According to CoinDesk, Telegram has significantly changed its approach to moderating illegal content on its platform following the arrest of CEO Pavel Durov in France. Durov was detained for allegedly failing to control law-breaking activities on the messaging app. In response, Telegram has extended its moderation capabilities to include private chats, allowing users to flag illegal content for review. This marks a departure from the app's previous policy, which treated private groups as off-limits for moderation.

The policy shift, quietly updated on Telegram's FAQ page, could alter the app's reputation as a haven for illegal activities, a claim made by French authorities. Last month, Durov was arrested in France for allegedly permitting criminal activities to proliferate on the platform. Although Durov has dismissed the charges as baseless, he is required to stay in France until his trial.

In a Telegram post earlier on Thursday, Durov acknowledged that the app's rapid growth had inadvertently made it easier for criminals to exploit the platform. He assured users that changes would be implemented to prevent such abuses. Durov emphasized his commitment to safeguarding the platform for its over 950 million users, stating that he is still trying to understand the situation in France but is attentive to the concerns raised.