Binance Square


916 skatījumi
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$BTC What Beginners Should Know About #Crypto (3) What does patience mean in #trading? To trade cryptocurrencies, people often learn technical analysis. They may use indicator-based trading or simply trade based on chart patterns. At first, with no one to teach them, beginners often turn to YouTube to watch videos of successful traders and think, "Ah, so this is how it's done!" Others might learn by reading books. However, when they start trading, most people end up facing losses. The reason is that they haven’t yet experienced or fully understood the entire trading process. What I'm saying now applies to those who can somewhat read charts but still struggle with trading. Most traders spend a long time waiting for the perfect setup they want. When that moment is close, they create videos or start live streams. However, most people don’t know about this waiting process. The more skilled a trader is, the better they are at waiting. After analyzing the charts, they wait until the price reaches the desired level, and only then do they enter a position. This approach minimizes losses, even when using stop-losses, and maximizes profits. There are more detailed strategies, but I think the points mentioned above are enough to understand the concept. If you’re interested, feel free to follow me!

What Beginners Should Know About #Crypto (3)

What does patience mean in #trading?

To trade cryptocurrencies, people often learn technical analysis.

They may use indicator-based trading or simply trade based on chart patterns.

At first, with no one to teach them, beginners often turn to YouTube to watch videos of successful traders and think, "Ah, so this is how it's done!" Others might learn by reading books.

However, when they start trading, most people end up facing losses.

The reason is that they haven’t yet experienced or fully understood the entire trading process.

What I'm saying now applies to those who can somewhat read charts but still struggle with trading.

Most traders spend a long time waiting for the perfect setup they want. When that moment is close, they create videos or start live streams.

However, most people don’t know about this waiting process.

The more skilled a trader is, the better they are at waiting. After analyzing the charts, they wait until the price reaches the desired level, and only then do they enter a position.

This approach minimizes losses, even when using stop-losses, and maximizes profits.

There are more detailed strategies, but I think the points mentioned above are enough to understand the concept.

If you’re interested, feel free to follow me!
Skatīt oriģinālu
💡Kripto 5 padomi, kā būt bezemocionālam tirgotājam🖤 1. Neizmantojiet dusmas 2. Neprecējies ar savām pozīcijām 3. Sekojiet katram darījumam ar pārtraukumu 4. Iestatiet fiksētu punktu, kurā apstājas 5. Saglabājiet savu prātu par plānu Vai piesakāties tos, kad #trading? #Write2Earn #PYTH #TrendingTopic #TradeNTell

5 padomi, kā būt bezemocionālam tirgotājam🖤

1. Neizmantojiet dusmas
2. Neprecējies ar savām pozīcijām
3. Sekojiet katram darījumam ar pārtraukumu
4. Iestatiet fiksētu punktu, kurā apstājas
5. Saglabājiet savu prātu par plānu

Vai piesakāties tos, kad #trading?

#Write2Earn #PYTH #TrendingTopic #TradeNTell
JUST IN: Binance plans to cease its leveraged token trading and services by February 28, 2024. #Write2Earn #trading?

Binance plans to cease its leveraged token trading and services by February 28, 2024.

#Write2Earn #trading?
Skatīt oriģinālu
BTC ATJAUNINĀJUMS Bitcoin ir BULLIS, nav šaubu. Šobrīd cena konsolidējas virs iepriekšējiem maksimumiem — $47,150 zonas. Ceru, ka šis NAV dubulttops, pagaidām tā neizskatās. No šī brīža mērķis ir diezgan acīmredzams - $ 49 000 - $ 50 000 zona (iepriekšējo maksimumu maksimums un psiholoģiski svarīgs līmenis). Es jums jau vairākkārt esmu teicis, ka šis buļļu cikls attīstīsies daudz ātrāk, nekā jūs gaidāt. Nepalaidiet to garām.#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTC #trading? $BTC

Bitcoin ir BULLIS, nav šaubu. Šobrīd cena konsolidējas virs iepriekšējiem maksimumiem — $47,150 zonas.

Ceru, ka šis NAV dubulttops, pagaidām tā neizskatās. No šī brīža mērķis ir diezgan acīmredzams - $ 49 000 - $ 50 000 zona (iepriekšējo maksimumu maksimums un psiholoģiski svarīgs līmenis).

Es jums jau vairākkārt esmu teicis, ka šis buļļu cikls attīstīsies daudz ātrāk, nekā jūs gaidāt. Nepalaidiet to garām.#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTC #trading? $BTC
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