🚨Crypto history alert! Remember the 2017 Parity Multisig Wallet hack? The hacker who made off with 150K ETH (worth $30M then, $442M now) is back in action!💰

• The hacker just moved $9M worth of Ethereum to eXch exchange. Still has control over a whopping 83,017 ETH ($246.6M) from the original heist.

• This move marks a significant event in crypto history, showing the hacker's patience.

The 2017 hack was due to a bug in Parity's wallet software. The hacker exploited this, gaining control of victims' wallets with a single transaction.😲

• Parity Technologies, known for Polkadot blockchain & Ethereum’s Parity client, issued warnings and classified the bug as “critical”.

• White hat hackers managed to recover 377,000 ETH at risk due to the same vulnerability.

Analysts from OpenZeppelin stress on robust coding standards within the Ethereum ecosystem. Ignoring such protocols can lead to severe consequences, even from minor bugs.🐞

What's your take on this? Share your thoughts below!👇 #CryptoNews #Ethereum #ParityHacker