#TrendingTopic #$Subsocial


One big selling point of web3 is self data ownership.

In the web2 world, companies sell your data to advertisers and feed you with ads everywhere you go on their platform.

This is something that web3 has come to correct especially in the use of social media. 

Twitter takes in millions in ads revenue monthly, but what do you get in return for the audience you provided them. Well I will tell you......huge loads of ads if you are not a blue tick user, you can not monetize your contents.

Facebook and TikTok are no exception of these dogma.

But with the application of blockchain, there have been several attempts to steal the market from these web2 platforms that have proven futile.

But let me present to you subsocial, an economy built for creators like you and I to interact and make something meaningful from our contents.

Subsocial currently has a socialfi that is heating up like fire and it is polkaverse. Over 3000 creators are there already and guess what the registration fee is....?

It is free to register, but in other to combat spam on the platform, you have to stake 2000sub tokens which is only $20. These stake tokens also accrue with an APR of 1.35%.

And with that, once you start making meaningful contents and engaging on other's post, you also earn. Yes, you earn from the posts you make, comments you make, post you share, and other liking your posts isn't that fun.

Guess what's more funny, someone has made over $70 last week just sharing technical analysis of Bitcoin in a few lines daily.

Another person has made $50 from posting memes. These are things you do every on twitter without getting rewarded. And now subsocial is giving you an opportunity to earn from them. Be there anon.

Did I forget to mention that there are a never ending pool of contest in the platform, I am currently participating in one now and you can help me win by just liking this post.
