US presidential candidates are vying for the support of the crypto industry.

As US President #JoeBiden and former President Donald Trump, who are re-nominated before the November election in the USA, begin their campaign activities, the candidates' actions towards the crypto industry attract attention.

President Joe Biden is reportedly interacting with key figures in the crypto industry, following a similar policy to his rival Donald Trump in the election campaign. There is a significant change in the presidential candidates, who were previously known for their distant stance towards the crypto industry.

Biden's team managing the election campaign accelerated interaction in this field and contacted several crypto experts, with the idea that the crypto sector could have a significant impact in the presidential race.

This approach has also become more evident with the response to the crypto-focused bill in recent weeks. Although the Biden Administration opposes the bill, it follows a more moderate policy by refraining from making a statement that it will be vetoed.

A similar situation exists for spot #Ethereum ETFs. Some commentators, including Cathie Wood, #CEO of Ark Investment, described the surprise approval of Ethereum ETFs by the SEC as political.

Former US President Donald Trump, in his statements in the past years, said that he did not favor Bitcoin because it threatened the sovereignty of the dollar and that he even saw crypto money as a means of fraud.

In today's situation, it seems that Trump has changed his approach towards the crypto industry. So much so that the presidential candidate said that among his election promises, he would ensure that the future of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, would be structured in the USA. Trump also emphasized that there are 50 million crypto investors in the United States and added that he would support the right of citizens to keep their crypto assets under his supervision.

However, Trump began accepting campaign donations in BTC, #ETH and #DOGE