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# Renzo (REZ): A Liquid Restaking Protocol

## Introduction

**Renzo** is a **liquid restaking protocol** that aims to provide an easy-to-use interface within the **EigenLayer ecosystem**. Let's dive into the details:

## What Is Renzo (REZ)?

1. **Liquid Restaking Token (LRT)**: Renzo serves as a **Liquid Restaking Token**. It allows users to earn higher yields compared to simply staking ETH. How? By providing an interface to the EigenLayer ecosystem, Renzo secures **Actively Validated Services (AVSs)**.

2. **Higher Yield Than ETH Staking**: Renzo offers a more attractive yield than traditional ETH staking. ETH holders can deposit their ETH or liquid staking tokens (such as Lido's stETH) and receive an equivalent amount of **ezETH tokens**. These ezETH tokens represent rewards earned from decentralized services within the EigenLayer ecosystem.

3. **Automated Restaking Strategy**: Renzo employs smart contracts and operator nodes to automatically identify the best risk-to-reward restaking strategy for users. This ensures optimal returns while minimizing risk.

## REZ: The Governance Token

- **REZ** serves as the **governance token** for the Renzo Protocol. It plays a crucial role in decision-making and protocol upgrades.