Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution Polygon announced the launch of its Polygon Miden Alpha Testnet v2. This new version introduces several new features aimed at enhancing the developer experience.

Among them are public accounts and notes, which allow developers to store account or note data transparently on the blockchain. The update also includes improvements to the command line interface (CLI), making it more streamlined.

Additionally, the roll out of SWAP notes enables simple atomic asset swaps, while Note screeners ensure that only relevant notes are stored in the client, optimizing the efficiency of storage. Furthermore, the new version offers enhanced data storage capacity and Note refactorings, enabling builders to develop notes without assets.

The initial launch of Polygon Miden Alpha Testnet took place in May. The release of Miden Alpha Testnet v2 represents the next iteration of the testnet, incorporating user feedback and developer efforts. This version introduces enhanced features and developer-focused upgrades based on the feedback and ongoing development efforts.

Polygon Miden represents a zkVM rollup crafted to empower individuals to validate state transactions. This client-side proving approach offers a range of new applications and opportunities. Providing individuals with the option to verify alterations in the local state promotes self-sovereignty and achieves greater throughput in comparison to current solutions.

Polygon To Roll Out Rust Compiler And TypeScript SDK Alongside Other Enhancements

Polygon, previously known as Matic Network, leads the way in Ethereum scaling solutions, providing a user-friendly platform that enhances blockchain scalability. At its foundation, the Polygon SDK enables a wide range of applications, including rollup blockchains and customized standalone blockchains. By utilizing the Plasma Framework and Proof-of-Stake (PoS), Polygon elevates Ethereum to a secure multichain system supported by key players in the industry.

Over this month, Polygon aims to introduce the Rust compiler and the TypeScript SDK and enable clients to process notes before they are officially registered on-chain. Essentially, this will facilitate sub-second order updates on exchanges.

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