Some tips on trading futures: Turn off margin ratio and assets tab on "preferences".

You just trade that makes the most profits. You keep staring at your PNL and total account balance, so desperate to make it go up, you will be emotional and do bad trades.

Just aim to make profit, and avoid loss at all costs. You can still check liquidaiton prices on your positions and the chart itself, margin ratio is also in positions tab so really, these numbers will just irritate you. Before you know, keep trading like a robot and your account will be absolutely loaded.

Also for PNL on chart: Use "Breakeven price" so you are not so stressed on the PNL numbers.

Note that I am not saying you should be ignoring your mistakes and just keep trading at a loss. Using this method to avoid reality doesn't really help. However use this method so you can think more clearly.

TL;DR: Stop staring at your Account Equity, it doesn't do shit.
