Mastercard Launches Peer-to-Peer Crypto Network in Europe and Latin America.
In the announcement made by Mastercard, it was announced that a peer-to-peer (P2P) transaction platform was established for European and Latin American crypto users. While the network called Mastercard Crypto Credential was launched in the testing phase, it was informed that the network is supported by Bit2Me, Lirium and Mercado #Bitcoin exchanges. By launching the P2P platform, Mastercard has taken another important step towards its plan to use crypto assets in cross-border payments.
Mastercard Latin America and Caribbean Vice President of Product and Engineering Walter Pimenta made the following statement on the subject: “As interest in Blockchain and cryptoassets grows in Latin America and around the world, it is crucial to continue providing trustworthy and verifiable interactions on public Blockchain networks.”
Crypto investors who will use the P2P network will be able to use short names for crypto wallets. Thus, transfer transactions will become easier, and it was emphasized that the system is similar to the wallet addresses offered by the Ethereum-based Ethereum Name Service (#ENS ).
Mastercard believes that it can increase its market share in cross-border payments as the use of its P2P platform increases. As international remittance transactions continue to increase every year, payment companies continue their research to carry out these transactions faster and at lower costs.
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