Binance Square
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6.4币安钱包上线SOLV 撸毛攻略BTCFI的金铲子  @SolvProtocol  正式登录BN web3 钱包,活动瓜分 15w $SOLV TOKEN,价值75wu左右。 活动教程: 1. 划转BTC到你的BN web3钱包 在web3钱包中点击 划转 选择“BTC” 2.提现:最少需要0.0001BTC 建议提现0.00013以上(bep20地址) 3.来到web3 空投页面 选择 SOLV 活动界面点击 4.在弹出的任务页面点击开始做任务 5.选择 bnbchain存入 0.0001以上的btcb ,完成存储后 返回任务页面点击验证 注意:参加活动注意钱包预留一些bnb作为gas,BTCB初始赎回期将于7月开始,50%的代币将在TGE解锁,另外50%将在3个月后分发给用户。

6.4币安钱包上线SOLV 撸毛攻略

BTCFI的金铲子  @SolvProtocol  正式登录BN web3 钱包,活动瓜分 15w $SOLV TOKEN,价值75wu左右。
1. 划转BTC到你的BN web3钱包
在web3钱包中点击 划转

2.提现:最少需要0.0001BTC 建议提现0.00013以上(bep20地址)

3.来到web3 空投页面 选择 SOLV 活动界面点击


5.选择 bnbchain存入 0.0001以上的btcb ,完成存储后 返回任务页面点击验证

美国7月季调后CPI月率0.2%,预期0.20%,前值-0.10% 2024/08/14 20:30 美国 7 月季调后 CPI 月率 0.2%,预期 0.20%,前值-0.10%; 美国 7 月未季调核心 CPI 年率 3.2%,预期 3.20%,前值 3.30%; 美国 7 月季调后 CPI 月率 0.2%,预期 0.20%,前值-0.10%。(金十)
2024/08/14 20:30
美国 7 月季调后 CPI 月率 0.2%,预期 0.20%,前值-0.10%;
美国 7 月未季调核心 CPI 年率 3.2%,预期 3.20%,前值 3.30%;
美国 7 月季调后 CPI 月率 0.2%,预期 0.20%,前值-0.10%。(金十)
《买烟》 8.05最佳小作文 “他醒来看了一眼账户,说下去买烟,没有走楼梯,也没有坐电梯”。 ——2024年8月5号
《买烟》 8.05最佳小作文
Жоғары (өспелі)


$AXL 突破0.6位置看样子站稳均线能稳住应该后面还不错。
$AXL 突破0.6位置看样子站稳均线能稳住应该后面还不错。
抄底了躺平了。$AXL $BNB
抄底了躺平了。$AXL $BNB
lista新纪元什么是LISTA? #Lista启航新纪元 Lista DAO 是一种流动性质押和去中心化稳定币协议。用户可以在 Lista 上进行质押和流动性质押,也可以借入 lisUSD 作为各种去中心化抵押品。 由 DeFi 和智能合约领域的顶尖专家团队打造,Lista DAO 旨在通过整合权益证明奖励和收益资产,将 lisUSD 打造成市场领先的稳定币。它不仅专注于去中心化和资本效率,更致力于推动区块链的广泛采用。加入 Lista DAO,你将站在 DeFi 革命的前沿,体验前所未有的金融自由和潜力无限的收益! Lista币的起源与背景 Lista币,其全称“ListaDAO”,乃是BNB链上的一颗璀璨明珠,由LSDfi全力支持的去中心化稳定币借贷革新者! 曾名为Helio Protocol,旨在成为BNB链上的Maker DAO协议,为全球加密货币社区提供前所未有的流动性质押解决方案。通过这一革命性协议,用户可以轻松质押BNB等资产,收获丰厚的PoS质押收益,并持有流动性质押凭证slisBNB。更令人振奋的是,用户还能将各类LSD资产抵押,铸造稳定币lisUSD,彻底颠覆传统的稳定币借贷模式!这种创新与独特性让Lista币在加密货币市场中独领风骚,无与伦比!核心组成 Lista DAO 为用户提供了几个主要功能:抵押:用户可以轻松抵押BNB等宝贵资产在Lista平台上,换取流动性代币(slisBNB),这些代币可以在全球瞩目的各种去中心化金融(DeFi)平台上自如驰骋,开启你的财富增长之旅!借款:用户可以用奇幻般的流动性代币或其它神奇的去中心化抵押品,轻轻松松地借入神秘的稳定币 lisUSD。lisUSD 豪迈地由抵押品支持,其价值像锁链般牢不可破地与美元紧紧相连。收益耕作:用户可以耕种 lisUSD 来赚取收益。贷款偿还:贷款可以用 lisUSD 加上借款利息偿还,目前设定为 0%。抵押品提取:用户偿还贷款后,可以提取抵押品。为了确保绝对的安全和信任,Lista 团队不惜放弃了合约的神秘控制权,并将流动性提供者(LP)代币投入了无法逆转的销毁黑洞。这一壮举确保了代币的永恒稳定性和不可侵犯性,让每一位用户都能无后顾之忧地享受无拘束的交易体验! LISTA代币功能: 治理:LISTA代币持有者可以对协议的治理决策进行投票。 协议激励:用户在借入 lisUSD 作为抵押品或在 lisUSD 和 slisBNB 池中的农场流动性时,可以赚取 LISTA 代币作为奖励。 投票指标:用户可以将他们的 LISTA 代币锁定为 veLISTA,并对他们想要用于铸造 lisUSD 的抵押品以及他们想要为其提供更高排放 LP 的流动性池进行投票。 费用分摊:锁定 LISTA 和 LISTA 的用户也将有资格获得费用分摊。 总结 Lista通过其独特的流动性质押和去中心化稳定币借贷机制,为用户提供了无与伦比的金融工具和机会!借助去中心化治理和激励机制,Lista致力于打造一个完全由用户驱动的金融生态系统,让您不仅能享受到无缝的去中心化金融体验,还能稳固收益和参与协议治理的独特权利!BN的第二个项目一经上线,Lista的分发即将启动!难忘的是,上一个BB项目上线后,市场掀起了一波疯狂的拉升,抛压完全不是问题,直接拉升至翻倍!参与的每一步都像在种猪脚饭。这次的Lista上线即将来临,根据最近行情的表现,预计开盘后可能会迎来更加强劲的抛压。让我们一同期待这一重要时刻的到来,准备迎接新一轮的成功!


什么是LISTA? #Lista启航新纪元
Lista DAO 是一种流动性质押和去中心化稳定币协议。用户可以在 Lista 上进行质押和流动性质押,也可以借入 lisUSD 作为各种去中心化抵押品。
由 DeFi 和智能合约领域的顶尖专家团队打造,Lista DAO 旨在通过整合权益证明奖励和收益资产,将 lisUSD 打造成市场领先的稳定币。它不仅专注于去中心化和资本效率,更致力于推动区块链的广泛采用。加入 Lista DAO,你将站在 DeFi 革命的前沿,体验前所未有的金融自由和潜力无限的收益!
曾名为Helio Protocol,旨在成为BNB链上的Maker DAO协议,为全球加密货币社区提供前所未有的流动性质押解决方案。通过这一革命性协议,用户可以轻松质押BNB等资产,收获丰厚的PoS质押收益,并持有流动性质押凭证slisBNB。更令人振奋的是,用户还能将各类LSD资产抵押,铸造稳定币lisUSD,彻底颠覆传统的稳定币借贷模式!这种创新与独特性让Lista币在加密货币市场中独领风骚,无与伦比!核心组成

Lista DAO 为用户提供了几个主要功能:抵押:用户可以轻松抵押BNB等宝贵资产在Lista平台上,换取流动性代币(slisBNB),这些代币可以在全球瞩目的各种去中心化金融(DeFi)平台上自如驰骋,开启你的财富增长之旅!借款:用户可以用奇幻般的流动性代币或其它神奇的去中心化抵押品,轻轻松松地借入神秘的稳定币 lisUSD。lisUSD 豪迈地由抵押品支持,其价值像锁链般牢不可破地与美元紧紧相连。收益耕作:用户可以耕种 lisUSD 来赚取收益。贷款偿还:贷款可以用 lisUSD 加上借款利息偿还,目前设定为 0%。抵押品提取:用户偿还贷款后,可以提取抵押品。为了确保绝对的安全和信任,Lista 团队不惜放弃了合约的神秘控制权,并将流动性提供者(LP)代币投入了无法逆转的销毁黑洞。这一壮举确保了代币的永恒稳定性和不可侵犯性,让每一位用户都能无后顾之忧地享受无拘束的交易体验!

协议激励:用户在借入 lisUSD 作为抵押品或在 lisUSD 和 slisBNB 池中的农场流动性时,可以赚取 LISTA 代币作为奖励。
投票指标:用户可以将他们的 LISTA 代币锁定为 veLISTA,并对他们想要用于铸造 lisUSD 的抵押品以及他们想要为其提供更高排放 LP 的流动性池进行投票。
费用分摊:锁定 LISTA 和 LISTA 的用户也将有资格获得费用分摊。
$ZRO 为什么垮链通信上了币安都在一直跌,都是几乎没有任何反弹。
$ZRO 为什么垮链通信上了币安都在一直跌,都是几乎没有任何反弹。
bnb的ai分析Insights on $BNB Token from June 2024 News:1.BNB Token Hits Record High: In June 2024, the BNB token, associated with Binance and its co-founder Changpeng Zhao, surged to a record high. This surge occurred in the first week of Changpeng Zhao's four-year incarceration, solidifying his position as the richest U.S. inmate. [Source ]2.BNB Price All-Time High: The price of BNB soared to a new all-time high of $716 in early June 2024. This surge propelled BNB's market cap to over $100 billion, with substantial trading volume. BNB's price rise highlighted its significance within the Binance ecosystem. [Source ]Explanation of $BNB Token:•Utility Token: BNB is the cryptocurrency coin powering the Binance ecosystem. Initially created in 2017 as a utility token for discounted trading fees, it has evolved to have multiple applications and benefits across various platforms. BNB plays a pivotal role in the Binance ecosystem, offering users a wide range of utilities. [Source ]Analysis of Price Change:•The surge in the price of BNB to a new all-time high in June 2024 can be attributed to various factors such as increased demand, positive market sentiment, institutional interest, and potentially specific developments within the Binance ecosystem. The market cap exceeding $100 billion signifies strong investor confidence and adoption of the token. In contrast, the price decline and formation of bearish patterns suggest a potential market correction or profit-taking after reaching record highs. Continued monitoring of market dynamics and key announcements from Binance could provide further insights into the price movement of BNB.


Insights on $BNB Token from June 2024 News:1.BNB Token Hits Record High: In June 2024, the BNB token, associated with Binance and its co-founder Changpeng Zhao, surged to a record high. This surge occurred in the first week of Changpeng Zhao's four-year incarceration, solidifying his position as the richest U.S. inmate. [Source ]2.BNB Price All-Time High: The price of BNB soared to a new all-time high of $716 in early June 2024. This surge propelled BNB's market cap to over $100 billion, with substantial trading volume. BNB's price rise highlighted its significance within the Binance ecosystem. [Source ]Explanation of $BNB Token:•Utility Token: BNB is the cryptocurrency coin powering the Binance ecosystem. Initially created in 2017 as a utility token for discounted trading fees, it has evolved to have multiple applications and benefits across various platforms. BNB plays a pivotal role in the Binance ecosystem, offering users a wide range of utilities. [Source ]Analysis of Price Change:•The surge in the price of BNB to a new all-time high in June 2024 can be attributed to various factors such as increased demand, positive market sentiment, institutional interest, and potentially specific developments within the Binance ecosystem. The market cap exceeding $100 billion signifies strong investor confidence and adoption of the token. In contrast, the price decline and formation of bearish patterns suggest a potential market correction or profit-taking after reaching record highs. Continued monitoring of market dynamics and key announcements from Binance could provide further insights into the price movement of BNB.
readon的axl代币分析$AXL Token Insights from June 2024 News:1.Interoperability Insights Paper: In June 2024, top institutions pointed to blockchain interoperability as critical to asset tokenization in a new "Interoperability Insights" paper. The AXL token, being the native token of Axelar, plays a significant role in supporting a full-stack interoperability platform that scales. Tokenholders stake the AXL token by delegating tokens to a validator's staking pool and receive rewards in return, minus the validator's commission (source) .2.Tokenomic Overhaul: Axelar is preparing for a tokenomic overhaul for the AXL token to make it deflationary and introduce necessary infrastructure to simplify the blockchain integration process. This move aims to revamp the tokenomics of AXL and enhance the cross-chain communication platform (source) .3.Price Surge: In an under-the-radar event, the AXL token surged after a surprise listing on a top crypto exchange, Binance. The token experienced a significant increase in price, reaching a new all-time high within 24 hours of the listing (source) .Overview of $AXL Token:•The AXL token is the native token of Axelar, a cross-chain communication platform. It plays a crucial role in the Axelar network ecosystem and is essential for achieving decentralization and security within the network.•Tokenholders can stake the AXL token by delegating tokens to a validator's staking pool, earning rewards in the process.•AXL is designed to facilitate secure and universal connectivity between different blockchain ecosystems, enhancing interoperability and scalability in the blockchain industry.Analysis of Price Change:The price change of the AXL token could be attributed to various factors such as the positive news of top institutions emphasizing the importance of blockchain interoperability, the tokenomic overhaul to make AXL deflationary, and the increased visibility following the listing on a major exchange like Binance. These developments may have instilled confidence in investors, leading to a surge in demand and consequently driving up the token's price. Additionally, the significant role of the AXL token in supporting a full-stack interoperability platform may have contributed to its increased value as more institutions recognize its critical role in the industry.


$AXL Token Insights from June 2024 News:1.Interoperability Insights Paper: In June 2024, top institutions pointed to blockchain interoperability as critical to asset tokenization in a new "Interoperability Insights" paper. The AXL token, being the native token of Axelar, plays a significant role in supporting a full-stack interoperability platform that scales. Tokenholders stake the AXL token by delegating tokens to a validator's staking pool and receive rewards in return, minus the validator's commission (source) .2.Tokenomic Overhaul: Axelar is preparing for a tokenomic overhaul for the AXL token to make it deflationary and introduce necessary infrastructure to simplify the blockchain integration process. This move aims to revamp the tokenomics of AXL and enhance the cross-chain communication platform (source) .3.Price Surge: In an under-the-radar event, the AXL token surged after a surprise listing on a top crypto exchange, Binance. The token experienced a significant increase in price, reaching a new all-time high within 24 hours of the listing (source) .Overview of $AXL Token:•The AXL token is the native token of Axelar, a cross-chain communication platform. It plays a crucial role in the Axelar network ecosystem and is essential for achieving decentralization and security within the network.•Tokenholders can stake the AXL token by delegating tokens to a validator's staking pool, earning rewards in the process.•AXL is designed to facilitate secure and universal connectivity between different blockchain ecosystems, enhancing interoperability and scalability in the blockchain industry.Analysis of Price Change:The price change of the AXL token could be attributed to various factors such as the positive news of top institutions emphasizing the importance of blockchain interoperability, the tokenomic overhaul to make AXL deflationary, and the increased visibility following the listing on a major exchange like Binance. These developments may have instilled confidence in investors, leading to a surge in demand and consequently driving up the token's price. Additionally, the significant role of the AXL token in supporting a full-stack interoperability platform may have contributed to its increased value as more institutions recognize its critical role in the industry.
如何参加bnbchain第三季交互以solv protocol为例,介绍下bnbchain第三季空投。 1,登录,进campaign页面点进去活动界面 3,质押大于0.0003的btcb就可以了 这样我们就成功参加到了5000万积分和400万代币的活动当中了,大家可以积极参与一波


以solv protocol为例,介绍下bnbchain第三季空投。


stakestone解除质押教程今天很多小伙伴咨询stakestone怎么解除质押,我简单给大家写个教程 1,用squid跨链0.01eth去币安钱包scroll链做gas,整个gas包括跨链等等要0.006左右,0.01稳妥一些。


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