According to Odaily, Australia's first Bitcoin spot Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), known as IBTC, has accumulated 46 Bitcoins since its inception. Cryptocurrency analyst Julian Fahrer has stated that the strong start of the ETF reflects the growing interest and confidence in Bitcoin investment.

The ETF's robust performance since its launch indicates a positive sentiment towards Bitcoin among investors. This is further validated by the analysis of Julian Fahrer, a well-known figure in the cryptocurrency sector. Fahrer's comments highlight the increasing trust and enthusiasm in Bitcoin investments, as evidenced by the successful launch and operation of the IBTC.

The accumulation of 46 Bitcoins by the ETF since its inception is a significant milestone. It not only demonstrates the ETF's successful operation but also underscores the growing acceptance and popularity of Bitcoin as a viable investment option. This development is expected to have a positive impact on the broader cryptocurrency market, potentially encouraging more investors to consider Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as part of their investment portfolios.