QCP Capital: The options market has bet on Bitcoin's rise to $74,000

👀 An active wave of buying call options for Bitcoin with an expiration at the end of June above $74,000 indicates increased expectations of a "decisive breakthrough" to a historical maximum. This conclusion was reached by QCP Capital.

🚀 A concentration of calls is observed at strikes at $75,000.

On June 5, the largest platform in the segment, Deribit, recorded the highest trading volume in options with an exercise price of $80,000 (1723 contracts with a notional value of $123 million). 🧐

🤓 Analyst Neil Rorti from Stocklytics explained the positioning in the derivatives market by the acceleration of inflows into BTC-ETF.

According to SoSoValue, on June 4, inflows jumped to $886.75 million — the second-highest value in history. The next day, the pace slowed to $488.24 million, which is also significantly higher than the average figures for May-June.

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