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#热门话题 #BTC #BNB
Жоғары (өспелі)
in the recent change of events I suspect wld could be gearing for uptrend soon Number of grants will start dropping drastically if I’m not wrong 2 points that are used for consideration - World app trying to make grants holder convert WLD to digital $ directly in app. - World app starting to boot suspicious users off grants so number of grants given out will be lesser Important note to know I believe MM of WLD is actually reading Binance square! So the best way to hope for any coins you want to rise is talk lesser about the coins you own. If not curse it more 😂
in the recent change of events

I suspect wld could be gearing for uptrend soon

Number of grants will start dropping drastically if I’m not wrong

2 points that are used for consideration

- World app trying to make grants holder convert WLD to digital $ directly in app.
- World app starting to boot suspicious users off grants so number of grants given out will be lesser

Important note to know

I believe MM of WLD is actually reading Binance square!

So the best way to hope for any coins you want to rise is talk lesser about the coins you own. If not curse it more 😂
Sometimes I really wonder, all those countries that ban Worldcoin or creates troubles for it. Pay attention most of them are countries that are unable to sustain on their own 😂 Yet so many people care about such countries decisions so much. Wake up! It’s really time to wake up. Everyone starts being so privacy oriented. HK privacy is one of the worst IMHO. Stars/influential people’s can’t even do anything at THIER OWN home WITHOUT being stalk on posted on news. Yet there is no laws governing the posting of private photos at own home. And now they talk about privacy law to WLD? Double standards? $WLD
Sometimes I really wonder, all those countries that ban Worldcoin or creates troubles for it.

Pay attention most of them are countries that are unable to sustain on their own 😂

Yet so many people care about such countries decisions so much.

Wake up! It’s really time to wake up.

Everyone starts being so privacy oriented. HK privacy is one of the worst IMHO.

Stars/influential people’s can’t even do anything at THIER OWN home WITHOUT being stalk on posted on news.

Yet there is no laws governing the posting of private photos at own home. And now they talk about privacy law to WLD? Double standards?

nice Think out of the box
Think out of the box
生活习惯美国学者托马斯·科里,耗费五年时间进行了一项研究。他寻找到了 177 位白手起家的富翁,以及 128 名穷人,并对他们的生活轨迹逐一进行观察。经过对比,他惊讶地发现:“一个人的日常习惯,能够透露其在生活中是否能取得成功。”原来,所谓的成功,其实就是日复一日地去做正确的事情。无论在何时,都不要对任何事物过度热衷,同时也不能放松对自我的管理与提升。将时间用在关键之处,把心思放在紧要之地,如此,你便离成功不远了
1. 坚持运动,拍摄过一段视频:每天早上 6 点,在香港最繁华的地段,有一家健身房灯火通明。在这里健身的人,大多都是年收入百万的金融精英。他们常年对饮食有所克制,坚持运动,这使得他们的精神状态格外饱满。当别人在工作岗位上昏昏欲睡时,他们已经高效地开启了一天的工作。你瞧,运动与不运动,注定会过上截然不同的人生。哈佛大学讲师泰勒曾言道:运动,是最强大的精神药物。它不仅能为你的身体注入能量,还能为你的心灵积蓄电量,让你由内而外地变得强大起来。一个始终坚持运动的人,会时刻保持旺盛的生命力,在人生道路上披荆斩棘。
2. 克制欲望你是否注意到,越是贫穷的人往往越爱花钱?他们无法克制享乐的欲望,一拿到工资就迫不及待地吃喝玩乐、四处旅游;他们也经受不住促销的诱惑,不假思索地买买买,导致钱包很快就空空如也。《财富自由》的作者托马斯·斯坦利曾采访过一对富有的夫妇。这对夫妇收入颇高,却只开老式轿车,住所装修也很简朴,每购买一件物品之前,都会深思熟虑很久。凭借着克制欲望,他们积攒下了第一桶金,之后抓住机会,通过投资成为百万富翁。穷人顺应本能,享受低级的放纵;富人则选择延迟满足,体验进阶的快感。从现在开始,学会克制欲望,追求高级的快乐:将别人用于消遣的时间,用来思考问题、关注时事;把别人随意挥霍的钱财,花费在学习与长远投资上。只有成为欲望的主人,你才能抓住财运。
3. 长期阅读马斯克成为世界首富后,曾到清华大学进行演讲。清华大学经管学院院长询问他是如何做到这一切的,马斯克的回答十分简单:“因为我看很多书。”作家周岭表示:人每阅读一本书,就如同进行了一次名人访谈,是在与顶级的专家交流对话。一个人读书越多,自然就能积累智慧,有效地解决生活中的难题。阅读名人传记,能够拓宽你的思路,为你提供摆脱人生困境的方法;品味历史典籍,能提升你的认知,让你领悟万事万物的运行规律;阅读杂志周刊,也能让你与时俱进,及时了解当下的变化与机会。越是精英阶层,越会借助书本充实自己的头脑,拓展阅历的边界。你的每一次阅读,都将成为一级级台阶,助你跃升到更高阶的人生。
思维习惯是开启财富之门的钥匙犹太民族被誉为世界上最富有的民族,这与他们的教育息息相关。在《塔木德》中记载着这样一个问题:“假如有一天,你的房子被烧毁,你将带着什么东西逃跑呢?”母亲会告诉孩子:“你要带走的不是钱,也不是钻石,而是你的知识,你的思维方式。”因为财富的本质,其实就是思维的变现。正确的思维方式,是财运源源不断的关键。1.借力思维曾看过一幅漫画,穷人和富人同时搬运金子。穷人用尽气力抱起一小块金子,艰难挪动;而富人则借助一根棍子,轻松推着一大块金子前进。两者的差距显而易见。一味蛮干,只能换来微薄的收入。真正会赚钱的人,懂得将精力用于思考,善于利用各种资源。他们或向平台借势,或向高人借智,或向工具借力,借助外界的力量加持自己,以最小的代价获得丰厚的回报。2.转向思维斯坦福大学曾有一个活动,给 14 个学生小组发放 5 美元,看哪个组能在规定时间内赚到最多的钱。有些小组以成本价购入商品再转手,利润微薄;有些小组辛苦修自行车,也只是勉强回本。而最厉害的一组,看到的不是 5 美元,而是“斯坦福”这块招牌。他们搜集信息,得知有家企业想在斯坦福招聘并希望在教室里宣传,于是将课堂开始的前 3 分钟卖给了这家企业,一下子赚了 600 美元。《周易》有云:变则通,通则久。很多人之所以贫穷,是因为他们固守惯性思维,不知变通。只有打破惯性思维的墙,转换方向思考,才能发现真正的赚钱机会。3.忧患意识稻盛和夫曾说:危机不会对任何人区别对待,无论你是乘坐豪华巨轮还是简陋船板。这意味着危机随时可能降临,不会提前打招呼,我们必须提前做好准备。30 多年前,日本的半导体产业遭遇美国的技术封锁,大多数日本企业不以为然,而稻盛和夫却早早开始准备。他投入大量人力和财力到京瓷的自主研发中,带领员工辛苦研制出自己的芯片。当危机突然来临时,其他企业纷纷遭受重创,只有京瓷安然无恙。很多人只愿享受当下,不愿为未来的幸福付出努力。而富有的人懂得未雨绸缪,在有时间和条件时做好规划,在衣食无忧时加强储备。这样,无论时代如何变迁,他们都能立于不败之地。思维习惯决定了我们的财富之路,只有拥有正确的思维方式,我们才能在财富的海洋中畅游,实现自己的人生价值。
拥有良好的心态我们看到很多富豪过得悠闲自在,总以为他们的钱来得很轻松。然而,纪录片《美国商业大亨传奇》却戳穿了一个真相:任何人的赚钱过程都充满了挫折。但与穷人不同的是,富人不管遇到什么困难,总能及时调整好心态。人生变好,正是从拥有积极开放的心态开始的。正如狄更斯所说:“一个健全的心态,比一百种智慧都更有力量。”1.积极肯定自我富人和穷人最大的区别是什么呢?作家蔡富强曾说:富人总对自己说“我能”,穷人老对自己说“恐怕我不行”。有个叫蔡勇斌的盲人,从小被身边的人劝告“推拿是你今后唯一的出路”,他却偏偏不信命,埋头自学编程,凭借努力成为了信息无障碍工程师,后来还研发出一款提供给视障人士的软件,成立公司当上了老板。他的经历验证了一个道理:“生命的质量,来自心灵的力量。”我们要相信,内心相信什么,就会吸引什么,从而过上什么样的生活。也就是说,只有先相信自己能成事,才有可能拥有富足的人生。2.善于控制情绪自媒体作者良大师早年做销售时,曾遇到一个态度很差的客户。听到对方不停贬低他的产品,他一时气不过,回怼了对方。结果脾气发完,业务谈崩了,工作也差点没了。他这才明白,发泄情绪是这世上最没用的行为。所以,越是卓越的人,越懂得驾驭情绪的重要性。如果雷军被同行公开吐槽后耿耿于怀,就不会有小米后来的一次次突破;如果董明珠为同事留下的烂摊子愤愤不平,就不会有如今的格力铁娘子。在生活中,人人都有可能遇到不讲理的客户、不配合的同事以及不顺心的变故。但这个世界就是这样,我们赚的每一分钱里,都藏着无处言说的委屈与艰难。想要被财富选中,就必须学会放下个人情绪,置顶心中目标。3.信奉长期主义生活中,不乏这样一些人:听说别人做自媒体挣钱,也赶紧打开电脑码字,但没写几天就嫌弃太枯燥;看到直播带货成了潮流,也跟风去注册账号,可一看观众寥寥便心灰意冷;发现路边摊生意火爆,也立马去学手艺,却还没熬过新手期就再次失去兴趣。折腾了一圈,时间、精力和金钱花出去了,最后却落得颗粒无收。究竟怎么才能赚到钱?其实答案只有四个字:长期主义。前世界首富巴菲特便是如此,认准一个方向持续累积,60 岁后终于赚到人生中 90%的财富。而心浮气躁的人,只想占尽眼前的便宜,看似是在找捷径,实则是在绕远路。他们总是不愿相信,一夜暴富很难,慢慢挣钱却容易很多。在一个领域中沉淀下来,踏实深耕,命运早晚会赐予你应有的一切。哲学家威廉·詹姆斯曾说:习惯使社会阶层自行分开,不相混杂。人生是场马拉松,我们现在走的每一步,都决定着未来的方向。在生活中,我们要做到不失控、不局限、不消极,养成富有的习惯。当我们养成了这些习惯,好运和财富自然都会不请自来。
Nicely said :) Ignore the naysayers, they are not the ones feeding you. Why be bothered 😂
Nicely said :)

Ignore the naysayers, they are not the ones feeding you. Why be bothered 😂
BitEagle News
They don't respect you at the bottom.

They ignore you in the middle.

And they hate you at the top.

You will never be enough.

Focus on yourself.

Get paid.

Look after your family.

Stay out of the way.

No drama.

#BullRun #Bitcoin
Nice one bookmark n saved
Nice one bookmark n saved
Crypto PM
I Found Wallet That Turned $1,614 Into $29,714,146 On PEPE
You need few trading rules to do the same:ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
✜ Analyze whales
✜ Leave moonbag
✜ Use ______ tool
Here's 7 memecoins trading rules that led me to 100x plays 🧵👇

✜ Someone earned $29,714,146 by investing only $1,614 in the $PEPE token during its low market cap.
✜ The main lesson here is to leave a MOON BAG.
✜ Just one rule can completely change your investment success and bring life-changing gains in bull run.
✜ When investing in low-cap tokens, always leave a moon bag.
✜ Trust me, with this rule, you can achieve significant success in the upcoming bull run.
✜ Here are some cases to remember when you want to fully sell low caps at 2x:

✜ The case of this crypto enthusiast is fantastic and brought HUGE profits.
✜ A whale invested $250 in $PEPE as soon as the token appeared.
✜ The final profit amounted to $4,719,585, which is an 18,878x return on the investment.

✜ This wallet noticed the potential of the $YAI token early and bought just $349 worth at a low market cap.
✜ He invested an amount he was willing to lose and left it to moon.
✜ As a result, $349 turned into $301,743 in just a week.

✜ A moon bag is a part of your investment that you are willing to lose and ready to hold for significant gains.
✜ In most cases, this part of the investment brings life-changing gains.
✜ On the surface, it’s simple, but there are a few rules to follow:

✜ Only leave in the moon bag the part of the investment you are willing to lose.
✜ I recommend selling 70% when the price reaches 5x and holding the rest for the moon.
✜ This way, you won’t worry about the possibility of losing money.

✜ Sometimes, it’s not necessary to leave a moon bag:
• A small number of holders possess a large portion of the supply
• The project lacks social media presence or manages it poorly
• The token has a large market cap
✜ In such cases, consider whether to leave a moon bag or make it smaller than usual.
✜ Projects also have a number of green flags that require leaving a moon bag:
• Active marketing from reputable influencers on social media
• Buying at a low market cap
• Support from CEXs for the project
• Active social media management
• Analysis before allocating a moon bag
✜ First, look at the market cap at the time of purchase and carefully assess its growth potential, for example:
• Buying at $100k MC means a 20x investment return is achievable at $2M MC, which is a feasible goal for a meme coin.
• Buying at $100M MC means a 20x investment return is only possible at $2B MC, which is nearly impossible for a typical meme coin.
✜ Next, check if top holders hold a large portion of the token supply.
✜ If they do, you risk being taken advantage of.
✜ Exceptions can be DEX wallets, as those tokens provide liquidity in pairs.

✜ On Twitter, look at the quality of the audience, not just the quantity, and research who supports the project using @ Twitter_score or
@ TweetScout_io

✜ If good influencers are marketing it, the token is more likely to succeed.
✜ In such a case, your moon bag is more likely to bring you life-changing profits.

If you loved this Article, don't forget to:

• Follow me @Crypto PM for more exciting content!

• Like, repost, and leave a comment

Жоғары (өспелі)
$KONGZ already erased a zero. Are you all still sidelined? If you can buy a meme with anonymous owner, why not take a leap of faith is someone who claims it their own CTO? It’s still at a low point for this coin which they went in a zero lesser previously It takes a lot of guts and perseverance for a CTO to make it a success. #MemeWatch2024 #buythedip #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 #MemesCoins2024
$KONGZ already erased a zero. Are you all still sidelined?

If you can buy a meme with anonymous owner, why not take a leap of faith is someone who claims it their own CTO?

It’s still at a low point for this coin which they went in a zero lesser previously

It takes a lot of guts and perseverance for a CTO to make it a success.

#MemeWatch2024 #buythedip #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 #MemesCoins2024
Жоғары (өспелі)
I’m in it since 0.00015 Was worried was I too late but it’s still 🔝 Let’s give some support for a CTO. Ca: 6pxT5UmTumQXBknjwSzLePRwBA5k8VGs68LiZwncC2mB Can be done thru solflare, Jupiter etc As always this is meme, only invest in whatever amount you are willing to to lose. Rather then betting on unknown owners for meme, why not go under someone taking the claim to be the owner.
I’m in it since 0.00015

Was worried was I too late but it’s still 🔝

Let’s give some support for a CTO.

Ca: 6pxT5UmTumQXBknjwSzLePRwBA5k8VGs68LiZwncC2mB

Can be done thru solflare, Jupiter etc

As always this is meme, only invest in whatever amount you are willing to to lose.

Rather then betting on unknown owners for meme, why not go under someone taking the claim to be the owner.
Дәйексөз келтірілген мазмұн жойылды
Жоғары (өспелі)
I wouldn’t be surprised the so called expert has dealings to do with the recent whales sale Both of the timing just clicked “Whales cashing out + so called allegations “ Main proponents of the Worldcoin project, Sam Altman and Alex Blania, have met with Malaysian officials — including the nation’s prime minister — as the two executives seek to bolster government relations. I wonder which part not involved in WLD 😅?
I wouldn’t be surprised the so called expert has dealings to do with the recent whales sale

Both of the timing just clicked

“Whales cashing out + so called allegations “

Main proponents of the Worldcoin project, Sam Altman and Alex Blania, have met with Malaysian officials — including the nation’s prime minister — as the two executives seek to bolster government relations.

I wonder which part not involved in WLD 😅?
follow my profile
Worldcoin takes 18% hit following revelation from DeFi analyst !!
#Memecoins #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #MicroStrategy #buythedip WLD is crashing rapidly, down more than 18% in past 24 hours.
Worldcoin has experienced more than $4 million in long liquidations.
DeFi analyst compares Worldcoin's low float to SBF's playbook and says the project has no connection to OpenAI.
Worldcoin (WLD) experienced huge dumps on Tuesday following a recent accusation in an X post by DeFi analyst DefiSquared against the Worldcoin team and insiders.

WLD sheds 18% of its value
Worldcoin suffered a hit on Tuesday as its price steadily declined, suffering about a 18% decrease, according to data from CoinGecko. WLD crashed from a high of $6.23 to $4.64 in the past 24 hours.
The price cash has triggered about $4 million in long liquidations across derivatives traders as WLD faces increased bearish pressure. WLD is being devalued by 0.6% daily through emissions of grants and operator claims, "which are sold almost immediately based on on-chain analytics." The analyst also mentioned that WLD's supply would begin inflating by 4% daily when its team and VC unlocks begin vesting in 70 days. He highlighted that the Worldcoin Foundation would be selling $200 million worth of tokens — 18% of the circulating supply — which was initially assigned to community allocations. "The manipulative low float / high FDV design is straight out of the SBF playbook, and directly enriches insiders as they hedge their locked allocations at high valuations pre-unlock via perps / OTC," said DefiSquared.
Furthermore, he stated that Worldcoin has no affiliations with OpenAI, and Sam Altman has no active involvement in the project. However, Bloomberg reported in April that both companies were eyeing a partnership.
Жоғары (өспелі)
Patience works well. I’ve been wAiting for long for u :) You have been consolidating for soooooooo long
Patience works well.

I’ve been wAiting for long for u :)

You have been consolidating for soooooooo long
Food for thought
Food for thought
BitEagle News
Couple of Tips on How to Trade Alts
I began my crypto journey with $0.

Just a year ago, I had $4.7k, and now I have enough.

I didn't do it with $BTC, $ETH, $MATIC, or $AVAX.

But with the couple of tips on how to trade alts

Before we dive in, I have a quick favor to ask
I put a lot of effort into crafting this article to be genuinely helpful for you, so if you find it valuable, please follow me, share, comment, or just hit like

I prefer to keep things simple in life.

There's no need to develop complex strategies and trade by them.

For instance, my crypto strategy relies on just three key factors:

➬ Understanding crypto market psychology
➬ Tracking insider wallets
➬ Identifying undervalued projects
➬ Knowing crypto security principles

Trust me, mastering these alone can greatly increase your portfolio during the 2024-2025 bull cycle.

Get ready to dive into each aspect quickly!

① The most important thing in the list is to understand crypto market psychology:

In the world of crypto, emotions drive everything. Human psychology remains constant, and the market follows repetitive patterns.

Check out the image below for a rough visualization of market psychology pattern:

② "The best time to buy is when there's blood in the streets"

While many are aware of it, when fear dominates the market, people tend to sell, only to buy back when greed takes over. This simple rule has the potential to yield enormous profits.

Recognize this pattern and go against the crowd.

③ Understand insider trading:

Here's a recent example to illustrate
I came across a wallet that purchased $HAMMY right after its launch for $1.5k, and then he sold everything for $177k!

Why am I certain it's an insider wallet and not just a random trader?

Consider this: the individual purchased the token right before the unexpected huge green pump, when there was no news about
the project at all.

Ofc this is insider.

④ How to find these sneaky insiders?

➬ First, visit:
➬ Look for trending tokens in the past 6h or 24h

➬ Click on the Top Traders section
➬ Search for early trades
➬ Copy the wallet address

➬ Next, go to: @alphatracexyz
➬ For a better results, you can filter the wallets you will find by $500k+ PNL and a 60% win rate

⑤ "But wait, BitEagle, how can we spot gems before others?"

Here is my step-by-step process for quick research:

➬ Always start by visiting @CoinMarketCap_official / @coingecko
➬ Choose 10-30 tokens that you are interested in, from sectors you like
➬ Next, head to @Dropstab_com
➬ Here, you can check vital info such as project investors, twitter followers, fundraising data.

⑥ Where to check the tokenomics:

➬ Visit @Token_Unlocks or @VestLab

Key points to check:

· Distribution of tokens for the community
· Locked investor tokens
· Investor price and current price

✪ In the end, verifying the safety of a token contract is crucial:

This routine practice will protect you from potential scams, rug pulls, and honeypots.

Here are two main checkers you'll find useful
~ SOL:
~ EVM:

You can't afford to miss my upcoming articles, follow me.

#altcoins #BlackRock #etf #BitEagleNews
Something new. Can learn and see if it works
Something new.

Can learn and see if it works
Cryptoo Man
This indicator could make you millions
This indicator could make you millions.

A guy I know went from $1,000 to a $100M net worth, and you can too.

Discover how 👇🧵

① Quick introduction:

Volume Profile indicator utilizes horizontal bars to represent trading activity at various price levels.

The bars are arranged vertically, with taller bars indicating areas of higher trade activity. Usually, tall bars can serve as support levels.

The Volume Profile is a charting technique created in the late 1980s by a trader called Peter Steidlmayer.

To put it simply, the Volume Profile (VP) indicator is a tool used in technical analysis to show how trading volume is distributed across various price levels during a specific period.

② How VP is Calculated

Essentially, Volume Profile takes the total volume traded at a specific price level during the specified time period and divides the total volume into either up volume (trades that moved the price up) or down volume (trades that moved the price down) and then makes that information easily visible to the trader.

③ Why understanding volume can be very useful for you:

Really, stop for a minute and try to think about why this metric really matters.

Pros say that price is simply an advertising mechanism in which time governs all advertised opportunities and volume ultimately determines the success or failure of all advertised opportunities.

④ Utilizing the Fixed Range Volume Profile (FRVP) indicator for trading

Now that you're prepared and have basic knowledge, let's delve into the FRVP tool.

This tool enables you to set a fixed range for the volume profile within a specific time frame.

You can find the FRVP Tool under "Prediction & Measurement Tools" on the left side of the chart on @TradingView platform.

⑤ How to use it effectively:

After selecting the FRVP tool, you will be prompted to specify a start and end point to calculate a volume profile distribution.

This tool is particularly effective in analyzing various impulse moves.

Here is an example with an impulse move on the D1 of DOGE/USDT.

⑥ Now, here is a more detailed explanation of the indicator:

We can define the following:

➬ Value Area High (VAH) – the highest price in the Value Area;
➬ Value Area Low (VAL) – the lowest price in the Value Area;
➬ Point of Control (PoC) – the most interesting things for us, it's the price level at which the maximum number of contracts were executed during a selected period.

⑦ FRVP trading example:

In the example below, we see the market cooling off after a prolonged uptrend to the left (finishing just on the edge of the chart). The price fell sharply, finding a bottom. Given the distinct high and low points, we can set the FRVP tool to these points.

The first area to notice is the POC, which acted as strong resistance within the multi-day range. Traders could have anticipated this area to hold, using other forms of technical analysis to find entries on a lower timeframe.

The POC area was eventually pierced through, indicating that it may be time for the price to come and meet the LVN toward the top of the range. This level represented the area with the lowest volume in the entire range. Combined with the prior bullishness offscreen, traders could have been confident that the price would at least reach this area, acting as a solid target if they had bought earlier near the POC.

However, it moved higher to tap the HVN. Notice that it’s the area with the highest volume besides the POC. After reaching the HVN, the price quickly reversed. Similar to the POC, traders could have anticipated bearishness from this area. The tweezer top chart pattern here acted as excellent confirmation.

⑧ Common mistakes when using the Fixed Range Volume Profile indicator:

What common mistakes do traders often make when using the Fixed Range Volume Profile indicator?

Neglecting other market indicators

Some traders rely solely on Fixed Range Volume Profile and ignore other crucial market indicators. This approach can result in a one-dimensional trading strategy, which is never a good thing. A solid Fixed Range Volume Profile strategy should include other tools that can help confirm reversals at support or resistance levels, like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) or MACD.

Over-reliance on historical data

While the FRVP is effective in visualizing historical trading activity, it is not a crystal ball predicting future price movements. Traders should avoid the mistake of considering the volume profile as the sole indicator of future trends. It’s a good idea to consider the fundamental factors that may drive a market in a certain direction and then complement your analysis with the FRVP.

Misinterpretation of volume nodes

Traders may incorrectly assume that all HVNs or LVNs are equally significant. However, their importance can vary based on the broader market context. For instance, strong bullishness in the market may cause an HVN to be traded through with little consideration.

✪ To summarize everything above:

In this guide, we've unpacked the complexities of the Fixed Range Volume Profile (FRVP), revealing its components, applications, and potential pitfalls.

You've learned how the FRVP offers insight into the relationship between volume and price data, aids in trend identification, and pinpoints crucial support and resistance levels.

By now, you should have a comprehensive understanding of when and how to utilize the FRVP.

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😁😁😁 actually there’s no RT here
😁😁😁 actually there’s no RT here
Ton Network
Gm 💎 Reply $TON + RT if you got your 🔔 on, we may have a little surprise for you :) Hint: 🎮🪙🖼
Very nice! Finally someone speaks the truth about leverage trading. Using margin is not the reason you get liquidated easily. It’s actually the greed you have that kills you. The last paragraph in this is the essence of it. Having leverage is for you to earn or lose more! BUT if you can learn to control your own greed, the first thing you need to see before you even trade is what is your margin level. At what point you get liquidated! Playing too huge on leverage will easily get you liquidated, if market moves in the opposite direction. If liquidation levels happen near popular liquidation levels. You are actually asking to be cut off as that is never a secret to whales 🤔
Very nice!

Finally someone speaks the truth about leverage trading. Using margin is not the reason you get liquidated easily.

It’s actually the greed you have that kills you. The last paragraph in this is the essence of it.

Having leverage is for you to earn or lose more! BUT if you can learn to control your own greed, the first thing you need to see before you even trade is what is your margin level. At what point you get liquidated! Playing too huge on leverage will easily get you liquidated, if market moves in the opposite direction.

If liquidation levels happen near popular liquidation levels. You are actually asking to be cut off as that is never a secret to whales 🤔
Laila Gautsch dYj7
Төмен (кемімелі)
I've never posted here and decided to post when I see so many people giving the wrong advice. Here is some of my advice:

Trading is 90% psychology and 10% skill and analysis. Learn to develop a trader's mindset. If you really want to learn how to think like a trader, I highly recommend reading a book called Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas.

Don't blame the market; learn to take responsibility for your actions no matter the outcome. What I mean by that is that it is your fault that you lost your money. The market doesn't tell you to buy or sell; it is your decision solely. People also like to blame whales too much.

Learn about proper risk management. I recommend only risking 1%–3% of your entire capital , depending on your risk tolerance. I know you won't make a huge profit by risking only a small amount. Remember, making money is a marathon, not a sprint. There is no such thing as instant money. If you get your money instantly, you either get lucky or you are just gambling. Everyone knows what happens to gamblers.

Use stoploss. I still see so many people trading without stoploss and complaining about the market when they get liquidated.

Learn to calculate position size, i.e., how many quantities of crypto you need to buy, with proper risk.

Leverage doesn't matter as long as your liquidation price is outside your stoploss. The things that are important the most are proper risk and position size.


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🚀🚀 New airdrop! 🚀🚀

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It doesn’t harm to try just takes 0.005 eth to try!

Low cost & legit posted on Blast official x !

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Play money games, engage with social groups, and earn rewards like Gems, $OLE, and #BlastGold.

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One “o” already climbing up, second “o” still running on threadmill 😖 Ain’t the both “O” used to have similar charts during halving time 🥲
One “o” already climbing up, second “o” still running on threadmill 😖

Ain’t the both “O” used to have similar charts during halving time 🥲
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Without CZ, there’s no Binance! We won’t be able to trade safely without it! #FreeCZ
Without CZ, there’s no Binance! We won’t be able to trade safely without it! #FreeCZ
The Crypto Chaser
The crypto community stands united in support of cz_binance, a visionary who deserves freedom! 🔥

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