We're taking a look at the daily #Bitcoin RSI right now. It's massively breaking out to the upside, and obviously, I've been talking about this basically non-stop over the last two weeks. So first of all, we came back down for a test to confirm that previous resistance introduced support, and then we consolidated above that line of resistance, and now we're continuing the breakout further to the upside. If you're taking a look at the last time we saw a major breakout in the RSI above a decent line of resistance, that was right back in the beginning of February. What came next was a major bullish move in the price of Bitcoin. But if you're looking at the last time we actually saw a breakout and then a retest and some sort of consolidation, and then a further move to the upside in the RSI, it's like what we're seeing at the moment. The last time we saw something like that was back around mid-September. And if you're looking at the Bitcoin price during that time period, it looks extremely similar to right now. We just had a pullback in the price of Bitcoin. We kind of consolidated somewhat sideways for a few weeks, and even over a month, and then we eventually reversed back into the bullish direction from a short-term trend into another bull trend that lasted for a few months.

⚡ Boom Signal is Coming ...

TG : 👉 @Queenbee_00

Prepare yourself for the upcoming Bull run 😙⚡

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