#KSM/USDT $KSM is still in a 'profit' zone, if You buy it when it has been under 20. This rollercoaster with price is expected , so don't panic if You see price near 26-27, that's normal , due to owner restructuring. If we do a light analysis, it 'll be clear as mountain water 😉 , that this period is usually preparation for healthy price up ! So, again, DYOR, think twice before You decide 'to save asstes' NOW (read: transfer to $) !!! It 'll be a good move when price was around 45 , but now it's not smart move. Remember, everything happens with a reason , price move no one can predict due to market price fluctuations , so again, keep calm and think twice before any decision. #INJ pattern is still on hold, but, as I wrote months before, it's price is on track , similar story as $KSM , only matter of time and market, but it's achievable ! Again, DYOR and any word You read here or else, take with a reserve , check it !😎 Happy holidays 🙂
...well, as my #INJ pattern show, we are on track more then a few weeks ago...😎 Now, we have also to keep eye on #KSM, 'cause it can be a jeweluntul March...DYOR and keep calm 😊
Nov 13, 2024
Жоғары (өспелі)
#INJ ...my last post was on 26th September.
I decided not to post until elections (USA) finished and as I expected, the market started to be green. Technically , #INJ pattern is on track, value now worth knocks on 28, don't worry, it 'll very soon near 50. Also, #KSM is on a very interesting road, so, we can see on 2025 first days, value near 50 !!! I'm in the mood to hold until June 2025 when it can easily touch 300 !!!
Please, DYOR, this isn't financial /investment advice, be careful and be patient 😎
I decided not to post until elections (USA) finished and as I expected, the market started to be green. Technically , #INJ pattern is on track, value now worth knocks on 28, don't worry, it 'll very soon near 50. Also, #KSM is on a very interesting road, so, we can see on 2025 first days, value near 50 !!! I'm in the mood to hold until June 2025 when it can easily touch 300 !!!
Please, DYOR, this isn't financial /investment advice, be careful and be patient 😎
I hope so that you all enjoy in this #INJ value growth 🙂 My posts here, are about #INJ pattern and now, all I can say is, great ! Pattern is made by clear math and as time goes by, we see a result, but, lately I mentioned a real value, which consist three digits, so, take it easy, don't rush, be patient ...the real show 'll just begin...and know, math never lie 😎
This isn't financial /investment , please DYOR and be smart with your assets !
A few days ago, I explained what the pattshows for #INJ . As we all know, market is unpredictable , due to many variables which can't be quality estimated or recognized the value scopes. But, for me, it's only the matter of time, when #INJ 'll go up with it's value. Lately, I mentioned that it wouldn't be clever to place the possible value of #INJ but, what do you 'll think if I see that the pattern shows 3 digits value, sooner than anyone expects ? Again, this isn't financial /investment advice, DYOR and make profit !
Well, I read posts and conclude that peiple like to use shortcuts to achive anything they want . It's sad, empathy is gone and fair play is the weakness !!! To be honest , #HMSTR isn't a virgin, they possible have appropriate mechanisms to prevent and also 'do a little favor' to themselves . So, if you used the generators for keys, just think about that today is everything possible to check, so many data just need to be analyzed and than, the game is over....
So, after these few days of value turbulence, the pattern is on the 'road again'. To be honest, I have been in doubt , that something I missed in pattern reading , but, as mentioned before , only reason was market speculation...
Now, we can expect a strong gain until the end of this month and in October is obviously clear to see ATH for #INJ !!!
This isn't financial /investment advice , so DYOR and wait for future value gain, which all we can just imagine in our dreams. 😎
PS. #HMSTR can be the new born star, 'll see soon !
PPS. #FET and #ASI are also in 'wake up' mode, we can expect there also possible value gain, from 30-50% and possible x2 or more till end of October .
Well, the pattern has shown INJ stability and it's low around 19. Latency and value loss in the last 7-10 days was caused only by speculative works and known issues in politics, etc.
What pattern show for this weekend and next week ?
As I wrote in the last post, the pattern has the impressive foundation, close to the current INJ value. This weekend, the strong value up is obviously visible, so, don't be surprised if you see value over 30, it 'll just happen, in no more than few hours !
Also , next week, may be more excited than anyone can imagine in the crazies dreams 😀 When you see INJ value, please, be smart, pick up the profit and wait for another wave, which, if the pattern doesn't lie, can be unbelievable !!!
This isn't a financial /investment , please DYOR and stay smart with a good profit 😎
PS. I'm sure, that the last September days 'll be very, very generous , when we speak about INJ
#BTC is preparing for value growth, meanwhile we see #SOL struggling near 130 and...
#INJ is now in the situation to be in first class flight, engines are hot, just waiting for start.
This post is written in some kind of metaforic type 😉
The pattern is, as I wrote in the last post, on HOLD due reasons we all see, but to be honest, it's showing that during the next 24 hrs we see green light INJ value.
I decide to risk, to be recognized as 'silly' with the sentence below, but that's my choice !!!
#INJ/USDT value 'll be in next 48 hrs , above 23.55 !!! This is what the pattern shows !
Again, this isn't the financial /investment advice, so, DYOR and do as you think is the best !
Remember , patience is the key in this game. Pattern is good and during the last 14 days, only reason for delays is due unexpected issues on the market.
#INJ value is underrated, #BTC value also fluctuate , interest rate in the USA is still on hold, elections, etc. So many variables which no one can estima, due to their complexity and relationships (some public, some secret).
Pattern is still in PAUSE mode, due to reasons above, but, if we just look at buy/sell offer chart, we see almost 3x more buyers... We are all smart, so, the answer is just obvious !
Indeed , we are now in a position to be patient. This period can be over due the next 48 hours, 'cause this down value pressure isn't real. The pattern implicates slow value recovery (we saw it in the last 24 hours), but, someone wanted to buy cheaper and pressure was strong, but not enough to keep it under 16 (intention is visible).
This post isn't financial /investment advice, DYOR and keep your assets.
PS. I can write here more details and the precise time frame when it 'll possibly start recovering, but, due to variables mentioned above, patience is the key !
This post is made due to chit-chat with my friend, who is a more then decade in crypto world.
He showed me #USTC data and it seems very good. Also, some political and finance institutions market moves and elections in USA, are also used to make analysis 'brighter'.
Then we made analysis about possible values of #USTC/USDT ...
Well, in next three months , from value (now) 1.5 cents, it 'll be forced to 4 cents and then again pushed to 2 cents...next value step can go to 7 cents and after, brick on 4 cents. As we think, jumps to 4 or 7 cents, can be done in less then 24 hours, so, keep eye on #USTC and if change occur just follow the trends.
We agreed , that this scenario is possible, until New Year. So, be clever, DYOR and if you seen something that doesn't approve this post, feel free to place arguments here 🙂
If #USTC enter is under 1.2 cents, gain is intereting. 😎
Stay 'cool', don't let bi fooled with currents #INJ value.
It's obviously made to force you to lose your assets !!!
As I mentioned lately , this period is fake worth coins/alts value, just to gain freightened investors money.
So, be calm, DYOR and be patient, this is period where pattern show some kind of delay, so soon value 'll be where it belongs or to be precise , as written in previous posts...
This isn't financial /investment advice, take care of your assets and do own research for best results !
Yes, the current INJ value is under 18.00 and seems that it 'll be there longer then expected, but...
Pattern shows that this value isn't generated by real & objective parameters, so only reason is to squeeze and push #INJ holders to panic sell. Indeed, trading patience is the key for profit, so, keep calm , just HOLD.
As I mentioned in previous post, #INJ can gain in next 48 hrs better value than pattern estimate , this is DELAY (inducted by someone who wants to buy more, cheap), so again, be calm and clever.
This is NOT financial /investment advice, DYOR and as I said, 'read between lines' to prevent possible mistakes !!!
If you have questions or doubts, don't hesitate to ask 🙂
I just review my #INJ pattern again and everything looks fine, yesterday gaps are visible with % corrections (missed value less then +/-1% of expected).
What's next expected ? Well, between 29. and 31. August, pattern estimate value range from 20.5 -> 22.5 with obvious flexible +/- corrections of 0.6-0.9% daily.
In my first post (21.08.) I mentioned that expected gain of 30% from INJ value on that date, 'll be in 10-15 days, so pattern gave on 01.09. progressive value up, it wouldn't suprise me to be bigger then expected 😎
In less then a hour, market underestimate value, this is as we all know, a kind of manipulation .
Hope so that all your #INJ is still in your portfolio , 'cause, patience is the key.
Please, DYOR and belive in what you read between lines. I wrote here what I recognized (pattern ) . This post isn't investment advice, main reason is to help you to acknowledge that there are many views from different angles, but, as many angles you cover and each view ponder accrros main goal, it's step forward to goal...
This post maybe have a coach narrative , but unfortunately it's not ! Don't trust me, again DYOR and you 'll gain a new kind of view, then we can discuss and exchange experience 😎
If you need assistance, do not hesitate to ask.
Sure, free of charge, 'cause, knowledge is multiplied when you share it (divide) to others 😊 #INJ
#INJ/USDT is now in 'resting zone' and in next 24-48h, we can expect bottom value no less then 20.30... As I mentioned before, for me, this is amazing recognized pattern for this coin, so, technically INJ value on friday may easy be 24, maybe near 25...
Disclaimer !!!
This is not financial advice, DIYOR and be careful with investment .