed only 7 percent, which allows you to implement a take-profit and stop-loss strategy and reduce your loss rates.

🌟 On another level, among the mistakes that a large number of traders make is trading addiction, where the trader finds that he is very excited and begins to chase for profit, and the result is that he begins to enter into many transactions together, and begins to enter into a number of... Ill-conceived deals that undoubtedly result in loss.
#informationuseful #InformedChoices #infographic #Information #Informational
Skatīt oriģinālu
Sveiks Gudrais🤓 Kā zināms @NuklaiData ir ļoti inovatīvs/zinošs projekts, tāpēc visus galvenos faktus centīšos iepazīstināt ar savas infografikas palīdzību un šī ir maza iespēja palielināt gan Tev, gan manas datu zināšanas. #Nuklai #SmartData #infographic
Sveiks Gudrais🤓
Kā zināms @NuklaiData ir ļoti inovatīvs/zinošs projekts, tāpēc visus galvenos faktus centīšos iepazīstināt ar savas infografikas palīdzību un šī ir maza iespēja palielināt gan Tev, gan manas datu zināšanas.
#Nuklai #SmartData #infographic
Skatīt oriģinālu
🌎 [Ātrie fakti] : 1. ASV Enerģijas informācijas administrācija prognozē, ka neto naftas imports 2025. gadā samazināsies par 20%. 2. ASV Finanšu ministrija paziņo par 20 miljardu dolāru aizdevumu Ukrainai. 3. Eiropas valstis aptur patvēruma pieteikumus sīriešiem pēc Asada krišanas. 4. Džanete Jelena saka, ka tarifu paaugstināšana varētu pastiprināt inflācijas spiedienu. 5. Japāņu ražotāju noskaņojums decembrī pasliktinājās vēl vairāk. 6. Dienvidkorejas opozīcija pieņem samazinātu budžetu bez valdības apstiprinājuma. #Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
🌎 [Ātrie fakti] :

1. ASV Enerģijas informācijas administrācija prognozē, ka neto naftas imports 2025. gadā samazināsies par 20%.

2. ASV Finanšu ministrija paziņo par 20 miljardu dolāru aizdevumu Ukrainai.

3. Eiropas valstis aptur patvēruma pieteikumus sīriešiem pēc Asada krišanas.

4. Džanete Jelena saka, ka tarifu paaugstināšana varētu pastiprināt inflācijas spiedienu.

5. Japāņu ražotāju noskaņojums decembrī pasliktinājās vēl vairāk.

6. Dienvidkorejas opozīcija pieņem samazinātu budžetu bez valdības apstiprinājuma.

#Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
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