To make money in the currency circle, choice is always more important than hard work. Some people stay up the longest night and lose the most money in the most positions‼ ️Some people happily became rich overnight and made tens of millions of dollars 💰

After so many years in the currency circle, as the strongest technical analyst, I can almost understand how the market is going to go with my eyes closed‼ ️

Many members told me that they were so nervous that they couldn’t sleep while watching the market. They couldn’t hold on to any profits and were afraid of losing their positions. After all their hard work, they ended up with zero results. Some people foolishly followed our operations and set a stop loss when entering the market. All old fans know that a stop loss is controlled at about 2% of the principal. Basically, the stop loss is painless and the same as no loss.

However, all of our orders are trend orders. Once you successfully enter the market, you will directly buy one of the entire plummeting trend or the entire rising trend. Basically, you will directly hold the position for a few days and make profits, sleep peacefully, and make money happily.

What I often say to my fans is that if you want to make a lot of money in the currency circle for a long time, then it should be part of your life‼ ️‼ ️Obviously you cannot survive in the currency circle for a long time if you stay up late and worry about doing ultra-short-term and focus on temporary profits‼ ️#Megadrop #bitcoinhalving #bitcoin