Let me tell you something that unfortunately many overlook: never stop learning. Most of you are newcomers to the crypto market and have just discovered it without ever experiencing a bull market or a bear market. Many will think they are geniuses because they will make money during the bull market, but will lose all their profits in the bear market that follows.

Money comes and goes, but knowledge stays for life.

That's why it's absolutely crucial for you to continuously learn, without ever stopping, in order to enhance your understanding of the market. Don't settle for the opinions of others: everyone has a different opinion, and you will receive contradictory advice throughout the bull market. You will make mistakes trying to listen to everyone, in the end you will listen to no one and just lose your money.

Learn to analyze your investments yourself: broaden your knowledge spectrum, try to understand how other markets work (forex, stocks, derivatives...). This is necessary to achieve the best possible returns on any market, and it may become your full-time job.

The difference in level will be evident at the end of this bull market: the market will sort itself out among those who have been able to act on their own and those who have acted by listening to others. The latter, lacking knowledge, will panic in moments of stress that occur throughout a bull market, and will be unable to react correctly. And it's perfectly deserved, because they didn't make the effort to learn.

So leave this post, go watch learning videos on YouTube, read blog articles on the internet, buy books at your bookstore. Learn as much as possible, you will have nothing to lose by doing so.

Hoping that some will understand what I'm saying.

Pridectum pro
