Now that you have the estimated next Bitcoin halving date, it's also important to take a look at the process from a closer perspective so that you can understand the significance that these halvings bear.

Bitcoin halving is a phenomenon when the mining rewards are halved. This, in turn, leads to the halving of the supply rate of new Bitcoins. In other words:

Bitcoin halving = BTC mining rewards get cut in half = half the supply of new BTC coming into the market.

Today, there are 20 million Bitcoins in circulation. The total number of BTC that will ever exist, however, is 21 million - so, there's about 1 million BTC left to be mined.

However, thanks to BTC halving, these 1 million Bitcoins won't be mined for another hundred years or so.

In order to fully comprehend the process of halving, you first need to understand how the underlying technology behind Bitcoin - its blockchain - works

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@Salman Khan Wazir $BTC