Leverage trading is IMO not a good idea due to high volatility, ESPECIALLY not for beginners. Leverage trading is always very risky and can lead to you losing your entire investment if there is a huge price change in the crypto market (which happens considerably often). My advice: Don't get too greedy for high returns, and if you're in there to "get rich quick" better stay out of crypto. If you are just in there to invest for better rates than typical banks and investment funds might offer to you, aim for a diversified strategy of trading (buy cryptos from different unrelated blockchains and DCA), staking, liquidity farming, participating on defi loan platforms and similar. Always do thorough research into the blockchains and platforms you are using, stay away from dubious airdrops (especially those that ask you for wallet passphrases or sign some transaction you don't understand). And again, ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

I got side-tracked a bit, but my point is: No, don't start by leverage trading, but diversify your investment portfolio and NEVER invest more than what you can afford to loose.

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