🚀 Metaplanet, a Tokyo-listed investment firm, is all in on Bitcoin! 🎌 Adopting a Bitcoin-first strategy, the company is using BTC as its reserve asset.

• Metaplanet sees Bitcoin as superior to all other forms of currency and investment.

• This move comes after a 1 billion JPY ($6.5M) investment into BTC.

Why the change? 🤔 Japan's economic pressures, weak yen, and high government debt levels have prompted the shift.

• The yen fell to 34-year lows recently, depreciating 50% against the USD in the past decade.

• Japan's debt-to-GDP ratio is a whopping 261%, the highest in the developed world.

Metaplanet's BTC strategy aims to shield against further yen devaluation and positions the company as a BTC-focused investment vehicle. 💪

What do you think about companies going all in on Bitcoin? Let's chat below! 💬 #Bitcoin #Metaplanet #Japan