🚀 Crypto is not a partisan issue, it's a freedom issue, says US Congressman Tom Emmer. He hints at a shift in political winds, as Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer and 70 Democrats back a resolution against the SEC's controversial crypto rule, SAB 121. Emmer suggests this could be a sign of waning influence for crypto critics like Sen. Elizabeth Warren and SEC Chair Gary Gensler.

In other news, Emmer is hopeful for the passage of the crypto-friendly FIT21 Act, but warns of potential Senate amendments. He also predicts a bright future for digital assets with the advent of a "solid, stable stablecoin."

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is in a pickle over CBDCs, with Emmer comparing them to a "Chinese Communist Party-style surveillance tool." But he's not ruling out digital cash that truly mimics the openness and privacy of physical cash.

In short, it's a wild ride in the world of crypto politics! 🎢