According to Odaily, Solana Labs, the company behind Solana, has launched a technology stack and 'white glove service' for businesses wishing to initiate customer loyalty programs on the blockchain. The recently launched customer loyalty platform, Bond, is the third product developed by Solana Labs. The other two products are GameShift, which aids game developers in creating Web3 games, and Solana Mobile, which is currently accepting pre-orders for its second-generation Solana integrated smartphone.

Bond is a significant addition to Solana Labs' portfolio, demonstrating the company's commitment to leveraging blockchain technology for diverse applications. The platform aims to provide businesses with a robust and secure infrastructure for implementing customer loyalty programs. This move is expected to revolutionize the way businesses engage with their customers, offering a more transparent and efficient system for rewards and loyalty programs.

In addition to Bond, Solana Labs has also developed GameShift and Solana Mobile. GameShift is a platform designed to assist game developers in creating Web3 games, a growing trend in the gaming industry. On the other hand, Solana Mobile is a smartphone integrated with Solana, and the company is currently accepting pre-orders for its second-generation device. This product line showcases Solana Labs' dedication to expanding the use of blockchain technology beyond traditional financial applications, into areas such as gaming and mobile technology.