Smooth Love Potion cena (SLP)
Smooth Love Potion price

Smooth Love Potion cena (SLP)

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SLP pret USD:
1 Smooth Love Potion atbilst $0.001733 USD+0.2%1 d.
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Lapa pēdējoreiz atjaunināta: 2025-03-13 14:23 (UTC+0)
Kādas ir tavas sajūtas par Smooth Love Potion šodien?
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SLP cena šodien

Faktiskā Smooth Love Potion cena ir $0.001733 par (SLP / USD) ar aktuālo tirgus kapitalizāciju $71.34M USD apmērā. 24 stundu tirdzniecības apjoms ir $8.00M USD. SLP un USD kurss tiek atjaunināts reāllaikā. Smooth Love Potion cena pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir mainījusies par +0.2%, un daudzums apgrozībā ir 41.16B.
SLP cenu vēsture pret USD
Datumu salīdzinājumsSummas izmaiņas% izmaiņas
30 dienas
60 dienas
90 dienas

SLP cenas dati

24 h augstākā un zemākā
Zemākā: $0.001687
Augstākā: $0.001766
Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā par šo aktīvu samaksātā augstākā un zemākā cena.
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Cenas izmaiņas (1 h)
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Cenas izmaiņas (24 h)
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Cenas izmaiņas (7 d)
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SLP tirgus dati

Popularitāte ir atkarīga no aktīva relatīvās tirgus kapitalizācijas.
Tirgus kapitalizācija
Tirgus kapitalizācija tiek aprēķināta, reizinot aktīva vienību skaitu apgrozībā ar tā pašreizējo cenu.
Apjoms (24 h)
Visu pēdējo 24 stundu laikā veikto darījumu ar šo aktīvu kopējā vērtība ASV dolāros.
Apjoms apritē
Tirgū apgrozībā esošo un publiskai tirdzniecībai pieejamo kriptovalūtas vienību skaits – līdzinās akciju biržā publiski tirgoto akciju skaitam.
Maksimālais kopējais skaits
Kriptovalūtas vienību kopējais daudzums, kāds jebkad tiks radīts, līdzīgi pilnībā paplašinātām akcijām akciju tirgū. Ja CoinMarketCap nenodrošina vai neverificē šos datus, pie maksimālā skaita ir redzams "--".
Pilnībā paplašinātais tirgus kapitalizācijas līmenis
Kriptovalūtas vienību kopējais daudzums, kāds jebkad tiks radīts, līdzīgi pilnībā paplašinātām akcijām akciju tirgū. Ja CoinMarketCap nenodrošina vai neverificē šos datus, pie maksimālā skaita ir redzams "--".

About Smooth Love Potion(SLP)

Smooth Love Potion (SLP) is one of cryptocurrencies used in the popular Web3 game Axie Infinity, and it is used to breed characters called Axies. Axie Infinity is a popular blockchain-based game and the in-game creaturesAxies are represented by Non-Fungible Tokens. The game was created by the development team at Sky Mavis and launched in 2018 on the Ethereum blockchain. The NFT sales of Axie Infinity reached above four billion dollars in 2022..

Axie Infinity has two types of tokens: ERC-20 tokens and ERC-721 non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The ERC-20 tokens are AXS, SLP, and Ronin, while the ERC-721 tokens are Axies. SLP is a token that is earned by players who win battles in the Axie Infinity game. Players can battle one another using their Axies, and then breed those Axies to get desirable traits in Axies using SLP tokens. Smooth Love Potion is the cryptocurrency responsible for Axie breeding.

SLP is traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges. The current price of Smooth Love Potion Price is updated live on Binance.

Axies have different traits; some traits are collectible, while other Axies have desirable traits for battle. Axie Infinity allows players to breed Axies together to try and get the desired characteristics of an Axie. To breed an Axie, the player must pay a fee in AXS that goes directly to the Axie Infinity treasury. Depending on how many times an Axie has been bred, players will also need a varying amount of Smooth Love Potion (SLP) to follow through with the breeding process. 

SLP can be obtained  by different means. SLP can be earned through playing the game, by completing daily quests, adventuring in PvE mode, battling other players in the Arena, or simply by buying the token on an exchange. 

Skatīt vairāk

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Smooth Love Potion

  1. What is SLP Used For?

    SLP is an ERC-20 token that serves as a secondary currency to Axie Infinity's AXS. SLP facilitates the breeding of Axies. To breed Axies, players pay a certain number of AXS alongside SLP; the amount of SLP depends on how many times Axies have been bred. For example, an Axie bred three times would require 3600 SLP to proceed with the breed. SLP is an in-game resource that's generated as a reward for players playing the game. However, being an ERC-20 token, it can be bought and sold in exchanges like Binance. Post the Ethereum Merge, SLP now utilizes a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism.

  2. Who is the Founder of Smooth Love Potion?

    Sky Mavis is the development team behind Axie Infinity, and by extension, Smooth Love Potion. Axie Infinity was founded in 2018 by Trung Nguyen,and the rest of the Sky Mavis development team.

  3. What is the Circulating Supply of SLP?

    The Axie Infinity SLP token has no max supply and currently 41,376,196,225 SLP are in circulation.

  4. What Makes Smooth Love Potion Different From Others?

    SLP is different from other in-game cryptocurrencies in the same category  as it is not the primary token responsible for driving the in-game economy but rather a secondary token serving as the reward for gameplay and an incentive for utilizing the breeding aspect of the game.

    Every time SLP is used for breeding a new Axie, a small amount of the token is burned (destroyed), which reduces the overall supply of SLP and can increase its value over time. 

  5. How To Buy Smooth Love Potion (SLP)?

    Smooth Love Potion (SLP) can be purchased directly on Binance by using a credit or debit card.  Smooth Love Potion (SLP) can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on the Binance Exchange. Live SLP price is updated in real-time on Binance. Additionally, SLP price and purchase information is available for users on our How to Buy Smooth Love Potion (SLP) guide.


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