In 2025 it will only matter how much you have accumulated in 2023 and maybe early 2024. You will also forget the times when some were long or short on short time frames, and as you well know the money that changes the fate of a generation for your family will be made from investments not trading.

Relative to a short/medium time frame 2 years from now it will not matter what I or anyone else who takes the risk to speak publicly.

The important thing is to listen to everyone and believe no one.

The important thing is to have critical thinking and the ability to synthesize multiple ideas to create a new one to relate to based on how healthy it is for you to approach the financial markets.

My strategy will not work for you and vice versa. We all have different expectations in terms of returns, risk appetite is different, the way we manage risk is different, an amount that is important to me for you may be insignificant or vice versa.

Work on improving your investment mindset, and at some point you will realize that you will learn some skills that will serve you for life.

A retweet would help me and that friend who you think could use the above ideas.🫡


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