When I first discovered Blockchain and started to read about the potential that it has and how much certainly present is going to be a big thing in the near future I wanted to tell everyone about it and I found myself in a situation where I was not even able to explain what it is and what is it applied to.

“Blockchain is the new internet” — I was saying.

Okay, but tell me more about it, sounds interesting

“The internet will be decentralized thanks to this new technology” — I was mentioning next

Well, that was about it that I could explain. Honestly, I could not even guess what it is all about because I was never involved with crypto even for a moment and didn’t read anything about Bitcoin and what it really is.

Learning about what Bitcoin is, can give you a great idea of what is the main goal of Blockchain.

So, what was my next move? How did I continue to get into Blockchain?

Well, I knew I was not interested in trading or suddenly start to learn all about investing in crypto. What I was interested in was that I knew there was a new programming language and that now there is the so-called Blockchain developer. I wanted that.

I wanted to learn to code in Solidity!

So, what were my first steps to get into this new world? How did I finally start to move toward my goal of becoming a Blockchain developer?

I started an online course to learn about what is Bitcoin, what is a Blockchain and how many exist and what is the so-called “DeFi” and what is this all about.

Couldn’t I just jump directly into learning about Solidity?

No, because I needed to understand more of what is this all about, I needed to understand why is it called decentralized and how much truth there is in that.

I started to combine the course with a book I bought called “Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World”.

From the course, I learned what is an Exchange, what is lending and borrowing, what is UniSwap, what are the different types of protocols in blockchain and so much more about how people are nowadays involved with blockchain.

And from the book I learned the potential that Blockchain has in the world. How it can change everything. How the world would look like with a voting system decentralized, with a decentralized system in hospitals, many usabilities, and let me tell you I loved all of it.

But, did I start learning Solidity or not?

Yes, I got to both, learn Solidity from an introductory class in the online course and on my own research.

And then, little by little I started to move my interests and time, more towards Solidity and how to program smart contracts.

And a few months later came Auditing to my life… but that’s for another day.


So, for those enthusiast programmers that want to go all in with Smart Contracts.

Learn first about the history of Money, the history of blockchain and bitcoin, and also how decentralized finance work.