Learning while waiting❗️

Soon, when the top is near, many influencers will ask you questions like, “What if you wake up tomorrow and the price of #Bitcoin     is $1M?” This question aims to induce panic if you lack knowledge about this market. However, if you are informed, you know that #Bitcoin    will never reach $1M overnight because #BTC    moves in stages: consolidation followed by a pump, then consolidation and another pump. It’s worth noting that the longer it consolidates, the higher it pumps (as seen in the chart). Waiting might sometimes be frustrating, but would you feel frustrated if you understood what longer consolidation means? I think you wouldn’t.

P.S. Those who bought for the first time yesterday and were hoping to become billionaires tomorrow are welcome to attack below in the comments as usual. Those who are still waiting for $32K to buy in are also welcome to express themselves.

