

(the Great Fall is coming) Those who are very sensitive, please do not open this message and do not read it, it may harm your fragile optimistic psyche. The rest of you, those who are in the position to realistically accept the truth of life are welcome in the comments. Now to the point...

I am not one of those who say "I told you so" and nevertheless my prediction on the decline is working exactly. I'm still waiting for a BTC test of the $59,000 level and a likely bounce up before the big drop. There is only one point that confuses me. The narrative on the crypto market as a whole is starting to get much more negative than I expected. Regulators from the US are pushing harder, SEC harassment of cryptowallets and the decline in the fear and greed index are just the first bells telling us that Rocket to the Moon is off, and at best we will see a drop to $53000 in the next month and then consolidation in a range for a long time. In the worst case, we will see bloody rivers flowing through the cryptocurrency streets. Optimists will swamp themselves in these rivers, but those who look realistically at the market, know that correction is inevitable, it always was, is and will be between periods of growth. So don't panic friends, get your boats and oars ready to calmly navigate the rivers of blood of optimists...

#BTC #binance #BullorBear $BTC