🙏 Positive scenarios to #NOTCOIN
Tokenomics and Price Prediction of Notcoin:
- Total number of tokens: 102.72 billion (100%)
- Distributed to users at launch: 80.22 billion (78%) 👌😍👀
- Allocated for the development of the Notcoin ecosystem: 22.50 billion (22%)
Current Situation on Getgems:
- NFT (voucher) for $80: Market capitalization of $821.75 million at a price of $0.008 per token.
- NFT (voucher) for $100: Market capitalization of $1.03 billion at a price of $0.01 per token.
Project Capitalization:
Currently ranges from $800 million to
$1 billion:
Listing Scenarios:
- Ideal Scenario: Capitalization of $1 billion at a price of $0.0097 per token. 🚀
- Acceptable Scenario: Capitalization of $500 million at a price of $0.0049 per token.🚀
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