Experience the most advanced, cutting-edge platform for market-making and trading – Avantis. With its innovative margin-based perpetual system, you can easily trade digital currencies, forex, and commodities at your convenience.

Understanding Perpetual Contracts: A Derivative That Allows Trading Without Owning an Asset

Perpetual contracts, also known as "perpetuals," are a unique type of derivative contract that allows traders to speculate on the price of an underlying asset, like cryptocurrencies, without actually owning the asset. What makes them special is they don't have an expiration date and can be held on indefinitely.

The Avantis trading platform was developed with a dual-party focus in mind

  1. Traders
    💪 Trade perpetuals for crypto, forex, and commodities
    💪 Get up to 50x leverage on cryptocurrencies, and 100x on forex and commodities.
    💪Hold custody of your funds (protocol never controls your funds)
    💪 Offer native wallets powered by account abstraction, which combine the best of user safety with the best-in-class DeFi derivatives UX
    💪 Competitive fees on every order, with several incentives for traders who help balance protocol OI (open interest)
    💪 An unparalleled UI / UX experience for all protocol interactions

  2. Liquidity Providers
    👉 Enable anyone to become a market maker
    👉 Traders bet against the trading pool that LPs deposit into
    👉 LPs get access to organic yield from trading activities (trading fee + trader losses), as opposed to yield based on token emissions or endogenous staking mechanisms
    👉 LPs get fine-grained control over their risk preferences via dynamic risk tranches allowing them to express their unique views on the market while being a passive LP

How Avantis Offers the Best Trading Prices

Avantis' trading platform is based on Oracle technology, which provides the most reliable trading prices for all listed assets. Although Avantis is not an exchange, it does not engage in any price discovery within the platform, which benefits users by providing the best possible execution prices

This is not a financial advice. We deliver and write the news through our thorough research. Any investment that you make is beyond your control. We advise you to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH as well.