Binance Square
master of his dominion, investment enthusiast. in it for true financial freedom. dont work for money make money work for you.
лайк басылған
Барлық мазмұн
Жоғары (өспелі)
good read. polyx to the moon.
good read. polyx to the moon.
3 月 26 日,据 coingecko 数据,RWA 概念普涨。赛道龙头 Ondo Finance 原生代币 ONDO 一周涨幅超 110% ,并领涨整个 RWA 赛道协议,多个项目代币不断续创历史新高。

其中 POLYX(Polymesh)一周涨幅达 197.4 ;TOKEN(TokenFi)一周涨幅达 210.5 ;NXRA(AllianceBlock Nexera)一周涨幅达 129% ;GFI(Goldfinch) 24 小时涨幅达 97.3% ;RIO(Realio Network)一周涨幅达 141.7% 。

从贝莱德到 meme,市场开始炒 RWA 赛道?

RWA 赛道炒热的原因可能与贝莱德有关。

3 月 21 日,贝莱德推出的代币化基金 BUIDL,该基金将通过 Securitize Markets, LLC 认购该基金,为合格投资者提供赚取美元收益的机会。贝莱德将每日应计股息作为新代币直接支付到投资者的钱包中。该基金将总资产 100% 投资于现金、美国国债和回购协议,让投资者在持有区块链上的代币的同时赚取收益。或首次影响,ONDO 价格一路飙升,周涨幅直接翻倍。

相关阅读:《ONDO 一周翻倍,贝莱德入场再度点燃 RWA 赛道》

此外,这一轮牛市的板块轮到似乎仍然没有转到 DeFi 上来。据 DeFi Llama 数据显示,在 2022 年初至 2023 年 7 月间,DeFi 收益中值已从去年低点 2% 有所上升,目前达 3.24 。但该收益较国债收益率仍然偏低,目前, 10 年期美国国债市场收益率为 4.22 。且据 CME 美联储观察数据显示,美联储 5 月大概率继续维持利率在 5.25% -5.50% 区间不变。

在去年普遍的避险环境下,机构认为 DeFi 收益率提供的中个位数回报对于相关风险来说太低了。当大户在链上无法产生足够的收益,将现实世界的收益带入 DeFi 是一个可行的解决方式。

RWA 概念普涨后,顺应着 meme 炒作热潮,甚至出现了 RWA 概念 meme,ElonRWA。ElonRWA 是第一个与 RWA 叙事相关的 Elon meme 币,其源自一幅手绘的马斯克人像。在马斯克的「造富效应」加持下,ElonRWA 涨势明显, 24 小时涨幅达 80.51% 。

值得关注的 RWA 协议

Realio Network

Realio Network 成立于 2018 年,前身是一家专注于房地产私募股权投资的端对端数字资产发行和 P2P 交易平台,总部位于纽约。目前,Realio 建立了自己的 L1 区块链网络,基于 Cosmos SDK 开发,主网于去年 4 月上线。

Realio 平台利用区块链技术提供一系列服务,包括代币化、数字化资产发行和二级市场交易,提供应用程序包括 realioVerse 和即将推出的 Freehold 钱包,未来不仅仅是房地产领域,还会涉及证券。Realio 的独特功能之一是分布式密钥管理系统,帮助确保安全的质押验证者和委托人。

Realio 采用原生双代币权益证明模式,RIO 和 RST,具有网络质押、治理、密钥管理等功能。同时,Realio 还推出了一个专门从事低成本比特币生产的代币化基金 LMX。

其中,RST 是 Realio 在 2020 年与 Algorand 合作发的股权代币,作为 Algorand 标准资产 (ASA) 来出售,并具有与其他提供支持的区块链和平台功能 (如 RealioX) 互操性。RST 享有平台收益分配,也可以抵押在 Realio Network 上赚取验证者奖励。最大供应量 5000 万,通过预售和 平台上的 Security Token Offering 产品出售。

RIO 是 Realio Network 的原生 gas 和实用代币,最大供应量为 7500 万,多链发行,目前在以太坊、Algorand 和 Stellar 网络上发行,没有预挖,增发通过验证者区块奖励和流动性挖矿。截至撰稿时,RIO 价格 2.04 美元,周涨幅达 140.9% 。




Propchain 是一个基于区块链的房地产代币投资市场,为用户提供了投资全球房地产市场的渠道,以及各种性质、规模、估值的工具。Propchain 解决了房地产投资者在传统市场中遇到的许多问题,该平台不断采购新房产,在尽职调查后上市代币,以确保平台上永远不会缺少投资选择,也保证了房产的安全性和可持续性。

Propchain 允许投资者的投资门槛低至 1000 欧元。所有房产均由 Propchain 的物业管理团队团里,投资者只需从房产中收取租金即可。截至撰稿时,PROPC 价格为 4.84 美元,周涨幅达 83.4% 。



AllianceBlock Nexera

AllianceBlock 是去中心化代币化市场的基础设施提供商。它为企业提供流动性,并允许他们合规地发行、管理和交易代币化数字资产,包括 RWA。AllianceBlock 的代币化技术使机构和企业能够开发合规且高效的解决方案。

AllianceBlock 推出了 NFT 协议 Nexera,其采用当前的 NFT 标准构建,能够创建可变和可组合的 NFT,称为 MetaNFT。

MetaNFT 是第三代 NFT,可以同时拥有可变数据和元数据以扩展它们的功能,并允许它们随着时间的推移使用新的属性和限制动态发展。这使得 MetaNFT 成为链上可变存储实体,可以与链上和链下数据进行交互。MetaNFT 广泛支持现有和新兴 NFT 标准,,并允许开发人员快速适应和整合未来的标准。

MetaNFT 还可以自动执行借款人和贷方之间的贷款条款。此外,MetaNFT 还可以通过 NFT 的碎片化为资产支持的借贷平台提供动力。即 MetaNFT 可以使用现有的 NFT 作为抵押品,并将它们分割成更小的 NFT 部分,可以直接或通过 NFT 市场平台出售或拍卖。

Nexera 原生代币代币 NXRA 最大供应量为 8.5 亿,目前支持在以太坊、BNB 智能链、Avalanche、Polygon 和 EnergyWeb Chain 上运行。截至撰稿时,NXRA 价格为 0.28 美元,周涨幅达 139.7% 。



Plume network

Plume 专用于 RWA 的模块化 L2 区块链,它将资产代币化和合规提供商直接集成到链中。Plume 希望简化风险加权资产项目部署的复杂过程,并为投资者提供一个区块链生态系统。通过其 DeFi 应用程序,Plume 旨在实现 RWA 特定资产的可组合性,并提供了与优质买家的联系,以增加所有代币化 RWA 的流动性。

Plume network 的团队成员来自各大公司,包括 Coinbase、Robinhood、Layerzero、Binance、Galaxy Digital、Scale Venture Partners、dYdX 等。目前,Plume network 还没有发币,但有积分计划。Plume 目前作为 L2 部署在以太坊 Sepolia 测试网上,领取测试代币,参与 Plume 的测试网,完成桥接等任务有机会获得空投。




Polymesh 是专门为 RWA 代币而构建的机构级许可区块链。它将治理、身份、合规性、机密性纳入区块链的核心。所有参与者,无论是代币发行商、投资者、节点运营商,都必须先通过去中心化的 KYC 验证。

Polymesh 原生代币 $POLYX 层被瑞士法律归类为实用型代币。去年 4 月,Binance 曾宣布成为 Polymesh 的节点运营商,彼时 POLYX 应声上涨超 10% 。目前,POLYX 同样呈现上涨趋势,截至撰稿时,POLYX 价格为 0.64 美元,周涨幅达 219.1% 。




Mineral 是世界上第一个由比特币挖矿 RWA 支持的 BRC-420 的铭文。与许多依赖补贴和流动性锁定的不可持续 DeFi 1.0 项目不同,Mineral 引入了来自挖矿的正面外部效应,创造了可持续的收益生成 DeFi 模型。

Mineral 通过在 L2 质押 Mineral 获得比特币,还可以获得原生代币 MNER,国库将会随着项目发展不断增持新的 RWA 生息资产。除此以外,Mineral 将与同样基于 BRC-420 环境中的其他项目合作,并在 L2 中,通过抵押 Mineral 铭文来实现一币多挖。

通过其设计的原生代币 MNER,它不断巩固价值与 RWA,并通过高度可组合性,为跨项目合作开辟了广阔的可能性,实现了 DeFi 的多重飞轮设计。MNER 充当 Mineral L2 Treasury 代币,由 RWA 支持,具体表现为比特币算力。随着时间的推移,Treasury 将受益于来自 BTC 挖矿及其他 RWA 的持续净收益,跨项目合作的收益,以及新获得的 RWA 的增强净收益。



Galileo Protocol

Galileo Protocol 是一个代币化平台,旨在改变奢侈品和 RWA 的认证和所有权。Galileo Protocol 专注于利用 pNFT 作为所有权和真实性的证明,旨在使奢侈品牌、企业、个人收藏家和元宇宙用户受益。

pNFT 提供了 NFT 的可追溯性、不变性和安全性优势,同时抽象了交易实物资产所涉及的大部分复杂性,允许将产品生命周期内的所有更改记录到 pNFT 上。该协议包括一个适用于 iOS 和 Android 设备的移动应用程序,使用户能够验证奢侈品并管理其相关的 pNFT。该应用程序利用计算机视觉算法来分析奢侈品的物理特征,并将其与存储在其相关 pNFT 中的元数据进行比较。

此外,Galileo Protocol 为奢侈品牌和企业提供了一个 B2B 代币化平台,以验证他们的产品并通过其供应链进行跟踪。该平台允许企业快速轻松地为其产品创建和管理 pNFT,确保每件商品的真实性准确记录在区块链上。

Galileo Protocol 将发行 1.5 亿个 LEOX 代币,初始流通供应量为 2890 万枚。截至撰稿时,LEOX 价格为 1.34 美元,周涨幅达 120.7% 。




MANTRA Chain 是一个基于 Cosmos SDK 构建的 L1 区块链,旨在成为一个企业之间相互协作的网络,吸引企业、开发人员构建从 NFT、游戏、元宇宙到合规的 DEX 等任何应用程序。MANTRA Chain 上的第一个 dApp 是 MANTRA Finance,其目标是成为一个全球监管的 DeFi 平台,将 DeFi 的速度和透明度带到 TradFi,允许用户发行、交易 RWA 代币。

3 月 19 日,MANTRA 宣布完成 1100 万美元融资,Shorooq Partners 领投,Three Point Capital、Forte Securities、Caladan、Virtuzone、Hex Trust、Token Bay Capital、GameFi Ventures、Mapleblock、Fuse Capital、 280 Capital 等参投。

新资金将用于帮助 MANTRA 实现三个关键目标:构建合规的基础设施、为开发人员提供支持以及扩大 RWA 代币化项目范围。截至撰稿时,OM 价格为 0.72 美元, 24 小时涨幅达 26.7% 。


Жоғары (өспелі)
$FET after the merger this coin will become one super powerhouse of ai in the ai bullrun. dont miss it. not financial advice dyor
$FET after the merger this coin will become one super powerhouse of ai in the ai bullrun.

dont miss it.

not financial advice dyor
Жоғары (өспелі)
$OCEAN with this announcement of a merger between fet agix and ocean and fet becoming the reserve money of the new project i sold my ocean as of now and invested all in fet and here is my reasoning: - this merger is super bullish news and it will definitely propel this new token called asi to new highs and we will probably see 70-80B mc on this new token in this bull run - it will decrease volatility of these projects as the higher mc means more distributed ownership and here is the reason why i bought fet at this level eventhough its already priced pretty high atm: - its gonna be the reserve currency of this new project. agix and ocean coins will be swapped automatically by the exchanges and ocean and agix tokens will be swapped 1 to 0,43.. asi meaning for every ocean or agix token you hold you will get 0.43.. asi tokens. so instead of getting buried in all this news and uncertainty i found it better to just swap my ocean for fet and with the current rate i sold 550 ocean and bought 255 fet which puts my exchange rate at .4636.. instead of .433.. thanks for reading not financial advice dyor
$OCEAN with this announcement of a merger between fet agix and ocean and fet becoming the reserve money of the new project i sold my ocean as of now and invested all in fet and here is my reasoning:

- this merger is super bullish news and it will definitely propel this new token called asi to new highs and we will probably see 70-80B mc on this new token in this bull run

- it will decrease volatility of these projects as the higher mc means more distributed ownership

and here is the reason why i bought fet at this level eventhough its already priced pretty high atm:

- its gonna be the reserve currency of this new project.

agix and ocean coins will be swapped automatically by the exchanges and ocean and agix tokens will be swapped 1 to 0,43.. asi

meaning for every ocean or agix token you hold you will get 0.43.. asi tokens. so instead of getting buried in all this news and uncertainty i found it better to just swap my ocean for fet and with the current rate i sold 550 ocean and bought 255 fet which puts my exchange rate at .4636.. instead of .433..

thanks for reading not financial advice dyor
Жоғары (өспелі)
$OCEAN one of the coins in my portfolio on the top of the list almost everyday haha in bull you gotta follow the hype, dont fight the market you’ll only lose.
$OCEAN one of the coins in my portfolio on the top of the list almost everyday haha

in bull you gotta follow the hype, dont fight the market you’ll only lose.
Жоғары (өспелі)
trust solid projects and accumulate the dips. trust and you’ll see them on the top of the list. rwa narrative is hot hot and polyx is still very low cap. 5-10x till the end of may is my first target.
trust solid projects and accumulate the dips. trust and you’ll see them on the top of the list. rwa narrative is hot hot and polyx is still very low cap. 5-10x till the end of may is my first target.
Жоғары (өспелі)
$POLYX no prior bull run, low cap, rwa narrative. dca while you can because soon it’ll fly off.

dont listen to people who says this and that project are shit invest in this. or dont listen to me when i say this project is good put some money in it.

always do your own research thats how i gained entry to icp at 2$, id at 20cents, arkham at 50cents and many more. at the time i bought these coins people were telling me “shitcoin” “dead project” and so on haha

now i believe polyx will do some face melting action, soon. may not be today may not be this week or the next, it may dip it may go back to lower resistance but long term means long term so i’ll keep holding and dca all the way to the bottom.

also i’m again tipping you off about not missing $NEAR its gonna be super bullish in the short mid and long term.

not financial advice dyor.
Жоғары (өспелі)
$POLYX to the moon? quite possibly
$POLYX to the moon?

quite possibly
Жоғары (өспелі)
$POLYX told you it was gonna explode and you have seen nothing yet when rwa narrative starts catching on it’ll fly
$POLYX told you it was gonna explode and you have seen nothing yet when rwa narrative starts catching on it’ll fly
Жоғары (өспелі)
$POLYX no prior bull run, low cap, rwa narrative. dca while you can because soon it’ll fly off.

dont listen to people who says this and that project are shit invest in this. or dont listen to me when i say this project is good put some money in it.

always do your own research thats how i gained entry to icp at 2$, id at 20cents, arkham at 50cents and many more. at the time i bought these coins people were telling me “shitcoin” “dead project” and so on haha

now i believe polyx will do some face melting action, soon. may not be today may not be this week or the next, it may dip it may go back to lower resistance but long term means long term so i’ll keep holding and dca all the way to the bottom.

also i’m again tipping you off about not missing $NEAR its gonna be super bullish in the short mid and long term.

not financial advice dyor.
$PORTAL is gonna be what steam is for conventional gaming. i’m accumulating during these dips.
$PORTAL is gonna be what steam is for conventional gaming. i’m accumulating during these dips.
Жоғары (өспелі)
$PYTH good chance we can break 1$ very soon. oracles are irreplaceable projects for the market and they will reach their potential sooner or later. hope you took entry from the lows.
$PYTH good chance we can break 1$ very soon. oracles are irreplaceable projects for the market and they will reach their potential sooner or later. hope you took entry from the lows.
Жоғары (өспелі)
$NEAR $RNDR the nvidia conference is bullish for these 2 coins more than the others as their founders will be speaking at the conference with the founder of nvidia himself. i see some people think of this conference as a sell the news but in my opinion this is actually opening of the floodgates for these projects. these ai based protocols and projects getting exposure in the same arena with an industry giant such as nvidia will only boost trust and open up more institutional and big money investments into these projects. so my stance is i’m not “selling the news” as the actual news was the announcement of the conference line-up and not the the conference happening. extremely bullish on ai for this bull and even more bullish on these two. these prices will soon become very cheap and you’ll look back and wish you had bought. not financial advice dyor.
$NEAR $RNDR the nvidia conference is bullish for these 2 coins more than the others as their founders will be speaking at the conference with the founder of nvidia himself.

i see some people think of this conference as a sell the news but in my opinion this is actually opening of the floodgates for these projects.

these ai based protocols and projects getting exposure in the same arena with an industry giant such as nvidia will only boost trust and open up more institutional and big money investments into these projects.

so my stance is i’m not “selling the news” as the actual news was the announcement of the conference line-up and not the the conference happening.

extremely bullish on ai for this bull and even more bullish on these two. these prices will soon become very cheap and you’ll look back and wish you had bought.

not financial advice dyor.
Жоғары (өспелі)
i told you that btc is going to flash dump and you should keep some liquidity to buy the dips. i just was guessing it was gonna happen a day sooner than it did. well either case i hope you had liquidity to catch the discounted prices on some of your favorites like $ARKM and $NEAR and i hope you also took notice of the strong ones that didnt even flinch during the flash dump like $ID what other coins did you notice which showed strength during the btc dip? share in the comments. stay strong stay safe and profitable fam!
i told you that btc is going to flash dump and you should keep some liquidity to buy the dips. i just was guessing it was gonna happen a day sooner than it did.

well either case i hope you had liquidity to catch the discounted prices on some of your favorites like $ARKM and $NEAR

and i hope you also took notice of the strong ones that didnt even flinch during the flash dump like $ID

what other coins did you notice which showed strength during the btc dip? share in the comments.

stay strong stay safe and profitable fam!
$AEVO defis, liquid staking and lending platforms skyrocket with the blockchain they built on. we saw this with $QI yesterday. avax pumped qi pumped. i’m not saying buy aevo now but i already made a purchase with .8% of my portfolio and gonna keep dcaing through the dips. new coins with solid working projects always have a little bit of an edge in bull runs and this might be one of those coins. the truth is no one really knows whats going to pump and give you 10x and above. some projects have solid fundamentals but never catch wind and some projects are shit as it can be and they leave you with 100x. its a feeding frenzy in bull so choose your coins wisely keep those coins tight till you get what you want out of them and dont chase the next pump, dont look at the gainers module on binance and be unhappy that you dont see your coin there today. its time will more than likely come soon. so always do your research and diversify according to your portfolio.
$AEVO defis, liquid staking and lending platforms skyrocket with the blockchain they built on. we saw this with $QI yesterday. avax pumped qi pumped.

i’m not saying buy aevo now but i already made a purchase with .8% of my portfolio and gonna keep dcaing through the dips.

new coins with solid working projects always have a little bit of an edge in bull runs and this might be one of those coins.

the truth is no one really knows whats going to pump and give you 10x and above. some projects have solid fundamentals but never catch wind and some projects are shit as it can be and they leave you with 100x.

its a feeding frenzy in bull so choose your coins wisely keep those coins tight till you get what you want out of them and dont chase the next pump, dont look at the gainers module on binance and be unhappy that you dont see your coin there today. its time will more than likely come soon.

so always do your research and diversify according to your portfolio.
Жоғары (өспелі)
$PYTH coming to break 1$ today if market doesnt crash
$PYTH coming to break 1$ today if market doesnt crash
Төмен (кемімелі)
$VANRY sold mine at 295 it was a good run about 100% profit i think it should correct soon then i’ll reconsider another entry
$VANRY sold mine at 295 it was a good run about 100% profit i think it should correct soon then i’ll reconsider another entry
$BTC are we going into that mini flush dump action again or is this the end of everything? have your cash ready for purchasing coins on a discount for the next 2-3hrs. if nothing happens we’ll move as we were. if flash dump happens buy the dips on your strong coins and those that you wanted to buy but was put off by the current price. also observe the market during a flash dump. pinpoint which altcoins get affected less and recovers faster and if those coins also have a good project behind them and a dedicated team coupled with an active social community and user base. well boy you hit the jackpot on that investment for the bull. share your picks under this post if a flash dump happens on btc side👇🏻
$BTC are we going into that mini flush dump action again or is this the end of everything?

have your cash ready for purchasing coins on a discount for the next 2-3hrs.

if nothing happens we’ll move as we were.

if flash dump happens buy the dips on your strong coins and those that you wanted to buy but was put off by the current price.

also observe the market during a flash dump. pinpoint which altcoins get affected less and recovers faster and if those coins also have a good project behind them and a dedicated team coupled with an active social community and user base.

well boy you hit the jackpot on that investment for the bull.

share your picks under this post if a flash dump happens on btc side👇🏻
Жоғары (өспелі)
$DOCK priming up for parabolic. i have 4% of my portfolio invested in it i expect 4x in 1-2 weeks if market doesnt crash which is always a possibility ofc so dyor and manage your risk always. not financial advice
$DOCK priming up for parabolic. i have 4% of my portfolio invested in it i expect 4x in 1-2 weeks if market doesnt crash which is always a possibility ofc so dyor and manage your risk always.

not financial advice
Жоғары (өспелі)
$INJ just printed ath congrats guys! i’m not selling anything yet.
$INJ just printed ath congrats guys! i’m not selling anything yet.
Жоғары (өспелі)
$PYTH definite long term hold. gonna catch up to link and maybe even surpass it in the bull. its just a matter of time until majority takes notice of this coin and it starts going parabolic. not financial advice dyor
$PYTH definite long term hold. gonna catch up to link and maybe even surpass it in the bull. its just a matter of time until majority takes notice of this coin and it starts going parabolic.

not financial advice dyor
Жоғары (өспелі)
$POLYX no prior bull run, low cap, rwa narrative. dca while you can because soon it’ll fly off. dont listen to people who says this and that project are shit invest in this. or dont listen to me when i say this project is good put some money in it. always do your own research thats how i gained entry to icp at 2$, id at 20cents, arkham at 50cents and many more. at the time i bought these coins people were telling me “shitcoin” “dead project” and so on haha now i believe polyx will do some face melting action, soon. may not be today may not be this week or the next, it may dip it may go back to lower resistance but long term means long term so i’ll keep holding and dca all the way to the bottom. also i’m again tipping you off about not missing $NEAR its gonna be super bullish in the short mid and long term. not financial advice dyor.
$POLYX no prior bull run, low cap, rwa narrative. dca while you can because soon it’ll fly off.

dont listen to people who says this and that project are shit invest in this. or dont listen to me when i say this project is good put some money in it.

always do your own research thats how i gained entry to icp at 2$, id at 20cents, arkham at 50cents and many more. at the time i bought these coins people were telling me “shitcoin” “dead project” and so on haha

now i believe polyx will do some face melting action, soon. may not be today may not be this week or the next, it may dip it may go back to lower resistance but long term means long term so i’ll keep holding and dca all the way to the bottom.

also i’m again tipping you off about not missing $NEAR its gonna be super bullish in the short mid and long term.

not financial advice dyor.
Жоғары (өспелі)
$ROSE can go parabolic soon. never hurts to invest 5-10% of portfolio and just hold till ath. i already did.
$ROSE can go parabolic soon. never hurts to invest 5-10% of portfolio and just hold till ath. i already did.

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