According to Odaily, Bitwise's Chief Compliance Officer, Katherine Dowling, has shared her views on the future of Solana ETFs. In an interview with Bloomberg, she suggested that the approval of some new products might have to wait until the new chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) takes office. However, she emphasized that this is a positive dialogue.

Nate Geraci, the President of ETF Store, revealed Dowling's comments on the X platform. The discussion around Solana ETFs comes at a time when the crypto market is seeing significant growth and the demand for such products is increasing. The approval of these new products by the SEC could potentially open up new opportunities for investors.

However, the approval process might be delayed until the new SEC chair takes office. Despite this, Dowling's comments suggest a positive outlook for the future of Solana ETFs. The ongoing dialogue between the crypto industry and regulatory bodies like the SEC is a positive sign for the future of crypto ETFs.

In conclusion, while the approval of new crypto ETFs like Solana might be delayed, the ongoing discussions suggest a positive future for these products. The crypto industry awaits the new SEC chair's decisions with anticipation, hoping for a favorable outcome.