Oh boy, it looks like Changpeng Zhao, the Former CEO at Bnnance, just got a four-month timeout in the big house 🥺🥺.

The gavel came down in the Western District of Washington, where Judge Richard Jones called the shots.

The folks at the prosecution were eyeing a hefty three-year stay for Zhao, pointing fingers at some pretty sketchy regulatory moves under his watch. But Zhao's defense team was all about probation, stressing that he wasn’t really in the loop about the shady dealings on his platform.

In court, Judge Jones couldn’t find the smoking gun directly tying Zhao to any specific no-nos, so instead of an -month vacation behind bars, Zhao got off with just four months.

Post-Binance, Zhao hasn’t just been kicking back; he’s been hustling, diving into the edu-world with his new startup, Giggle Academy. He’s all about teaching the young ones the ABCs of cryptocurrency, blockchain and other important subjects of life.

4 months for @null is 4 months too long. Many people are posting his “4” picture and having fun with it as if its cool!

The dude doesn’t deserve jail time at all!!!!

Yet, we have scumbaags with huge scams walking free. I dunno man, seems fkkkkd.

Major props to CZ for always pushing the envelope in the crypto universe. Gonna miss his presence these next few months, but we’re sending all the good vibes his way!

, @CZ !!! #FreeCZ 🚀 #giggle #GiggleAcademy