So i have started to do some MEME coins swapping recenlty.

Recently, i have been taking some time off and reading a lot of news, actually i never stopped reading the news since the beginning of last February, and i always passed by news regarding traders making x100 or so..

I was very skeptical about the whole thing.. how can someone make 100x in 1 trade.. i even wrote a post here criticizing those who wrote such posts.

Anyways, so recently i have decided why not try this meme coin swapping, and i have downloaded a decentralized exchange named "phantom" and i have started watching how coins were being minted every minute literally, Thousands of MEME coins being minted every minute, Some had -90% losses in just an hour, others had 30,000% gains !!!!

As a gambler addict, that got me interested.

So, I sold some #DYDX and bought 2 Solana's "Sh!tty coin" and transferred it to my Phantom wallet and i searched for newly listed MEME coin that had a cool name, cool picture, but most importantly some decent 24 Hour volume, and i found a lot actually, so i choose a coin randomly, it's named Degen Kongz

It's address:

Anyways, bought some of it and hoping for the best.

Note that I don't encourage you to do the same, and that i only used 1% of my total portfolio on binance for gains that might never come.

Just remember, never risk what you can't afford to loose.
