
Imagine a world where you can:

  • Farm, explore, and build in a charming pixelated universe with friends.

  • Own your creations as unique NFTs, secured by blockchain technology.

  • Earn rewards through gameplay and contribute to the game's economy using a special token called PIXEL.

Beyond the basics:

  • Tokenomics:

    • Total supply: 1 billion PIXEL (capped), currently only a portion is circulating.

    • Token distribution: 30% for gameplay rewards, 20% for team and advisors, 15% for ecosystem growth, 10% for strategic partnerships, 5% for marketing, 20% reserved for future use.

    • Inflationary model: Gradually decreasing inflation for 4 years, then stabilizes.

  • NFT Minting:

    • Use PIXEL to mint unique, in-game NFTs representing characters, land, and items.

    • Trade or showcase your creations on NFT marketplaces.

  • Play-to-Earn Mechanics:

    • Earn PIXEL through various gameplay activities like farming, completing quests, and participating in events.

    • Stake your PIXEL to earn additional rewards and contribute to the network's security.

  • Governance:

    • PIXEL holders will have voting rights on future game developments and proposals.

    • Active participation shapes the game's direction and community governance.

  • Interoperability:

    • PIXEL is built on the Ronin sidechain, compatible with Axie Infinity and other Ronin-based games.

    • Use your PIXEL across supported games, expanding its utility and value.

Current Developments:

  • Binance Launch: Scheduled for February 19th, 2024, increasing accessibility and liquidity for PIXEL.

  • Chapter Two Release: Planned for later in 2024, introducing new gameplay features, pets, and potential token burn mechanisms.

  • Expanding Partnerships: Actively building collaborations with other projects in the web3 gaming space.


  • Cryptocurrency investments are inherently risky. Conduct thorough research and understand the project's fundamentals before investing.

  • Market trends can be volatile. Stay informed about PIXEL's development and market performance.

  • Enjoy the experience! Pixels is a unique and evolving project. Explore its potential with a responsible and mindful approach.

Join the pixelated adventure! Stay tuned to Pixels and Binance for updates and discover if PIXEL aligns with your gaming and crypto goals.

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Please do your own research before making any investment decisions

#PIXEL #NFTgame #TrendingTopic