$BTC ETFs and Halving for 5 years old

Imagine $BTC is a ginormous cake, after "halving", this cake get smaller, specifically in this case, after a "halving" event, the ammount of new pieces coming out of the cake will be cut in half.

ETFs (Exchange-Traded Fund), just think of them as a big group of rich people want to buy this cake everyday. They are really interest in the cake and have the money to spend on it, hence the cake will get smaller and smaller in time.

I am not certain how things would work out, but I'm sure the value of the cake will rise up as the supply of the cake will gradually decrease after every halving event.

Some good signs is Grayscale's flow have reverse from selling to buying last week.

We are in this Bullrun together, LFG.

#BTCETFS #HalvingHopes #Graysacle