According to Odaily, Bankless founder David Hoffman recently stated on X that the rollup-centric roadmap is 'complete' to some extent, citing progress such as the launch of 4844, DA, and cheaper L2 solutions. He emphasized that the primary focus should now shift to optimizing L1. In response, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin expressed a different perspective, suggesting that it is not a matter of prioritization. He noted that the next step for DA is peerdas, and the individuals working on this are largely separate from those improving SSF or EVM execution. Buterin believes it is premature to declare the rollup-centric roadmap as complete, pointing out that current usage is only 1.3 times the peak for full blob data (21600 blobs/day). He stressed the need to initiate peerdas and begin secure scaling while continuing L1 improvements.

Hoffman further argued that increasing L1 block times would also increase blobspace supply, suggesting that focusing on L1 and L2 simultaneously is synergistic, whereas focusing solely on DA benefits only L2. Buterin clarified that if slot times are reduced without altering other variables, the answer is affirmative. However, both limits are determined by bandwidth constraints. He generally views bandwidth and latency as independent issues and believes reducing L1 slot times is worth discussing, though it must be done cautiously to avoid negatively impacting independent and geographically dispersed stakers.