🔒 Q1 2024 saw a surge in cyber attacks, with $824M stolen across 67 incidents. Access control breaches were the main culprit, making up 83% of the total thefts. Big names like Playdapp, Ripple's Chris Larsen, Orbit chain bridge, and Web3 gaming protocol Munchables were among the victims.

🎮 Gaming platforms suffered the most, with token projects, lending protocols, and DAOs also targeted. But it's not all doom and gloom!

🌈 A silver lining: about $444M was recovered or frozen, thanks to proactive steps by project teams and white hat hackers. That's 54% of the stolen funds!

👏 Kudos to the likes of @coffeebabe_eth, who disrupted the Blueberry protocol hack and returned funds.

💬 Hacken's Senior Blockchain Researcher, Edgar Pavlovski, remains optimistic: "More than half of all stolen funds were either returned or frozen. This represents big advancement compared to previous years."

🗣️ What are your thoughts on these security breaches and recoveries? Let's discuss below! #DeFi #Web3 #DAO #Layer2 #CryptoSecurity